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New World Order/Freemasons "Checkmate" the World

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posted on Jul, 31 2009 @ 03:53 PM
reply to post by Masonic Light
"Pike was incorrect in his assessment on this subject, and I've actually explained this many times before on the Secret Society forum. "

Now, let me get this right now, you're going to correct the man who was the main masonry honcho and has a library dedicated to him in washington dc, and who also was a self-taught genious who spoke, understood, and wrote more than 16 different languages fluently, and who also is echoed of his excellence in teaching by many fellow masons?

Freemasonry is just like skull&bones and the rest of the new world order. They're built in layers, expose one, and there are 5 more. That's a fact that is well known. I have myself studied masonry for more than 30 years, and have had relatives who are and were masons, and a couple of friends who are still in the brotherhood, and I can tell when I am getting at the truth because every time I find something and ask them about it, their body language tells me all I need to know.

Tracking freemasonry is not easy. Ya gotta know the layers, and just a few of them are: The Jestors, The Wasps, The Shriners, Skull&Bones, The Scottish Right, Knights Templars, and GHW Bushs' 1000 points of light club.

Then you have to check and see what charities and other non-profit organizations these vipers are tied to and follow the money, drugs, and whatever else they are dealing in at any given time. Oh yes, and let's not forget the wonderful WatchTower Society that is affiliated with the masons also!

posted on Aug, 1 2009 @ 12:09 AM
I appreciate your ability to disscus this subject with respect to one another to many times people slam one another on this site and lose focus on the subject at hand. I can not speak for the Scottish Rite as I am not a member but will be joining in November, as for the Knights Templer I can speak as a member I can assure you with out a belief in Jesus Christ no man can become a member. Their is in no way anything satanic about it and is what caught my eye when looking at the other bodies of freemasonry. Another christan organization is the Order of the Eastern Star which does not get spoken of very much but a very large organization.

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 07:27 AM

Originally posted by thewind

Now, let me get this right now, you're going to correct the man who was the main masonry honcho

Pike was not the "main Masonry honcho", and many have since corrected him.

Oh yes, and let's not forget the wonderful WatchTower Society that is affiliated with the masons also!

The Watchtower Society is not now, nor has ever been, affiliated with the Masons.

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 02:25 PM
reply to post by Freemason Joe
A very good friend of mines' mother is a member of the "Daughters of the Eastern Star", and they tried to get her to join for the last 25 years and she won't. I also respect your views and stance on masonry and realize that I do not try to demonize all freemasons for the actions of the "upper-echeloned" members who really know what's going on.

Many people like me who are christians refuse to accept the facts that there are many demonic followers of christ out there doing wicked things, but I know who they are and what they are doing, so it is pretty easy for me to discern just who's who of the true followers of Jesus!

I do not at all mean any malace towards you or anyother mason when discussing the craft, but the fact yet and always will remain that the masons are up to their necks in this infrastructure of collaboration with the new world order. The info is out there for all to see and read for themselves, but the problem is that most who are in the know so to speak, have already taken that oath with lucifer to defend masonry at any cost.

I do hope that you are not one of them!

posted on Aug, 4 2009 @ 05:40 AM
reply to post by Masonic Light

Two questions for Masonic LIght: (from this post)

1. Have you ever heard about "star Families"? (it's mentioned in the Founding Fathers documentary. It says G. Washington was from this familly)

2. Do the numbers 555 represent anything in Masonry? A commentator in the documentary says it means "the Builders".

[edit on 4/8/09 by ConspiracyNut23]

posted on Aug, 4 2009 @ 08:39 AM

Originally posted by ConspiracyNut23

Two questions for Masonic LIght: (from this post)

1. Have you ever heard about "star Families"? (it's mentioned in the Founding Fathers documentary. It says G. Washington was from this familly)

I have not.

2. Do the numbers 555 represent anything in Masonry? A commentator in the documentary says it means "the Builders".

Those numbers have no Masonic significance.

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