posted on Jan, 5 2013 @ 06:35 PM
Vaccines are a "scam". Really pay attention to the tv ads/magazine ads relevant to vaccines. They state that vaccines do NOT work for everyone. If
that is true, then us folks that don't get vaccines are not endangering humanity afterall? If true, then the vaccines must be for another
I do not understand how religious folks justify vaccines when some contain "human diploid cells", (aborted fetal tissue). So abortion is o.k. then
when used for vaccines? How do vegetarians justify vacs when they contain animal tissue....monkey tissue, and such. Vaccines are suspended in chicken
embryos. How about the PETA do they get around all of that? Muslims and Jewish folks, how do they accept the vacs considering many contain
porcine, (pork)?
Isn't the protien prion for "mad cow" a concern any longer? Some vacs contain bovine, (cow). We put up anti-freeze so our pets don't get sick yet
get it injected into us via vaccines...and formaldehyde, and msg, aspartame, squalene and polysorbate80. The last 2 ingredients are o.k. ingested but
not injected into our system. If vaccines do not work for everyone, then what is the point of vaccines? Depopulation? Forced vaccinations should not
be accepted, period!