America: Freedom to Fascism is crucial to understanding that the Income Tax Act was criminally passed, making it null and void yet illegally enforced.
Key to understanding how the Fed is more powerful than congress. Get this video out before the money powers implode the economy some more!
What ever I learnt during the course of 1 year on ATS is explained much better in this video. The video is 1 hour 49 minutes but worth your time
spend. Aaron Russo a great American (may God rest his soul in peace) seems to have had great passion for the freedom of this country.
Very informative, although I've viewed it before. I wonder though how many here believe what Mr. Russo left us as his legacy in film and what they
do about it? I do indeed believe the federal reserve is in control and do indeed think "income tax" is a fraud upon my rights.
The whole thing makes me uneasy. I know that the Federal Reserve is a sham, our 'banks' are all shams, and we're all being played from both sides.
Our country is too dependant on the Federal Reserve. They've got it all sewn up, and there isn't thing one anybody can do about it.