posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 05:44 AM
Well first and foremost, we can now recycle water from urine etc. We also have the technology to grow plants indoors with hydroponics etc, So there is
our sustainable food and water so it wouldnt be suicidal. We should definately not send dregs of society but, fit and intelligent top of the line
people, doctors scientists, engineers.
Plus the boredom factor would not phase into this as the people there would be constantly doing experiments quite alot of the time, and also preparing
building, engineering works, farms etc to prepare for more peoples arrival and further colonisation. You would need about 50 people to start the
colony, and they should all be fine physical specimans. I believe it should be all one race to start with. Mostly the English Anglo-Saxon man, as the
British have proven of all the races to be the masters at colonisation and exploration.
I would happily go, do my duty for my country, spread the Empire to the farthest reaches of space
For Queen and Country
Scientists have also discovered how to send radio waves faster then the speed of light (only recently) so communication would not be a problem
[edit on 24/7/09 by fapython]