posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 11:38 AM
How is pointing out that someone is an "undocumented" immigrant = illegal immigrant a smear job and not a statement of fact? I know many people in
my office from Asia and Latin America, all have green cards, visas or are working on becoming citizens. If they can do it, why is it so hard to ask
if of people right across our southern border? Why should they get special treatment we wouldn't offer people from China, Thailand, or Venezuela?
If the law is the law, then all should follow it, or none. If you need documentation upon entering the US to work, and employers need to report you
for tax reasons (why should I pay taxes out of my paycheck while "undocumented workers" don't?), the come over legally. Yes the Border Patrol will
look for people who fit certain descriptions - they should have asked ALL aboard the boat for ID or proof of citizenship, but really, what do you want
them to do? Not check vehicles in their areas?
In my area in Texas, ALL people go through the check points with the drug dogs, and all people are aware they are subject to search. I know plenty of
innocent Caucasian people who've had their cars taken apart because the dog seemed to alert on something when nothing was there.... but then I also
see the results of their busts and amount of drugs and people hidden in vehicles and realize I'd rather they search me and find nothing then NOT
search someone else and miss a great deal.
Don't fault the Border Patrol for paroling the border.