posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 01:05 PM
IN dec Of 08 i had a spontanous kundalini awaking,at the time i had no clue what was happening to me,i thought it was evil at first because before
that i suffered from servere sleep paralysis since the age of 7.Ive had my share of paranormal experiences(ghost/Ets/lights/ufos) and when this
kundalini thing happend it just open up a whole nother can of worms and i just felt hopeless why me,i didnt want this stuff to happen to me,i just
wanted to be normal
The first couple of Dayswith kundalini were unbearable,i almost lost it,overwelming energy/viberations/Visual snow/panic attacks/seizures...i never
had any of these thing happen before in my life
One nite i go to bed and as im in a deep sleep i wake up to a tunnel of white light on my ceiling right above me...and i start floating out of my body
and as im going towards this lgiht i start to see a grass and tress and flowers.Hills/mountains/beachs...all glowing with a aura
as im floating in this world,im just amazed and shocked at the beauty and i was so happy and filled with love,and a voice came to me and said" let
go" and i knew it was talking about the energy so i took a deep breathe and then the voice said"this may hurt" andi was engulfed in flames,and my
skin was peeling and crusting off this point im rolled in a ball while i was floating in the air,then the flames died down and i opened my eyes
to see that i had brand new skin that was glowing like i becames apart of the after that i started to explore and enjoymy time there
My 2nd OBE was the same way(tunnel of light and this world)but i came out the tunnel to this building the spiraled up to a sharp point(TALL)and i walk
in and i see a bunch of ppl in robes mostly men with dark brown hair or snow white hair and what seems to be a walking around and i see
this book called THYMOS Or THYMUS and it just drewme in so i went to it and skimed through it to find pictures of me in it,I said to myself who is
this and somebody answered "thats you"..i said"ME?"..."yes that u" i knew it was me but i couldnt figure out why i was in a book lol and it was
a lady with dark brown hair next to and she said"yes thats u,a lot of ppl arent done and wont be for a long time but it seem you are"and i looked up
to see all the ppl in the library were smileing at me me a smile as good job like they were proud of me.Then i just got extremely happy and
relief like finally im done...
and i think that it meant i was done here on earth after i woke up
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