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How many are Sick in New York after 911?

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posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 12:18 PM
I know those towers were insulated with asbestos. When they fell an asbestos cloud covered blocks and blocks of NY. I have looked around the net and here on ATS but I have seen very little addressing this little fact aside from one or two people here who have commented in various threads about being sick after participating in the rescue/clean up.

So I am curious about three things.

One how many folks got sick after the event? Including rescue workers and clean up crew.

TWO, How many people that were just there that got swallowed up in that cloud are now sick?

Three, How many dogs that sniffed through the rubble for potential survivors are still alive?


Special edit for smart mouthed Disinfo Trolls. When I say sick I mean asbestos and/or other respiratory related diseases. Not Swine Flu nor bird flu nor flus of any type but actual maladies related to having 110 stories of asbestos lined building fall on top of your general vicinity.

Thank you for your understanding.

[edit on 26-7-2009 by titorite]

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 12:34 PM
This has the potential to lead to all kinds of interesting conversations we should dig in and see if something can be uncovered besides the apparent
explosives and chemicals already found.

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 04:36 PM
reply to post by Beach Bum

I have done a little research on the matter and now I seek to find out more.... In my three years here I only know of two folk that claimed to be at Ground Zero. Both are sick... and I almost never see either one in the 911 forums although I am aware of their opinion and it is not inline with the OS.

I have not met anyone who was just in the path of that cloud.

I have read a bit about the dogs. Different articles that said different things. I was hoping some pet lovers was more into this story and could enlighten us all....

I did read one story about one of the dogs that died a few years back getting cloned for free by some cloning company. It is my understanding that all the dogs that sniffed there died with in two years but I can't find the source article so I included that in my OP questions.

Also have you noticed a BIG rise in lawyers advertising for mesotheloma commercials?

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 05:11 PM
I watched something on Youtube a while back.
It was a kind of press conference for firemen who have fallen ill as a result of 911. Mainly because of what they breathed in.

They were saying that the government have just turned their backs on them since the incident.

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 07:27 PM
I live in New Jersey. Was diagnosed with swine flu last month. I suppose
you can spin that into some lunatic conspiracy theory.....

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 08:11 PM
reply to post by titorite

Loads of info here

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 08:14 PM
I'm surprised that when the towers fell, and it finally got to the point where people had a chance to go shake the rescue workers hands, hug the firemen, etc, that somebody didn't drop people who were virus carriers in to spread a bit of sickness around. Glad to see that didn't happen, and during that time, I figured that it would. I was never more happy to be completely wrong.

[edit on 26-7-2009 by metallion]

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 08:31 PM
reply to post by Seventh

Thank you for the wiki link Seventh. That was very informative. I had looked before but missed that entry. Perhaps one of our tinwiki editors might consider adding some of that info into our own ATS pages.

Thanks again.

posted on Jul, 31 2009 @ 10:55 AM
I have about 24 hours of exposure immediately after the event and
I worked in the area for 3 months.

For me it started in November of 2001 after fighting what seemed like a bad case of bronchitis, I started to wake up with a bone dry swollen tongue.

My uvula was and is still is very swollen and I started to "lose my energy".
I was diagnosed with an "unknown chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder I left NYC and the Department in 2003.

I have gained weight each year and I am more tired than ever, I have trouble sleeping at night because I feel like I am running out of breath.

The medical community has been disgusting and i have lost all faith in them, the last doctors (Pulmonary specialists) I spoke to try to give me antidepressants but they don’t seem to care about my lungs and am just giving up on traditional medicine at this point.

Every doctor I have been to see seems annoyed when they find out I have ground zero exposure, and they clam up and try their best to get me out of their office quickly.

I am having issues with what I think is Candida and I am trying to get past it and using probiotics has seemed to help with that but that lack of restful sleep has just worn me out.

posted on Jul, 31 2009 @ 11:41 PM
Wow Sam. That sucks so very very much. My wife has asked me to ask you if you have tried Canadian doctors? They might have a better bedside manner than the US counterparts.

Thank you for sharing your first hand account. May God smile on you.

posted on Jul, 31 2009 @ 11:51 PM
reply to post by samhouston1886

Screw the doctors. They experiment,....on you.
If you are gonna experiment anyway, try some different herbs.
Licorice root is a good place to start. Good luck and thank you.

posted on Aug, 1 2009 @ 09:05 AM

posted by samhouston1886

I have about 24 hours of exposure immediately after the event and
I worked in the area for 3 months.

We pray for a speedy and total recovery for you brother. But even moreso, we shall continue to work together (and many will join us) for a complete success of winning justice for the victims of the 9-11 perps, and through our efforts an awakening of the American public and a public demand that the 1st responders to the WTC destruction receive complete and unending medical care for the injuries and sickness derived from their heroic efforts. While we are at it, we can improve the care for our military veterans too.

Thank GOD for the many brothers and sisters from other nations who have been already assisting us for years, in a search for justice and the truth of 9-11.

Check out natural health care and especially chelation therapy for a relieving of your symptons. GOD bless all the heroes of 9-11 and perhaps a special curse on the traitors. Amen.

posted by samhouston1886

The medical community has been disgusting and i have lost all faith in them, the last doctors (Pulmonary specialists) I spoke to try to give me antidepressants but they don’t seem to care about my lungs and am just giving up on traditional medicine at this point.

Every doctor I have been to see seems annoyed when they find out I have ground zero exposure, and they clam up and try their best to get me out of their office quickly.

Yes the corrupt medical community within America is completely tied in with our corrupt government. Not too many doctors are willing to knock heads with the establishment, and will continue to look the other way when the government declares victims of its crimes to be persona non grata. The cities will continue to feed us fluoride poison in our water, even though the EPA has declared it a dangerous poison, and most doctors will look the other way. There is just too much money at stake to worry about suffering people.

posted on Aug, 1 2009 @ 09:09 AM
I'm sick that after EIGHT years, there is still political infighting and maneuvering impeding the progress of the new WTC complex. I was there a month ago reviewing the progress and was appalled by the lack of progress and the moneygrabbing that is STILL going on and has made a few people quite rich and has increased the political power of a few others. Shameful, NYC.

posted on Aug, 1 2009 @ 02:30 PM

Originally posted by jupiter869
I'm sick that after EIGHT years, there is still political infighting and maneuvering impeding the progress of the new WTC complex.

Ok this has nothing to do with my original question. I even made a special edit to specify what kind of sickness I spoke of. And for my two cents I do not believe the ground of the WTC should be anything other than a memorial. No buildings at all, to hell with the most expensive real estate in NY, Bull. Any way you look at it from any side of the fence, something horrific happened there and it should not be remembered by building a new office building.

Now back on topic Who else was there that day? Are you now sick?

posted on Aug, 11 2009 @ 12:31 PM

posted by samhouston1886

I have about 24 hours of exposure immediately after the event and
I worked in the area for 3 months.

For me it started in November of 2001 after fighting what seemed like a bad case of bronchitis, I started to wake up with a bone dry swollen tongue.

My uvula was and is still is very swollen and I started to "lose my energy".
I was diagnosed with an "unknown chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder I left NYC and the Department in 2003.

I have gained weight each year and I am more tired than ever, I have trouble sleeping at night because I feel like I am running out of breath.

The medical community has been disgusting and i have lost all faith in them, the last doctors (Pulmonary specialists) I spoke to try to give me antidepressants but they don’t seem to care about my lungs and am just giving up on traditional medicine at this point.

Every doctor I have been to see seems annoyed when they find out I have ground zero exposure, and they clam up and try their best to get me out of their office quickly.

I am having issues with what I think is Candida and I am trying to get past it and using probiotics has seemed to help with that but that lack of restful sleep has just worn me out.

There are currently 600 NYPD detectives, 50 FBI personnel and many members from the department of sanitation working tirelessly at Fresh Kills landfill. As well as Red Cross workers out on the site serving food and handing out supplies. These recovery workers need our support just as much the workers at Ground Zero. They are involved in the thankless effort of sorting through the debris to find any human remains of WTC victims. The environment is harsh and unpleasant. The ground in constantly muddy and it bubbles. They have to deal with not only the hazards of the WTC debris but also the pre-existing hazards of a garbage dump. . It is our mission to make sure every recovery worker one of those people is outfitted with the proper work equipment. All supplies are given directly into the hands of those in need.


That's strange. Not one word about the searchers at Fresh Kills landfill searching through the alleged thousands of tons of pulverized WTC dust for nano-thermite. I wonder why that is?

Of course when these hundreds of workers start dying off; they will get the same help and medical assistance from the government as the WTC 1st responders received. Nothing. Zilch. Zero. No funds available. Sent off to the war effort. Screw you people. Just shut up and die.

Don't we have a wonderful corrupt government?

The 9/11 Chronicles and Cancer Deaths

Seven years after the attacks of September the Eleventh, a global awakening has taken place, the likes of which the world has never seen. As the corporate-controlled media dwindles into extinction, a new breed of journalists and activists has emerged.


Cancer Hits 283 Rescuers of 9-11

Courtesy of New York Post

June 11, 2006 -- Since 9/11, 283 World Trade Center rescue and recovery workers have been diagnosed with cancer, and 33 of them have died of cancer, says a lawyer for the ailing responders.

David Worby, a lawyer for 8,000 World Trade Center responders, including cops, firefighters and construction workers, said the cases blood-cell cancers such as leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin's and myeloma.

Doctors say the cancers can strike three to five years after exposure to toxins such as benzene, a cancer-causing chemical that permeated the WTC site from burning jet fuel.

"One in 150,000 white males under 40 would normally get the type of acute white blood-cell cancer that strikes a healthy detective," said Worby, whose first client was NYPD narcotics cop John Walcott, now 41. Walcott spent months at Ground Zero and the Fresh Kills landfill. The father of three is fighting leukemia.

"We have nearly 35 of these cancers in the family of 50,000 Ground Zero workers. The odds of that occurring are one in hundreds of millions," Worby said.

Others suffer tumors of the tongue, throat, testicles, breast, bladder, kidney, colon, intestines, and lung, said Worby, of Worby, Groner, Edelman, & Napoli, Bern, which filed the class-action suit.

WTC workers who have died of cancer include paramedic Deborah Reeve, 41 (mesothelioma); NYPD Officer Ronald Weintraub, 43 (bile-duct cancer); and Stephen "Rak" Yurek, 46, a Port Authority emergency technician (brain cancer). The families say they were healthy before 9/11.

Dr. Robin Herbert, a director of WTC medical monitoring at Mount Sinai Hospital, said some of the nearly 16,000 responders screened to date are getting cancer.

"We do not know at this point if they are WTC-related, but some are unusual cancers we see as red flags," Herbert said.

Dr. Iris Udasin, principal investigator for the Mount Sinai screening of 500 in New Jersey, said the 9/11 link is "certainly a possibility," she said. "It's what we worry about, and what we fear."


posted on Aug, 11 2009 @ 10:11 PM


posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 08:57 PM
reply to post by HSBC Bank

ATTN mods:

Forgive me But the above poster registered yesterday. Posted only once. Here. His words were off topic and removed and he was banned swiftly. May I have a U2U form the Mod in question that handled this so I may investigate further?

I suspect something advertisement related against the T&C of the ATS rules based upon the name but I would like to talk about it privately with the mod that handled it just to be sure.

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