posted on Jul, 23 2009 @ 07:07 PM
It's not that we hate NK. I think the American people feel sorry for the North Koreans in general, due to the repressive regeime they are forced to
live under. Their leader is obviously deranged, and has surounded himself with syncophants who will do what ever he says. (If not, then their life
expectancy drops suddenly.) He has bragged that he will nuke America, which would mean Hawaii, or Alaska, since they haven't, as far as we know
developed, a missile that can reach the west coast. These people are in perpetual slavery, forced to eat the bark off trees, while Dear Leader huffs
and puffs and spends what few resources the country has building shell skyscrapers, and nuclear weapons.
I hate to even get started on the terrorist aspect. Perhaps we shouldn't have invaded Irag. I personally supported the war, and think that we may
have accomplished much more than Bush has been given credit for.
We are encroaching to Pakistan at times, but our second Front(our first really) is Afghanistan. After 9-11, we asked that Afghanistan to turn bin
Laden over to us. They refused, which meant we had no choice but to go after him. We are still looking for him, but we are also fighting a
resurgence of the Taliban, which sujpports a radical Islamic world wide rule, as well as supporting terrorists. Why do we hate the terrorists so
much. They are cowards. They don't fight. They wrap themselves with explosives and walk into crowds. These HOMICIDE bombers kill moderate
Muslims, Christians, and care not that they are killing women and innocent children. These are men without honor. They are cowards who will not face
someone directly in a one on one fight.
I will agree with you concerning hunger. We are more concerned about people in Africa than we are about feeding our own people. I do not endorse
another Johnson style "War On Poverty" but I do believe we need to reach out to children and the elderly to assure adequate nutrition and shelter.
(That's about as liberal as I get.)
Violence? It is my contention that the people on ATS are not violent, but we believe in protecting ourselves and our families. We believe in the the
Constitution and and the Bill of Rights. And we don't intend to to let the government strip us of those rights, even if it means violence.
Free speech? I am politically incorrect everyday of my life. I speak my mind about politics, religion, science, philosophy, etc. If I skipped
anything, just toss it in there. I have my own ideas about things, and guess I speak it. And yes, I have been in trouble over it. I stood up to my
boss and co=workers over a common phrase I had used. Told them it was a pattern of speech that was used throughout the south, and if they wanted to
fire me for it, then let's go. We'd find out whose lawyer was best, and I was willing to bet that I'd win, once it got to the Supreme Court. I
resigned that job several years later because I had been promoted to a position I wasn't really suited for. Free speech lives.
Freedom of the Press? We have freedom of the press, but unfortunately the MSM, which includes both print and broadcast, is primarily controlled by
liberals. (Here is where I get flamed.) In my never to be humble opinion, Fox News is the only broadcast source that is actually "fair and
balanced." Ther other cable and broadcast news programs are pretty much slanted to the far left. Newsweek, Time, US News and World Report are all
pretty much slanted to the left. If you want both sides of the story, or just straight news, you've got to get out their and dig.
What makes our government special is that we, the people, can take more control of what our government is doing. We can look at what our children are
being taught. Are they being taught revisonist history, or is the real story being told?
We can, as a nation, step up to the plate and tell our government to get its act together, or we will send new representatives in to replace the old.
Representatives that will do the will of the people.