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500 Irish priests 'having regular sex with women

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posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 04:45 PM
500 Irish priests 'having regular sex with women
500 Irish priests 'having regular sex with women'

By Tom Peterkin, Ireland Correspondent Last Updated: 12:51AM GMT 22 Jan 2006

At least 500 women in Ireland are conducting clandestine affairs with Roman Catholic priests, according to the leader of a support group set up to look after those in forbidden relationships.

An indication of the extent of illicit sexual relationships within the church was given after it was disclosed that Fr Maurice "Mossy" Dillane, 73, had fathered a child with his 31-year-old girlfriend.

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Bishop Pat Buckley said an extremely conservative estimate was that one in 10 of the 5,000 Catholic priests in Ireland enjoyed regular sex with women and some even referred to their clerical collar as the "bird catcher". Studies had shown that 80 per cent of priests had broken their vows of celibacy on at least one occasion, he said.

Bishop Buckley runs the Bethany organisation in Larne, Co Antrim, which he set up to provide support to those in love affairs with the clergy. Described as Ireland's rebel bishop, Bishop Buckley was sidelined by the Catholic church in the mid-1980s when he pursued his own ministry for those who felt alienated by the traditional church.

When the statistics were widened to take in practising homosexuals, Bishop Buckley said up to 40 per cent of the Catholic clergy in Ireland were sexually active. Counselling sessions organised by Bethany have disclosed that several women were unwittingly having sex with the same priest.

He claimed the church's hierarchy was prepared to turn a blind eye to sexual indiscretion because it was so widespread. "Bishops are caught between Rome and the priests and, of course, some of the bishops are in the same position (i.e. having relationships)," he said. "From the top down it is hypocritical. We are preaching compulsory celibacy, but very few are living it."

He said he had met 147 women who had joined Bethany in order to share their stories of adultery and priestly promiscuity. Romances between an understanding man of God and an unloved wife were commonplace, as were priests and their housekeepers secretly living together as man and wife while relationships between priests and nuns were unofficially known as the "third way" by the church.

Bishop Buckley said Fr Dillane and the mother of his child had nothing to be ashamed of and urged them to come out of the safe houses where they have been hiding since news of their relationship swept through Ireland.

The case of Fr Dillane, a sociable and charismatic priest from Co Galway, has been greeted with a tolerance that was absent 14-years ago when Bishop Eamon Casey, the Bishop of Galway, was disclosed as the father of a teenage son by an American divorcee, Annie Murphy. He was forced to apologise when it emerged that he had siphoned £70,000 from the diocese for their upkeep.

Bishop Buckley has been a long-standing campaigner against compulsory celibacy and points to a recent Irish survey suggesting that 90 per cent of the population thought clergy should be allowed to marry. He also believes that enforced celibacy is an unnatural state that could be to blame for the sexual deviancy that led to the child abuse scandal that erupted in Ireland last year.

"Some priests are in the Jack the lad mould and have several relationships in various parishes. I have heard priests refer to their clerical collar as the bird catcher," Bishop Buckley said. The Roman Catholic Church in Ireland declined to comment on Bishop Buckley's claims.

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 05:04 PM
So what's your point? or is it just to have something bad to say about the Catholic church? I think maybe it is, Are you here just to bash the Catholics or the Irish? both?

It seems to me you have a really big problem yourself orangeman , Have you something to say about Celtic FC too?

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 05:18 PM

Originally posted by freemindmine
So what's your point? or is it just to have something bad to say about the Catholic church? I think maybe it is, Are you here just to bash the Catholics or the Irish? both?

It seems to me you have a really big problem yourself orangeman , Have you something to say about Celtic FC too?

Cant remember saying anything about Catholics i feel sorry for the ones that have been beaten, abused and left scarred. Nothing against the Irish being half Irish myself thats why im showing the plight of these poor Irish People let down by their Church and Goverment.

As for Celtic since you asked what you mean the abuse at the boys club?

[edit on 26-7-2009 by orangeman dave]

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 05:39 PM

Originally posted by orangeman dave

Originally posted by freemindmine
So what's your point? or is it just to have something bad to say about the Catholic church? I think maybe it is, Are you here just to bash the Catholics or the Irish? both?

It seems to me you have a really big problem yourself orangeman , Have you something to say about Celtic FC too?

Cant remember saying anything about Catholics i feel sorry for the ones that have been beaten, abused and left scarred. Nothing against the Irish being half Irish myself thats why im showing the plight of these poor Irish People let down by their Church and Goverment.

As for Celtic since you asked what you mean the abuse at the boys club?

No, I never meant the boys club, but that can be your next thread! It will go together with your other threads.

My Favourite one by you, 55 reply' s- 50 of them by you!

You see my point ATS?

[edit on 26-7-2009 by orangeman dave]

[edit on 26/7/09 by freemindmine]

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 05:40 PM
What discusting and heretical behaviour. They should all be excommunicated, going against their oath/vow.

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 05:43 PM
Encore - more of this please - the total hypocrisy of all religions should be posted on every wall, and billboard, newstand, television until the reality of the situation dawns on those who are subjugated by this parasitic infection of the mind.

Give them your money - and they will ensure your place in heaven .. mainly because the room they thought reserved for themselves will be vacant.

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 05:45 PM
reply to post by fapython

You are saying it's wrong for a man to have sex with a woman?

Wow, that's kind of backwards now isn't it?

The whole problem with the Catholic church is that it doesn't allow it's priests to have a family, to enjoy themselves, and pass on their values to their kin.

This is why Catholism is dying out. Who are the carriers of that history? Of what this religion represents? The people? No, obviously not since most only show up so they can say they are good Christians.

But it's the Priests who carry on the tradition year after year, doesn't it make sense they would do the same for their children? So backwards the world is today.

Thesemen acted human, as opposed to acting like a machine, which in my mind, if I were a part of such a religion, I would want the priest to be just as "imperfect" as I am.

In any case, this isn't news, it's just people doing what comes most natural, screwing.

All the power to them.


posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 05:49 PM
Well, better with women that with children, don't you think?

As long as it's truly consensual - that the priest isn't abusing his apparent power or authority over the woman - I have no serious problem with that. I think it would be in the Church's interest to amend their rules for priesthood, to allow them to marry. it would reduce the amount of illicit sex or sex outside the Church's laws.

The whole celibacy thing, though based on what Paul said (better to marry than to burn), has to do with property. A celibate priest (or one supposed to be celibate) couldn't leave his property to his children. So the Church got it. Simple as that.

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 05:52 PM
reply to post by tothetenthpower

Respectfully, Catholicism isn't dying out. There are roughly a billion Catholics now. They're not going away any time soon.

What is dying out is the priesthood and the convents. Men and women are no longer so willing to give up sex completely. Women in particular aren't eager to join the Church, enter a convent, and essentially provide slave labor for the Church and priests.

But as the clergy fades out, the Church will adapt.

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 05:59 PM
I can't resist saying: " Luck of the Irish"

They've taken their own faith on this issue and used their own natural free will. It's the Church itself that's hypocritical. Charging large sums of money for special prayers?

Making people believe that the arch angels are protecting the church?

Some people just want to have faith in something that doesn't seem entirely hopeless and turn a blind eye to human nature as to not be judged themselves. Church is like a social club and people enjoy belonging to something.

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 06:04 PM

Originally posted by orangeman dave
500 Irish priests 'having regular sex with women
Now THERE'S a "Girls Gone Wild" tape I don't need to see...

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 06:08 PM

Originally posted by freemindmine
So what's your point? or is it just to have something bad to say about the Catholic church? I think maybe it is, Are you here just to bash the Catholics or the Irish? both?

It seems to me you have a really big problem yourself orangeman , Have you something to say about Celtic FC too?

Tut tut! What's with this useless bashing? What is your damage, freemindmine? He simply posted an article. Your post, on the other hand, is fiction!

I am irish, living here, and have been to Catholic churches etc. there is a lot of diversity in the catholic priesthood here, from what I see. Everything from hip young men in their twenties, to closeted, self-hating homosexuals and disgraceful paedophiles. Some good, some bad, but mostly ugly! This was a frightful read, at any rate...

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 06:18 PM
reply to post by VergeofObscene

All I m saying is all his threads are about the same thing, I' m not bashing anyone and never do, my point was (which you missed) is he seem to be the one bashing, I guess when I seen he's name "orangeman dave" and his threads before, i just wondered if he was looking for things like this to post about?

I too am Irish and living in Scotland and have been to Catholic churches etc. what did I say that was fiction?

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 07:03 PM
Can anyone tell me what the supposed reason is for a celibate priesthood? I understand the concept of the Church wanting to gain the priest's property at the time of their death, but is there any other reason?

Anyone know the history beyond this decision and why it was made? I thought that I had read somewhere that celibacy wasn't always the rule for priests, going back several hundred years ago, etc.

It does seem odd - Once you become a priest, that's the end of your ancestral line. You're it. And all the knowledge you gain as a priest - Gone when you die, and never passed on to your heirs.

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 07:11 PM
reply to post by freemindmine

My apologies...I assumed you were bashing on him because you disliked the article. I don't know anything about orangeman, so I can't comment on him...

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 08:31 PM
JOHN XII (956-64)......It is said his profaneness and debaucheries knew no boundaries. During his reign female pilgrims dared not present themselves in Rome. He eventually died from a blow to the head when a husband found the pope in bed with his wife.

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 08:38 PM
Most of the stories written about John XII were written by his enemies after he died. Modern scholars don't give much credence to these allegations as a result.

Nevertheless, I still would like to know the origin, reasoning for, and history of the celibacy rule. Anyone?

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 09:04 PM

Originally posted by freemindmine
So what's your point? or is it just to have something bad to say about the Catholic church?

Yeah, that's pretty much it. Orangeman Dave is the sort of anti-Catholic who would go crazy trying to decide who to root against if the Cardinals played the Padres in the World Series. If he stubs his toe in the morning it's a Jesuit conspiracy. If it's raining out it's due to the Vatican Weather Control Machine.

Out of his last 20 threads, 15 are explicitly anti-Catholic and the other 5 may be but I didn't feel like reading them.

He's a one trick pony.


posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 03:13 AM

Originally posted by EricD

Originally posted by freemindmine
So what's your point? or is it just to have something bad to say about the Catholic church?

Yeah, that's pretty much it. Orangeman Dave is the sort of anti-Catholic who would go crazy trying to decide who to root against if the Cardinals played the Padres in the World Series. If he stubs his toe in the morning it's a Jesuit conspiracy. If it's raining out it's due to the Vatican Weather Control Machine.

Out of his last 20 threads, 15 are explicitly anti-Catholic and the other 5 may be but I didn't feel like reading them.

He's a one trick pony.

Anti crimes against humanity if you care to read my posts are quotes from articles explaining what's going on so if you think they are anti-catholic take that up with the newspapers, officials and Catholics that are speaking out.

What a fool you are anyone that posts about abuse and states facts gets called anti catholic, Will i just stop posting these heinous crimes to suit you you must have a hidden agenda your Church taking a bashing or what??


posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 03:22 AM
reply to post by orangeman dave

So what exactly is the point of this thread?

They are having "regular sex" with women. How does this fit into your regular anti catholic threads? Are you mad they are having sex with women or do you just like picking at something you don't even believe in?

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