posted on Jul, 23 2009 @ 01:50 PM
Particularly in this day and age, with what our economy
and civilization are coming to, why do we keep putting the same-old-same-old back into
office time and time again?
It's almost as if people think "Oh, ok... Well I guess he/she didn't have enough time in office to accomplish his/her agenda to 'change'
government. I guess I'll have to vote him/her back into office so that the job can be completed."
When will people wake up and understand that it is ALL a shill? It's nothing more than
job security for them. As long as you keep doing the
same thing, you can expect the same results. Period.
We need to
SHAKE THINGS UP. As long as we keep doing the same things, we can
expect the same things!
I hate to say it, but it IS the truth; people are
I am
sick and tired of having to pay the price for the complete blindness of others.
was a great country, and has the prospect to be so again. But not until people start hearing the
POP of their heads coming out
of their arses and actually start
doing something about it!.
Ok... End of rant.