posted on Jul, 23 2009 @ 10:09 AM
The Moon just passed the "New Moon" phase on July 22 (yesterday). here's what it would have looked like on the 23rd:
"Young" Moon
I'm not 100% sure why it would have disappeared from your view, but here's a theory:
The young moon is
always very close to the sun, and is thus only visible low on the horizon at sunset (it is drowned out by the bright Sun
during the bright daylight). Objects along the horizon, such as stars, are always harder to see because we are viewing them through more atmosphere
(we are looking at them from a side view through more atmosphere than if we "looked up") -- and more atmosphere means more haze.
That's why the sunset is red -- because we are viewing the sun through more atmospheric haze, and that may be why the young moon disappeared from
view as it got closer to the horizon... may have literally "vanished in the haze".
[edit on 7/23/2009 by Soylent Green Is People]