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NASA STS127 transmission 23.50 GMT 24th July, 2009.

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posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 07:07 PM
reply to post by smurfy


This has been observed.

The 'donut' shapes, fade in and out.

However, the large ring feature is far more distinctly visible.


posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 07:59 PM
reply to post by Sol12
Hi Sol,
I agree the big ring is prominent, but I am just trying to reason its prescence along with everything else that is going on, take the video clip you posted of 21 seconds, once it is loaded you can scroll back and forth and it is clear that the ISS is making a manouevre.When the ISS does that is usually when it has company,but is also doing that for a reason beneficial to itself,usually to boost its orbit.

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 08:10 PM
reply to post by Sol12

Sol12, I can promise you nothing is further from my mind than to have a go at you so PLEASE do not take this personally, i realise you genuinely thought this might be something so i don't wish for you to feel like this is aimed at you BUT

All you "UFOers" listen up -

Using this blatant type of material to raise questions or even worse, to claim as footage of something unknown is doing nothing but destroying your cause.

Do i believe there is life on other planets. Yes, no doubt whatsoever. Statistically its damned near impossible for there to not be.

Do i believe there is intelligent life on other planets, i'd suggest it was probable.

Has this intelligent life visited Earth? Can't rule it out but i would be cautious about saying more.

Is there a government conspiracy to keep this a secret from you: No. Absolutely not.

Nobody has provided any proof of this, posts such as the above destroy claims of anything that might be somewhat unusual.

I'm sorry conspiracy people but you lot really need to sort your act out.

No wonder the world thinks of conspiracy theorists as nuts, this type of thing (and again to the OP, i really do mean i'm not having a dig at you) is continiously being churned out and is beyond ridiculous.

If you people believe this baloney then get yourselves organised and present a case. Or give up.

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 08:21 PM

Originally posted by franspeakfree
Very interesting, although I can't say for certain what we see here is a UFO (unidentified flyling object) I can say for 100% certain and can prove that NASA are not to be trusted one IOTA.

Really. So care to explain why and supply proof rather than making such a meaningless throwaway comment?

Originally posted by franspeakfree
These videos come on to this site and straight away we hear LENS FLARE, PARALLAX, ICE CRYSTALS, I don't know about you but its getting a wee bit monotonous. Can we just agree that we humans might not be the be all and end all of the whole universe? or am I being ignorant

I can agree that humans most certainly are NOT the "be all and end all of the whole universe". For starters there are millions of other species on this planet alone. Lord knows what else, elsewhere.

As for it being monotonous, how do you think the rest of us feel every time we see the same old trite images flashed around and being jumped all over by the OTT brigade?

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 08:30 PM
reply to post by phoenix103


All I do here, is post footage, and ask if anyone
can reasonably explain.

No big assumptions, no need to make a case.

Please take your personal frustrations elsewhere.

You want to engage "All you UFOers"?

Start a thread.

Stay on topic.


posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 08:35 PM
reply to post by smurfy


Surely someone should know then,
what exactly, causes the ring shape to appear?


posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 09:33 PM

Originally posted by franspeakfree
These videos come on to this site and straight away we hear LENS FLARE, PARALLAX, ICE CRYSTALS, I don't know about you but its getting a wee bit monotonous. Can we just agree that we humans might not be the be all and end all of the whole universe? or am I being ignorant

As point of fact, the arguments you are making are ignorant.

You close out with a straw man argument; you are attempting to cast any debunking as a claim that we are alone in the universe. This is not the case; no one is arguing we are alone in the universe or even that intelligent life is not visiting the planet. They are simply and only explaining something that appears mysterious in prosaic terms. That is not synonymous with a claim, as you put it, that humans are the "be all and end all of the whole universe".

You open with an appeal to ridicule. You cast the explanations as invalid because you claim they have been used to often and because of the speed at which people are able to provide these explanations. This thinking is absurd. First, every reasonable and rational person must acknowledge that what at first may appear mysterious may have a prosaic explanation. Second, an explanation is never invalid simply because it has been used an arbitrary number of times. For example, if the wind banged your window shutters nine times, you would not suddenly ascribe it to ghosts on the tenth just because you already used the wind as an explanation already.

And by the by, the second video you posted (not commenting on the first, as I do not have 2 hours to commit to watching a Google video at the moment) is laughably bad. Speculation cast as fact, special pleading and out of context quotes. Horrible.

[edit on 26-7-2009 by DoomsdayRex]

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 10:49 PM
reply to post by Sol12

Don't mistake my attempt to say what I have politely as some form of weakness.

You have posted the common and usual ludicrous rubbish with some expectation or hope that it is some unknown object.

My comments are relevant within the context of this thread, so no, I will not take them elsewhere.

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 08:18 AM
reply to post by phoenix103



I'm really not interested at all in your personal issues.

Your remarks are entirely off-topic.

I'd say your remarks are indeed rather ad hominem.

From Webster's dictionary,

Ad hominem:

1 : appealing to feelings or prejudices rather than intellect.

2 : marked by or being an attack on an opponent's character rather
than by an answer to the contentions made.


The only subject of this thread is NASA STS127 transmission
23.50 GMT 24th July, 2009.

All you blatantly display here is that,
like the rest of us,
you seem to have NO idea what we are looking at.

Thereby you confirm the validity of my OP.


There are two easy ways to make this thread die:

- Simply provide a logical and reasonable explanation.

- Simply ignore this 'ludicrous' thread, like a "pro".



You are unable to provide a feasible explanation.

You are not ignoring the thread, instead bumping it.


Put your money where your mouth is and shut up.

Thank you.

You want to debate your issues?

Start a thread, and I may join you there.


posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 09:32 AM
Those are clearly lens flares...

You can see it when you speed up the video.

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 11:40 AM
Have you ever seen the "eye" in your bathtub drain? These are lens flares, optical illusions in all probablilty.

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 09:02 PM

So, not anyone able to explain what is the ring feature?

Or what inside of the ISS, would be causing a reflection like this,
and why it would appear to move as it does?

What causes the shadow at 00.24,
and what causes the large shadows to appear
right at the end of the 'hello nasa' video?


Update concerning the footage.


Streetcap, the youtube uploader,
was kind to provide some clarification
about the time the footage was recorded.

The point being that the ring shaped feature
was visible twice that evening,
with an interval of approximately 3 hours.

The first time it appeared at
23.50 GMT 24th July, 2009.

The second time it appeared at
03.01 GMT 25th July, 2009.







posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 09:09 PM
In response to:



Could be a frisbee?



posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 02:23 AM

Originally posted by Sol12

So, not anyone able to explain what is the ring feature?

Or what inside of the ISS, would be causing a reflection like this,
and why it would appear to move as it does?

What causes the shadow at 00.24,
and what causes the large shadows to appear
right at the end of the 'hello nasa' video?


Update concerning the footage.


Streetcap, the youtube uploader,
was kind to provide some clarification
about the time the footage was recorded.

The point being that the ring shaped feature
was visible twice that evening,
with an interval of approximately 3 hours.

The first time it appeared at
23.50 GMT 24th July, 2009.

The second time it appeared at
03.01 GMT 25th July, 2009.

The ring feature is a large lens flare... the space shuttle is obviosly moving so the angle that the light reflect off the glass changes.

This causes the flare to move, the shadows are caused by the difference in the angle the light hits the craft... the lens flares and the shadows show that the light is coming from the same side.

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 01:08 PM

Fair enough, halfmanhalfamazing.

I am not saying it isn't 'flare'.

Just so far, I am not convinced.

There are quite a few issues here that
would need to be explained.


Just saying it is 'flare', is like saying it is ETs?

It is only speculation.

For the time being, this large ring shape remains unidentified.

The small donut shapes fading in/out are caused by lens
aperture? Some additional vague reflections appear to
be visible at times.

What then, is causing the 'solid' huge ring?

I am willing to believe that we have a 'flare',
it just does not look like one.

Pointing out to the mechanisms of 'flare' is helpful,
but you would have to correlate it somehow to what
we see in this video.

Flares do not 'just' appear in this particular shape.

If you propose it is a reflection,
you would have to explain that.

There must be a light source,
and there must be an object causing the 'flare' or reflection.

You would need to explain the movement,
causing the shape to dis/appear as it does.

The fact that both the 'donuts' and the 'ring' move,
does not necessarily mean they have the same/similar cause.

It only means their visibility is effected by the same
movement of the ISS.

There is no indication that the camera is being moved.


And yes, the ISS is moving.

Quite dramatically, when viewing the sudden appearance
of some large shadows, right at the end of the footage.
(Check right at the end of the 'hello NASA' video).

So what was going on?

The crew was scheduled to have rest after a long days
of space-walking, while this was being transmitted.

So, why all the activity?

Is the ISS permanently spinning like this?

Are parts of the ISS used to being moved swiftly, like this?


NASA STS-127 Report #19 Friday, July 24, 2009 - 7 p.m. CDT

"The station crew is scheduled to begin its sleep
period about 7 p.m., followed 30 minutes by the shuttle
crew. Mission Control's musical wake up is scheduled
for 3:33 a.m. Saturday."

NASA STS-127 Report #20 Saturday, July 25, 2009 - 5:00 a.m. CDT

"HOUSTON - The combined crew of space shuttle Endeavour
and the International Space Station will enjoy a day
off to rest up after a challenging first half of the
STS-127 assembly mission."

"The song "In Your Eyes," by Peter Gabriel, was played
as a wake-up call for the crew at 4:46 a.m. CDT. It was
selected for Tom Marshburn, who completed his second
spacewalk on Friday with Chris Cassidy."


Most watching this video agree that the large ring
shape is highly unusual, and has not been seen before.
Regardless what we have here.

Is there not anyone knowledgeable around here,
who could point out to similar NASA footage?

Could anyone provide an image/video from the ISS
where one can see a similar ring shape appear?

Maybe someone could point out to the kind of object
in the ISS, that may be responsible for casting shapes
like this ring?

What kind of camera/lens is known to produce
huge ring-like artifacts like this?


Is a 'flare' capable to cast shadows, outside on the ISS?

Look at the shadow appearing and disappearing at around
0:24 in the 'hello nasa' video, on the ISS,
indicated by the circled area below,
At around 0:49 it is gone.



posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 06:01 PM

Originally posted by Sol12

" Mission Control's musical wake up is scheduled
for 3:33 a.m. Saturday."

Why not 3.34?


posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 03:50 PM


Press release from WashingWood, July 29th 2009:


((( "We Are Not Alone" )))



Now, can we continue our investigation?


posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 07:49 PM

Ok folks.

The ring has been identified.

It originates from Alpha Centauri.

It is a signal jamming device.



As a result of the current financial crisis,
it came to light that NASA/ISS are overdue
paying the monthly fees for receiving connectivity
to the Inter Stellar Web.

The fees are overdue since 1947.

The Alpha Centaurians are smart business ETs,
as the monthly fee is multiplied by the number
of the population on Earth.

As the fees are overdue more than half a century,
(earthian) the current population figure, and current
monthly fee is calculated for each year,
in accordance with intergalactic trade agreements.

That adds up to: x 62 years x $29.50/month.

= $10.947.000.000.000,-

The Alpha Centaurians say it is a bargain.




posted on Jul, 31 2009 @ 06:14 PM
reply to post by phoenix103

Here we go again and again.
Some new member comes to the table with some data and wants to discuss it.
AND you show up like the friggin US Calvary at the Little Bighorn.

posted on Jul, 31 2009 @ 07:00 PM
Lens flare. Internal camera reflections.
Here's one from Apollo 12.

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