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What if the government decrees a mandatory vaccination program and tries to enforce it at gunpoint,

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posted on Jul, 25 2009 @ 07:54 PM
How would someone who was not vaccinated be a danger to someone who was vaccinated? Is it still not a "Free Country"? If someone does not want to get vaccinated so be it. That is their choice. It will not put the people who ARE vaccinated at risk. They will already be vaccinated!

There is a risk to getting vaccinated and there is a risk to not getting vaccinated. Personally I grew up playing in the dirt and swimming in the ponds. No such thing as "Antibacterial soap" when I was growing up. When I got a cut I would throw some dirt in it to soak up the blood.

I know there is a small risk or adverse reactions to the vaccination but if I choose not to get one that is my choice.

I am not putting anyone else at risk. Just myself. My body, my choice.

You want to get a vaccination no one is stopping you from doing so. I might decide to get one or I might not decide to get one. My choice.

My Parents I know for a fact will not get a vaccination. I am still undecided.

I would feel really bad for any police or military who's job it would be to try to force people to get shots. Poor guys would never even see it coming.

posted on Jul, 25 2009 @ 07:56 PM

Originally posted by spearhead
reply to post by joe82

no i'm the other guy saying you need to take a trip to your local hardware to pick up a bag of cement.

maybe then you can harden the # up.

You probably have no idea what I'm talking about and being "hard" and stupid are two different things.

Plus forced vaccination is a whole lot different than a shot you get when you're a kid ie. measles because it's hard to wipe out a mass of people when they're not taking the shot at the same time.
By the way "HARD" what do you know about being "HARD" G lol, you tell your mommy that you're staying up past 10 and leave you alone?

posted on Jul, 25 2009 @ 07:59 PM

Originally posted by Tyr Sog
I'm sure the citizens will also force their own version of the shot. In the form of .223, 7.62x39, 12 guage, .45, 9mm, ect, ect.

I hope it doesn't come to that! But, it will be interesting to see what happens.

What if they want to confiscate people's guns too? They're not going to give them back, that's just stealing.

posted on Jul, 25 2009 @ 08:07 PM
reply to post by spearhead

You have no right to tell me what I will or will not put in my body you little twit. Read about the history of vaccination and come back and tell me to stick a needle in my arm. If you can check the story behind the 1976 swine flu vaccination and still tell me i should be forced to take it, you and your cronies can expect and fork in the eye, or some other more unpleasant effect, when you show up at my door with needle a dripping.

"According to the Los Angeles Times, the vaccine was linked to Guillain-Barré syndrome and more than 500 people developed the disorder.
Guillain Barre Syndrome is a paralyzing neuromuscular disorder
25 people died from the vaccine
Thousands more became seriously injured
4,000 Americans claimed damages against the US Government from the shots
The shot was deemed more deadly than the flu itself."

Regardless, if youre immunized *lol*, you have nothing to fear from me and my heathly immune system.

Keep your ignorance away from my body, thanks.

posted on Jul, 25 2009 @ 08:23 PM
reply to post by Neo_Serf

your absolutely right Nancy Cotton.

i have absolutely no right and you have every right. that's what it all comes down to, rights.

i have no right to voice my opinion and you have every right to get your nickers in a twist.

posted on Jul, 25 2009 @ 08:39 PM
reply to post by spearhead

You have every right to your little opinion, until that little opinion infrignes upon my body and health.

Expand upon your knowlege and realize that this is a program of eugenics, and even if it isnt, regardless of all the evidence that it is, I will take my chances with the flu, the guns, and the self quarantine before any needle with be forced into my arm.

Sorry, all civility goes out the window when I'm threated with a potential bioweapon. At that point its kill or be killed. You proposing I should give up all rights as a human is offensive to me, a free being. F**k with that and recive my full, defensive wrath.

posted on Jul, 25 2009 @ 08:42 PM

Originally posted by spearhead
you should all be happy the government cares enough to vaccinate you.

you are a threat to society if you are not vaccinated against contagious diseases. why should other people be put at risk because a few paranoids refuse to submit because of their insecurities.

pull your finger out and realise everyone is despensable for the good of the nation when it comes to risks involved with vaccination.

maybe you should rethink your statement. sounds like you are falling right in line for the WHO and Sec. Sebelius.

if you choose to take a vaccine, then you are doing it to be "protected". therefore, if you meet someone that hasn't taken the vaccine, then you should have absolutely nothing to worry about. my guess is that the majority of people will willingly take vaccines and if they do what they are supposed to do then takers will be protected. Unless, of course, it mutates, which flus do, then no one will be protected.

people who choose not to take the vaccine are potentially only a threat to others that have chosen not to take it, so once again, you should have nothing to worry about and then you can say they got what they deserve if they should perish.

calling people paranoid and insecure is ridiculous.

I have worked in hospitals for 20 years on the front line of patient care. I have people coughing in my face everyday getting tests before they are even diagnosed. I am constantly potentially exposed to flu, TB, hepatitis and pretty much everything else you can name. I haven't taken the TB vaccines or flu vaccines for over 15 years. I don't remember the last time I got the flu or anything else communicable.

Elderly and infants die of the seasonal flu every year, but no one makes an issue of it.

Don't forget the lessons of the Tuskegee airmen

and the Israeli immigrants

It's about personal choice. You choose to blindly trust that your loving government is doing you good by giving you vaccines and others are unwilling to be forced to do so.

So go ahead and get in line, take your liquid love from your government, take your warm cookie and smiley face sticker and sleep well knowing you are "protected". If you believe you are getting what you think you are, then you have nothing to fear from those that take a pass.

posted on Jul, 25 2009 @ 09:22 PM

Originally posted by spearhead
you should all be happy the government cares enough to vaccinate you.

you are a threat to society if you are not vaccinated against contagious diseases. why should other people be put at risk because a few paranoids refuse to submit because of their insecurities.

pull your finger out and realise everyone is despensable for the good of the nation when it comes to risks involved with vaccination.

The vaccine hasn't been tested. If it's okay to distribute stuff without being tested then why have testing? We could save a lot of money by just getting rid of tests on everything right?

But we don't because that's a risk right? So when is it okay to be a risk and when is it not?

What if the vaccine causes some other disease? That would make the government and the vaccine they're administering a risk as well correct?

How come I'm not allowed to be a risk to society but the government is allowed to be a risk to me? Don't I have a right to be a risk to someone and if not then how can the government have the right to use an untested vaccine?

If you have no right to be a risk to society then wouldn't we have to make driving illegal and shut down all factories? Cars cause accidents and both automobiles and factories release pollutants into the air. How come I can risk someone else's life by driving down the road? Because I have insurance right? Well why doesn't someone just sell insurance to the people that don't want to be vaccinated? Wouldn't that work? Or should we ban driving if we have no right to risk doing something that might cause someone else harm.

According to your logic how would you logically even be able to leave the house? Simply stepping outside would be a risk to society would it not? I mean you never know what can happen right?

Do you think the government knows better than the people? The government is ran by people. If people are dumb then the government is dumb. And in fact the government gets it wrong all the time.

Damaging someone's body with a needle against their will is assault. Can I stick you with a needle and inject you with whatever I want and it's okay? No? But it's okay for the government to do so right?

Why? Shouldn't the vaccine be tested?

You do know they're injecting children first right? That's beyond crazy. If the vaccine is untested it should be used on adults and the elderly and people willing to go first to make sure it's safe for the children FIRST.

Would you really want your kids to be the guinea pigs? When EVER have we let the kids go first in the testing of anything?

So let me get this straight. You think it's okay to assault someone with a needle and untested vaccine for the greater good, but you don't have a right to be a risk to soceity? How can you assult someone without being a risk to them?

Your logic contradicts very badly.

[edit on 25-7-2009 by tinfoilman]

posted on Jul, 25 2009 @ 09:24 PM
reply to post by spearhead

What do you know of vaccines? You talk about measles and that's what you have to substatiate your arguement?

Get the bloody shot. Where ever you are, they be giving them out soon enough. Then come back and tell us all about it. Be a good little drone and just swallow whatever line they give you.
God forbid you should ever experience the ability to think outside the box!

posted on Jul, 25 2009 @ 09:33 PM
If you really wanted to use your imagination, you could easily see how this mandatory vaccination program could be used by the government to take care of the economic crisis we have today. The government knows there are not enough jobs, money or resources to go around. Think of how quickly they could solve that population problem.
After all, SCOTUS jodge Ginsberg believes that Roe vs Wade was necessary to advance the cause of population control of unwanted individuals.

Whiff of Eugenics: Ginsburg Tells NYT Roe Was About 'Populations That We Don't Want .... Too Many Of' Photo of Tom Blumer. By Tom Blumer (Bio | Archive) July 9, 2009 - 13:00 ET * [Email this to friend] * [Printer-friendly version] RuthBaderGinsburg0709 In a July 7 New York Times Magazine article ("The Place of Women on the Court"; HT to an e-mailer) apparently scheduled to appear in its July 12 print edition (based on its URL), Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg told the Times's Emily Bazelon that "at the time Roe was decided, there was concern about population growth and particularly growth in populations that we don't want to have too many of."

I guess they think vaccinations would be more "humane" than the gas chambers.

That is the kind of trash that is on the Supreme Court in the form of liberal "activism". Real liberal! Euthanasia!

posted on Jul, 25 2009 @ 10:59 PM
reply to post by spearhead

Rarely do I take the time time to comment on threads, let alone reply to someone's opinion, but this is an exception.

spearhead, although I could actively engage you in a thorough conversation about your previous posts on this thread, I realize that would be a waste of time and thread space. Instead, I will make two comments.

First, your analogy between a measel vaccination and a influenza vaccination. Regardless of an individual's tendency to be a "conspiracy nut" or a "sheep" the fact remains that any drug manufactured for human use should always go through the proper, peer reviewed, series of trials that the FDA, or any other regulatory agency, requires without exception. If not, the drug is nothing more than an unregulated herbal supplement, arguably even constituting an "illegal" drug.
I would also like to draw attention to your statistics. Unless you can provide the math associated, or your source, your "statistics" about the risks associated mean absolutely nothing.

Secondly, your express concern for others because of the supposed risk that non-vaccinated "conspiracy theorists" pose to the general population. This fear is both irrational and illogical. This is due to the fact that a mandatory vaccination, if it does indeed work without adverse affects, will protect all those inoculated leaving only the "conspiracy theorists," or any others unwilling to receive the vaccination, vulnerable to the virus.

This is by no means a personal attack. Instead, I am addressing concerns and points you raised.

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 12:03 AM
reply to post by spearhead

The vaccine doesn't seem too safe to me, guy. If you want to take it, good luck to you.

Take care.

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 12:18 AM

Originally posted by spearhead
you should all be happy the government cares enough to vaccinate you.

you are a threat to society if you are not vaccinated against contagious diseases. why should other people be put at risk because a few paranoids refuse to submit because of their insecurities.

pull your finger out and realise everyone is despensable for the good of the nation when it comes to risks involved with vaccination.

Only those who choose not to be vaccinated would be at risk to each other. Those who get vaccinated would not be at risk from those that are not. That is a really weak argument, but I expect eventually the media will be singing the same song. Most people aren't smart enough to put 2+2 together and will fall for it hook, line and sinker.

Edit: I see my point has been made by others already. Apologies for the duplicate content. I am leaving it up though because some people will need this drilled into their heads repeatedly until they grasp it.

[edit on 26-7-2009 by sligtlyskeptical]

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 11:11 AM

Originally posted by spearhead
you should all be happy the government cares enough to vaccinate you.

you are a threat to society if you are not vaccinated against contagious diseases. why should other people be put at risk because a few paranoids refuse to submit because of their insecurities.

pull your finger out and realise everyone is despensable for the good of the nation when it comes to risks involved with vaccination.

Did you even read the article closely?

honestly, i would say no. i don't care, i have a freedom of choice. take that away from me, I will be the one waving guns at certain people. I'd rather die from a gun then get tricked into getting a virus from these pricks.

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 11:27 AM

Originally posted by ProfEmeritus
If you really wanted to use your imagination, you could easily see how this mandatory vaccination program could be used by the government to take care of the economic crisis we have today. The government knows there are not enough jobs, money or resources to go around. Think of how quickly they could solve that population problem.
After all, SCOTUS jodge Ginsberg believes that Roe vs Wade was necessary to advance the cause of population control of unwanted individuals.

You mean an economic crisis which they themselves put forward? This didn't happen just like that. The whole Economic Collapse was deliberate. Although I agree with you on the rest. Well said.

Originally posted by ProfEmeritusI guess they think vaccinations would be more "humane" than the gas chambers.

Yeah, I agree with you, it seems that morality has evolved quite tremendously since WW2. Especially in the Nazis who live today and run our Gov's.

Originally posted by ProfEmeritusThat is the kind of trash that is on the Supreme Court in the form of liberal "activism". Real liberal! Euthanasia!

Yeah. Legalized murder of people. Guess who invented the euthanasia? Those who were pioneers in Eugenics. Who invented Eugenics? I think you can find that yourselves, or you probably know already. The whole "overpopulation" problem will get the 3rd world countries first in line for strike. Africa anyone? Isn't it funny that AIDS is practically ravaging Africa? And it was one of the first places where AIDS appeared?

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 04:05 PM
This fear of vaccines is clearly a phobia. A phobia IS a mental illness. When a person suffers from a phobia they are incapable of making a rational decision due to this mental illness.

In the case of a phobia, the persons mind creates false scenarios based on this mental illness. Things like believing the pharmaceutical companies are trying to kill them on purpose or that MD's are trying to do the same. Of course no such thing is occurring.

It is entirely possible a case could arise where a choice must be made between millions dead or a handful dead from a vaccine far less dangerous than a common aspirin or even a peanut. Under those circumstances, people refusing vaccines would be guilty of manslaughter if not premeditated murder by refusing the vaccine based on delusions caused by their phobias.

You could literally be far more dangerous than a man shooting into a crowd with a gun. One person could spread the disease to thousands if the vaccines were in short supply, quite literally causing the deaths of many people.

It is entertaining to come here and read about conspiracy theories, but at the same time I know that people who are mentally ill are attracted to topics like this. I also know that bad people take advantage of them by perpetuating their fears on purpose to garner attention to them for celebrity and to sell books and tapes.

I have a man working for me right now who has Diabetes and is refusing his medication and ignoring his diet. He will die many years sooner than he needs too. Why? A book he purchased from a person that was a guest on C2C. He is on a diet from the book that is completely wrong. He is slowly going blind and is having serious nerve problems in his extremities. If he would do as his MD tells him, he would have none of these problems.

Will this author be charged with murder? Not likely. Oddly enough he has his target market, the mentally ill to defend him. I see this vaccine issue as the same thing.

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 04:14 PM
reply to post by joe82

"What if the government decrees a mandatory vaccination program and tries to enforce it at gunpoint" ............ Then you will finally know that they don't have your best interests at heart?

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 04:40 PM
reply to post by Blaine91555

This fear of vaccines is clearly a phobia. A phobia IS a mental illness. When a person suffers from a phobia they are incapable of making a rational decision due to this mental illness. In the case of a phobia, the persons mind creates false scenarios based on this mental illness. Things like believing the pharmaceutical companies are trying to kill them on purpose or that MD's are trying to do the same. Of course no such thing is occurring. It is entirely possible a case could arise where a choice must be made between millions dead or a handful dead from a vaccine far less dangerous than a common aspirin or even a peanut.

You seem to have a lack of understanding of 20th century history, specifically Germany in the 1930s and 40s. The Nazis told the Jews and other "undesirables" that they were just relocating them for their own good. They told them that they were just taking a train ride to their new community. Once in their new "communities", they told them to undress and shower because they were just going to de-louse them.

You are extremely naive to believe that governments are not capable of lies and atrocities. Those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

I assume that you believe that those German Jews were just mentally ill?

Get real, and real some US history, like the history of deadly experiments conducted on unwilling and unknowing US citizens:

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 04:41 PM
reply to post by Blaine91555

Definitely a phobia of mine to be forcibly injected with substances that have shown in the past to cripple/sterilize/kill, wow I really must be nuts. Thanks for pointing out how insane I was for distrusting our loving government, Doc. I better pop a couple prozacs and wash it down with a tall glass of floridated water before I really lose it!

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 04:46 PM

Originally posted by Charis
Well, last I heard the CDC Vaccine Advisory Board was wondering how it was going to pay for the necessary health care professionals to inject all those people who WANT the vaccine.

In comes 'Mandatory Healthcare'. hmmm, Could this be cause for the Administration's impatience, in passing the bill?

Gotta hurry, hurry, hurry and pass 'Nationalized Healthcare' before the flu season begins; so everyone will not only get mandatory vaccines, but with mandatory doctors, and mandatory silencing.

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