posted on Jul, 23 2009 @ 10:19 AM
Hi, i am 15 and i am interested in finding a solid excuse to not having my vaccinations. My parents prefer ne to have it and see things like ATS and
things like a group for paranoia and 'conspiracy'.
Anyway, i am not well informed with the UK laws but i was hoping if it was against my religion, i can refuse it, right? I am a sikh and it is said by
the ten gurus that ALL types of intoxication is not allowed. I notice that christianity and islam is the main issue on the religious boards on ATS so
i am not expecting huge feedback. I am also hoping for better excuses than this so i can ignore the possibility of being thrown out of school for not
being vaccinated/poisoned.
I appreciate all helpful replies!
p.s. Im agnostic