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monsterquest show where are the monsters!?!

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posted on Jul, 23 2009 @ 11:31 AM
has anyone else noticed how some producer must have gotten cold feet in the last 2 seasons of monsterquest and how the show no longer focuses on MONSTERS but rather odd or overgrown regularly observed animals? Oh no look out for the large fish, or the huge alligator, uh oh a aggressive bear, large rats, or the lattest a feral dog. Whats next furry kittens or chubby geuinie pigs?!

It disgusts me as this used to be a fun show to watch about potential real cypto creatures.

I know what it is...they (production ppl) had alittle meeting and someone said hey we can keep trying to find bigfoot and never show any results...or hell we can chase rats in new york and capture one of these little bastards strap a ratcam on it and then convince the audience we have a "monster"... hell that will be better ratings than chupcabra or sasquatch or any REAL monsters...

[edit on 23-7-2009 by hiii_98]

posted on Jul, 23 2009 @ 11:34 AM
I never watch that show anymore. It is not as interesting as it used to be.
By the way what is the deal with Ice Road Truckers? How is that history or science or anything even remotely interesting.

posted on Jul, 23 2009 @ 11:43 AM
reply to post by hiii_98

I don't think its cold feet, I just think they are running out of things to cover. How many times can they go looking for bigfoot and find nothing?

posted on Jul, 23 2009 @ 11:52 AM
BIGFOOT?? have you even bothered to read half of these threads in this section? There is a new monster daily i'm reading about as posted by ATS viewers.

posted on Jul, 23 2009 @ 11:55 AM

Originally posted by testrat
reply to post by hiii_98

how many times can they go looking for bigfoot and find nothing?

these topics of various monsters were just posted in the past week alone! not that some may have already been covered but i disagree with your assertion that they are running out of material...

eel dragon head
michigan dogman
grim reaper
oklahoma octopus
invisible creatures
fish with human teeth
sewer slime monster

posted on Jul, 23 2009 @ 12:00 PM
I think it may be a mix of things that is causing it.

Like someone mentioned they have already done shows about the most well known cryptid's (often multiple shows). So they may running out of ideas.

They may feel they have a better shot at finding a giant rat or a gator in the sewer of NY and are focusing more on "urban ledgend" type things because of that.

Some of it may be budget. I'm not sure how big their budget is, but most everything has been hurt by the economy. Lets face it, if their budget has shrank its a lot cheaper to go to NYC and strap a camera on a rat than to field an expedition to some far flung corner of the world.

posted on Jul, 23 2009 @ 12:09 PM
reply to post by Frogs

Budget probably does play on what they can do. They been to Canada and Mexico, and other then that I am not sure how many places outside the US they have travel to.

Overall I think I am just bored of Monsterquest. They never really find anything. I think there best show was the Humboldt squid episodes, where they actually did find a large squid. Other than that I can't really remember a show with any shocking findings.

Oh, the sea animal with a trident tail was pretty good too.

In September Destination Truth comes back with new episodes, I think they not only do a better job on selecting topics, but also doing the investigations.

posted on Jul, 23 2009 @ 12:23 PM
I looooooooove Destination Truth, actually my number one DVR priority recording.

posted on Jul, 23 2009 @ 02:08 PM
reply to post by hiii_98

Actually, oversized animals are a form of cryptid. I do agree with you that too many episodes do focus on silly subjects, like dogs last night. Giant Alligators and crocodiles do interest me as there were 40 foot monsters roaming the planet at one time. Could they be starting to reach those sizes again? The giant snake one was interesting as Florida has a big problem with them on the loose. With few predators and plenty of food, the snakes never stop growing. They could in theory get to be 30 or 40 feet in length.

The giant rat one was not too interesting. I do think many people mistake the opossum for a rat as they do resemble each other. The giant spider one was interesting, but the oxygen level on this planet is too low to support giant insects and spiders like it once did.

There are many other crytids to investigate, and they did have some good ones about the Jersey Devil and Bigfoot sightings in different areas.

I guess they want to cover every mysterious creature, and that includes the jumbo variety of regular animals.

posted on Jul, 23 2009 @ 02:10 PM
I concur with the OP. It used to be mildly fun to see which monster they would be checking on each week.

Now its more like something on Animal Planet.

posted on Jul, 23 2009 @ 02:12 PM
Yeah I always laughed at that show too. I don't understand how it can last for so many episodes and they have NEVER found JACK OR SASQUATCH!

posted on Jul, 23 2009 @ 03:07 PM
animalplanetquest is what it should be renamed

here is what we have to look forward to this season so far...

feral dogs

whata dissapointment

posted on Jul, 23 2009 @ 03:28 PM
I too am disappointed in the direction MonsterQuest has taken this season. I can't wait for Destination Truth to come back in September. I watched the giant rat episode earlier this year, and cannot honestly remember watching an episode since. I read an article about the Lake Worth Monster here yesterday. I would love to see an episode about an investigation into something like that, even though it is unlikely they would find any proof of that cryptid.

posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 05:00 AM
My son and I started watching Monster Quest when it first came on and really liked it in the beginning. It was kinda funny, each week he would say Daddy are they going to find Bigfoot this week or the Loch Ness Monster?

Now (especially this season) he asked me why are they looking for a big rat? I can see one at the pet store? Kids pretty much see through the crap and tell it like it is! We can see a rat or pig just about anywhere.

I know the producers are trying to cover more than just the obvious stuff like Bigfoot. I think we are done watching Monster Quest until the producers move away from the farm animals and rodents etc.....

One more thing......UFO files on History channel is getting on my nerves as well. That show does not find anything of note either. They continually go into the field looking for "evidence" and waste an entire hour of my time with nothing at all...I mean nothing....

posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 05:26 AM
reply to post by hiii_98

I have noticed the change so it's now closer to another show like River Monsters. The problems with Monster Quest is that they never found anything. They'd have a 1 hour buildup around some questionable evidence and at the end, the big payoff was always the remnants of something known.
That was OK for the first few shows but it quickly got very frustrating.
The other problem is that they would go searching for, let's say bigfoot, and they'd be out in the wilderness for a whole day. Wow a whole 24 hours !?!? Try setting up 100 camera's and spend a month out in the woods with a large expedition and see what you come up with.

So I guess if they're not going to commit to the crypto angle, I'd prefer if they kept the new format.

posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 06:44 PM

Originally posted by jfj123
The other problem is that they would go searching for, let's say bigfoot, and they'd be out in the wilderness for a whole day. Wow a whole 24 hours !?!? Try setting up 100 camera's and spend a month out in the woods with a large expedition and see what you come up with.

That is another disapointing aspect to the show that I have noticed as well. Good point!

posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 06:55 PM

Originally posted by jfj123
The other problem is that they would go searching for, let's say bigfoot, and they'd be out in the wilderness for a whole day. Wow a whole 24 hours !?!? Try setting up 100 camera's and spend a month out in the woods with a large expedition and see what you come up with.

So I guess if they're not going to commit to the crypto angle, I'd prefer if they kept the new format.

OK I think finding a BIG rat would be kind of cool but...

I'm with you on this one. Here is a novel idea. Save up their budgets from investigating crap and actually investigate something worth while and if they find nothing then don't bother making an episode!

posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 07:07 PM
Well, to be honest. Anything could be a monster.

I mean, we don't think a gigantic freshwater ray is awesome because we know it's a huge ray, nothing too mysterious except that it's uncommon.

But they don't call it "CryptidQuest."

There aren't many cryptids to choose from, and most have only a handful of sightings and no physical evidence. We would love that, watching researchers pick through it.

But. It wouldn't get the ratings from the people who think gigantic things, or mutated things, are more interesting.

posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 07:17 PM
reply to post by hiii_98

I don't know what's up with it, but I tell you one thing... I wish those effers would just fricken find something for once, lol! On all of the monster quest type shows, they drag on and on and find plenty of "clues" but never a monster. Yeah, if they exist, they're very elusive creatures, but come on! I wanna see something!!! If they find DNA it's always too degraded to prove anything or it's inconclusive or blah blah blah. I used to watch Destination Truth and I loved that show and they would almost always find something that would make you think "omg, what the hell??" You would think you were getting ready to see something amazing. And then... nothing. Granted, I probably couldn't do any better.
I just wish that for once, some camera crew would go out into the forest and run smack dab into bigfoot or the chupacabra or moth man or whatever!

Sorry, I kind of went off there. I'm just a bit bitter because I love those shows but they get my hopes up for nothing!

posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 07:55 PM

The other problem is that they would go searching for, let's say bigfoot, and they'd be out in the wilderness for a whole day. Wow a whole 24 hours !?!? Try setting up 100 camera's and spend a month out in the woods with a large expedition and see what you come up with.

I could not possibly have said this better myself. Actually when watching this with friends this is EXACTLY what i am telling them. Its a joke to expect with a camera crew to be at the right place at the right time to capture something. If its really that elusive you have to ferment yourself into IT's enviroment night after night, possibly for months!

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