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Alien Activity in the UK- Why?

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posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 02:45 PM
In the UK, the massive upsurge in mysterious alien-related phenomena is becoming more and more apparent, as crop circles are popping up every other day, lights are being spotted all over the country and things appear to be building up to something…
Some of the most common threads now on ATS involve “Lights over [insert UK region here]”, and it seems as if these are going to increase as time goes on. Sightings threads with photos and/or video were once an occasional treat (or obvious hoax), yet these threads are appearing extremely regularly, often with very convincing evidence, and even multiple witnesses! See:

There are many more incidents, all over the UK. Most of these sightings involve orange “orb” craft, and just checking any site with UK reports will contain descriptions like:

The third report comes from an reader in Somerset, who saw a UFO along with his wife, and a friend. They saw a bright, orange object move over Glastonbury Tor. Our last report comes from a man who saw a number of unknown objects. He states that an orange object morphed into a white object.

These objects had a reddy/orange pulse of light and where silent as they crossed the starry night sky, my estimate is that they where traveling around 70-80mph, flying in a triangle formation heading towards Broughton Cranford or Warkton They were traveling about the same height as a light aircraft.

As these sightings begin to convert sceptics into believers, and as acceptance of alien existence begins to seep into mainstream culture, it seems as if the authorities are picking up on this. Perhaps the government-endorsed ("supported by the police") staged abduction at a UK primary school was more than an imagination-boosting exercise...

The 370 children at Southway Junior School, in Burgess Hill, west Sussex, saw a 'spaceship' crash near their school and then aliens grabbed a member of staff as part of the performance. The 'alien invasion' show, which was supported by Sussex Police, took place without parents being informed, leaving some furious that they had to comfort their terrified children.

Why would the parents not be told? If not for the aspect of fun alone that such an exercise would bring? Perhaps this exercise was a test; to test a method of desensitization on a population where sightings of alien craft are becoming a daily occurrence? Perhaps the government has picked up on increasing activity, and are doing their bit to prepare us for the climax of this activity, whatever it may be.

If this upsurge in activity is the idea of preparation being played out by some alien force, let's look at the ways that they may have done this. The crop circle series that is cropping
up in and around Wiltshire has been allocated a plethora of strange and obscure interpretations, one of which appears to have unfolded in real life:
Interpretations involving solar activity on July 4th

Significant solar activity occurs on the specified date

Normally, the average ATSer would shrug this off as mere coincidence, yet it seems awfully strange that this cryptic deciphered code would predict some of the first notable solar activity on the said date. The way that the crop circle has "predicted" an occurrence in a beautiful image is letting those who listen to the messages link these supernatural events with positivity and beauty, eradicating feelings of fear and foreboding, perhaps panic, that a spelt-out-in-english crop circle could invoke.

So what is this all leading to?

[edit on 26-7-2009 by harryallard]


posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 02:50 PM
I don't believe alien activity has increased at all in the UK.

Yes we have tons of crop circles popping up all over the place, but these have never been proved to be alien.

Most of the ufo sightings recently have been lanterns, or what appear to be lanterns.

I think theres an increase in people shouting ufo at the slightest thing in the sky...or field.

I'm not a sceptic either, i believe theres something more out there for sure, i just don't believe any of the crop circles or half the supposed sightings.


posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 02:54 PM
Perhaps other crop circles hold the answer...
What do they mean?
Although cliché, it could be that we will see the climax of this activity in 2012, as shown by complex interpretations in the above link. If this is correct, why is it the UK being told? Are other countries being communicated with, yet keeping it secret? Perhaps taking it more seriously?
In this thread I would like to discuss this; why the UK may be the exclusive subject of extraterrestrial contact, or, if not, why we aren't hearing as much from other countries?
Sceptics are all obviously welcome, to argue against the crop circles and whatever meanings there may be behind this all.

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 02:55 PM
Maybe the Americans gave the UK some black project technology? I dont believe we are being visited by aliens,to me it is military black projects that are flying around the UK.

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 03:10 PM
Thanks for the replies, it's good to see varied views already.

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 03:18 PM
reply to post by harryallard

This is just pure speculation on my part, but could somebody over there be operating a beacon? Some kind of signal bot?

It has been rumored that someone was operating a beacon in the US in 2007. But just a rumor perhaps.

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 03:29 PM
Well my entire post was pretty much speculation, so why not

What do you mean by a beacon though?

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 03:31 PM

Originally posted by Solomons
Maybe the Americans gave the UK some black project technology? I dont believe we are being visited by aliens,to me it is military black projects that are flying around the UK.

You could possibly be right on this being military---but I personally have seen 4 ufos within the past few weeks here in North Yorkshire.
Up to then, I have never seen anything, despite being a regular sky-watcher.
Harrogate is certainly hotting up on ufo sightings, whatever they are !


posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 03:32 PM
Just wanted to say thanks for the thread Harry
I didn't mean to sound completeley negative in my post, and i look forward to the replies to your thread too.

I've just been getting quite a niggling feeling about a website that instantly has the best pictures of the latest crop circles.....and at the top of the website are a load of adverts for circle tours and crop circle merchandise.

Plus in the latest crop circle report it says the farmer states that no-one has access to his field, yet the tours somehow promise that you can walk on or meditate on the freshly made circles.

Boy those highly protective farmers are suddenly being very co-operative.

My theory is that somewhere theres some very artistic people making lots of money from thier artwork, and the funds are being nicely split between the farmers (art hosts), the crop circle tours and the merchandise sellers.

The crop circle tours alone would be enough to share out a nice sum of money to whoever is responsible for this. Go take a look at the prices.

Just too many popping up for my liking.

It's the standard of them too. They are great, but ALL of them are great lately. Theres no inconsistancy in the quality, which for me just says that the artists are gradually getting better and better, and have now mastered complex designs.

Maybe i'm wrong, i hope i am.....but one thing ATS has taught me since i've been here is to ask the question....."Who benefits?".


posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 03:52 PM
Star for you there CX

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 03:53 PM
I just can't see the UK experimenting with black projects on UK soil. I believe that maybe the UK will be the first country to discose alien presence, but at what cost?

As regards to the crop circles? still on the fence with that one.

Edit: Just to add the UK without a shadow of any doubt does not have any exclusivity to EBE one iota. China, Russia,Germany,France, Italy,spain and of course USA have all had contact in one way or another according to various sources, whether its artifacts,actual contact,signals, radar e.t.c,

The UK government have been sitting by the side of the USA like little lapdogs for a while now, however, now that the USA is having problems of its own maybe the UK is branching off and the EU is a safer bet by embarassing the US by disclosing ebe presence before them.

[edit on 26-7-2009 by franspeakfree]

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 04:02 PM
Give them retched intergallactic hoodlums all ASBO's.

I have seen quite a lot of high speed lights around here of a night tbh. All moving in crazy directions, this does seem to be building up to something though. There's no way back from all of these sightings, can you imagine coming on ATS and not seeing the usual Lights in Doncaster/Sheffield/Liverpool etc.....

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 04:04 PM
reply to post by CX

I always look at these things like "Why did they decide to go in to a field and make their design" , "What made them think of that design in the first place",

Sometimes we do things without thinking in our life, unknown to us at that time what the effects are going to be until later on. Yes these crop circles could be man made but what if the people making them suddenly have an impulse to make them? The question is where does the impulse come from?

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 04:10 PM
I met a woman once who could see UFO's almost at will. She was much lauded at the local UFO meets. I asked her why I didn't see the UFO's in her presence she told me that I wasn't open to the idea or if I was then I wasn't ready?

There is only an increase nay a concentrated presence in your own belief system at the moment. Trust me it will pass and you'll look back in a few years and smile at your innocence at believing all this hype. I did

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 04:20 PM
I doubt it, I expect I'll be a fully-fledged tinfoil hatter before I'm 20

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 04:25 PM

Originally posted by franspeakfree
reply to post by CX

I always look at these things like "Why did they decide to go in to a field and make their design" , "What made them think of that design in the first place",

Sometimes we do things without thinking in our life, unknown to us at that time what the effects are going to be until later on. Yes these crop circles could be man made but what if the people making them suddenly have an impulse to make them? The question is where does the impulse come from?

Ah, good thinking! Manmade or not, the crop circles are certainly a phenomenon, and one that shouldn't be overlooked! As Einstein once so aptly said, ''condemnation before investigation is the height of ignorance.''


posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 04:30 PM

Originally posted by harryallard
Star for you there CX

Thank you, i've starred and flagged this thread btw, i do think it is a very worthwhile topic despite my apparent scepticism.

I think that if these were alien related, the government would be all over them like a rash and the general public would not get a look in.

Look at every other alleged landing story in history, the government has either been allegedly involved or has responded to the incidents with great secrecy. Public haven't been allowed near the sites.

So do you think that if there was even a hint of E.T involvement with crop circles, the first people to get to walk all over them would be the public on paid tours?

Also, why does everone always talk as if the US might have given the UK black project technology?

Could it not be the case that the UK has enough black project technology of it's own, and maybe we just keep the whole "advanced technology and aliens" thing a better secret than the US does?

They do say it's the quiet ones you have to watch out for.


[edit on 26/7/09 by CX]

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 04:44 PM

Originally posted by CX
Most of the ufo sightings recently have been lanterns, or what appear to be lanterns.

Sorry, I have to speak out about this person's post because it's just blatantly wrong. As a resident of Birmingham; as someone who keeps up with the subject, and as someone who has had a very close encounter with the UFOs that are sometimes mistaken for Chinese Lanterns, I can confirm with absolute certainty that the original poster is correct in saying that there seems to be a surge in UFO sightings across The Brisitsh Isles, especially in England and Scotland.

I've said it before and I will keep saying it, whether you want to hear it or not, it's fact: a certain percentage of the sightings in England are actually the real UFO orbs, which may appear very similar to Chinese lanterns from a distance. From up-close, they are actually more like basketball-sized globes that flicker all colours of visible light from the electromagnetic radiation spectrum (all colours from a rainbow) and pulsate from the center like jellyfish with heartbeats. They all have a specific tint to them though -- some orange, others blue, purple, angelic white, etc. They dematerialize and materialize out of thin air because they can change the wavelength of radiation from the range of visible light to a range that is invisible to the naked eye, like infrared or microwave. This is also why they are seen with infrared cameras sometimes. These objects are literally just masses of intelligent light (radiation).

Some of us believe they are connected to ancient stone monuments like Stonehenge and Arbor Low because they are often seen in Derbyshire flying parallel to the ley lines that lead up to these sites. It is my strong contention that these same UFOs influenced the creation of religion, particularly Chritianity. By that, I mean that they have been here for thousands of years and the primitive civilizations turned them into gods and worshipped them at the stone monuments like Stonehenge. What they actually are, I believe, is an extremely evolved race of multi-dimensional extraterrestrials that are playing a role in our evolution. Or maybe they are us in the future. Either way there is a very strong correlation between them and religion.

I am constantly looking at new UFO videos on the internet and I can differentiate between the real UFO orbs and the sky lanterns, that's how I know there is a massive increase in real UFO orb sightings. The real UFO orbs fly on fixed courses in pairs for long distances and sometimes wobble or dance in the sky, they don't just drift like sky lanterns. They also travel with different coloured orbs. Oh, and when there's a large fleet of them, it's usually lanterns, as people often release them during festivals.

By the way in regards to crop circles, do guys want to know the truth? About 5% of crop circles are the works of people doing it for egotistical pursuits or for fun. 85% of the crop circles are done by human crop circle makers, but here's the catch: the extraterrestrials are using their minds as the tool! So like a channeler might tune his mind into a "source" and download information to present to an audience, the same thing is happening to the minds of human crop circle makers; their minds are being downloaded with certain designs to make. So yes, a large percentage are man-made, but there is still a direct extraterrestrial involvement. 10% of crop circles are made directly by the extraterrestrials. What will usually happen though is that if the crop circles that the human makers made was not created properly, the extraterrestrials will fix them or "finesse" them so to speak.

The ET phenomenon is very closely related to the crop circle phenomenon. The human crop circle makers don't just randomly choose designs, there's a very specific reason why they choose the designs they make, and now you know why.

[edit on 26-7-2009 by hermantinkly]


posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 05:00 PM

Originally posted by hermantinkly

Originally posted by CX
Most of the ufo sightings recently have been lanterns, or what appear to be lanterns.

Sorry, I have to speak out about this person's post because it's just blatantly wrong.

Thats you're opinion mind.
I'm not saying all have been lanterns, but there are a hell of a lot that can be explained away as lanterns.

By the way in regards to crop circles, do guys want to know the truth? About 5% of crop circles are the works of people doing it for egotistical pursuits or for fun. 85% of the crop circles are done by human crop circle makers, but here's the catch: the extraterrestrials are using their minds as the tool!

So my opinion is completely wrong, yet an opinion that aliens are now controlling circle makers minds to get the job fact?

Good luck proving that one.
...which leads me on to...what proof do you have that aliens are using humans minds for making crop circles?


posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 05:06 PM
hermantinkly, do you believe any of the theories suggesting that these orbs are "drones" or some form of astral projection of ET pilots inside a physical craft?

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