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What are we searching for?

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posted on Jul, 23 2009 @ 01:08 AM
I must admit I have no clue where to put this.
ATS should seriously consider a clueless topic section.


Let's get serious, I am searching for something. What? I don't know. I feel like I have been searching for it for a while, looking through endless boring news, blogs, and yes... forum threads.

Even pre-internet I felt as though I was compelled to listen to late night talk radio, (thank you Art), or flip through books at the local bookstore. But what I was looking for has never surfaced.

What's weird is that no matter how hard I look and no matter how many damn cool and interesting things I find, it's still not "the thing". But what could "the thing" be?

Why can't I sleep well anymore? Why are my dreams giving off incredibly predictive scenarios? Why do I feel like "everything is falling in line"? In line to what?

The big question I have been trying to answer since I was 15:

Why does it feel like I am living the same life over and over?

It's almost like I go through everything just to end up starting over again, in the same body, same parents, same everything. I feel tired. I feel like I know how things are going to go down in the coming years, I know it's not going to be fun and we (as a collective) will all have an awakening of some sort, maybe even come a little closer together. I don't know.

But these things are just probably random thoughts in my head, maybe nothing to them... But yet I wonder... Why do I feel like there is something out there for me to find. Something that's waiting to be discovered. Maybe it's a purpose, or a physical item, or maybe it's something else all together.

Are you looking for something?

Do you feel like you go about day to day with nothing accomplished? Do you feel like I do? Do you need something in your life but you don't know what it is?

I'm not trying to sound religious, or philosophical to everyone, but I have noticed in recent threads that everyone seems concerned about the same thing but no one has said yet what that thing is.

Seriously! Look around! We're all heading for something, somewhere, in some time. But no one knows what, when, where, who or why. Stop and question this! Look at yourself, your life, your husband, your wife, your kids.

Something's up gang, it's happening to all of us and we don't know how to express it. Read this site, people are searching for answers, they "need to know", they "need to find". It's all over the spectrum, and what's funny is that I feel like no matter how hard we look, no matter the efforts, in the end it will seem as though "the one thing" we are all looking for has been in front of all of us all along.

Do you realize how incredibly intriguing that sounds?

Maybe it's a collective of different events, people and the like. Who knows. But I felt compelled to write this tonight, because I think the people searching blindly for a mystery they can't explain or can't even begin to understand, and have to come together to find it.

I know there's others out there who feel compelled to search. I see it in threads all over this site. My question to you is: What are we searching for? Why are we searching? Who's compelling us to search? What will come of it?

What are we all missing?

By the way... If anyone is thinking this has something to do with the Matrix or any other movie that deals with "similar subject matter", you're wrong. I did not just see something and decided I should post randomly. Nor is this "just human nature" either.

I really feel this way, and have for a long time. I can't figure it out. But I know that by asking the collective of everyone out there I might have a chance at finding what I have been searching for my entire life.

FYI: I'm also not depressed, mental, or in bad health. I'm happy, I'm loved, and I'm in the best shape of my life.

So... What do you think? What is it we are all searching for?

posted on Jul, 23 2009 @ 01:23 AM
I think I know what you mean. I have been coming to ATS for quite a while- even before- I was an active participant. I used to search for the truth for endless hours, for long periods of time. I did not know what happened- why it happened, why I search for these blogs. I feel that it's part of a desire. It's a desire to know what's out there. It's part of our desire to know what really happens, and, why things are the way they are. We know that the world is quite a mysterious place. We know there are a lot of lies. We want to get to the truth behind those lies. We know we weren't told the truth about the world when we were growing up. We want to smash the mystery of the world.

I used to be where you were once. I feel that I've been enlightened to the truth. Once you know the truth about who controls what, or, what happens, or why stuff is happening- you know the whole deal and the mystery of the world is unmasked. It no longer is a mystery to you.

I no longer am searching. Right now I mainly want to help other people who haven't awakened- awake more to what's going on around us, and, not necessarily make them see things my way, but, basically realize that a lot of appearances are deceiving- and I think that's why we're here.

We all came here because- I guess- we like conspiracies. We stay here because of our thirst for truth. We want to know the truth of the matters. So we look for truth- wherever it may be and we find it and we fight it- if it scares us.

That is how I see things. That is what I think most people are looking for when they come on here.

posted on Jul, 23 2009 @ 01:29 AM
I think I know what you mean.

I've ALWAYS been interested in all things occult and esoteric. I loved prophecy, ghosts, aliens, cryptids, and conspiracies from a very young age. I liked the idea of reincarnation as well.
When I was in 4th-5th grade I felt like I had to "train"
I had to be physically fit, I had to be able to use a weapon (not a gun, mind you, more like a staff) and I had to know how to survive. It was like an instinct, back then I attributed it to fighting in Armegeddon (didn't come from even a remotely religious family. In fact they urged me to stay away from end of the world prophecy)
A few years after that in 2001 I attributed it to terrorists, a few years after that I attributed it to SHTF. That's all waaaaaaay before I found my way here.

But if I'm correct it's that feeling that there is something much much bigger going on than what you see in your every day life. The feeling that very important things are brewing and you need to figure them out.

I'm half asleep and rambling so correct me if need be.

I've always been enthralled by mysteries. Skinwalker ranch, Untersberg, Stonehenge ect all the way to Dyaltov (sp?) pass incident and the valley of the 7 deaths.
It seems like anything which goes against the grain of common accepted knowledge is a source of infinite fascination for me.

posted on Jul, 23 2009 @ 01:29 AM
reply to post by gravitybender

I was going to go like WTH are you?? But then I got what you were trying to get at.
Well, we must be all searching for the truth; at leat that's what I'm searching for. The truth about existence, the origins of life and the purpose of it.

posted on Jul, 23 2009 @ 01:33 AM
Barnum Effect : You feel the same way as everyone else, just noone really talks about it, and it makes quite the majority feel secluding wrongfully so.

I'd say your still fairly young 18-20 ish. Ish I stress.

Dreams giving predictions, HONESTLY have any of them come true?

I had a dream the other day of Dallas being nuked, nothing so far, but eh could happen, probably not though.

You feel like you're living the same life over, because you're realizing with rationality what will come tomorrow, but not just that the day after tomorrow more ultimately, and when you hit tomorrow, and you've done so reasonably right predicted it, you already have a scenario of what will happen the tomorrow of tomorrow which you are now in. And it seems awfully redundant!

Look at this site, and you get a vague picture of the immense minority.

If there was an ant, on an elephant, would you consider the ant the larger part of the elephant? No.. not at all.

Not everyone is looking for the truth, not everyone is looking for anything.

Everyone in life is just trying to survive, and those of us who have divorced this way of thinking and try (horribly) to balance both, are those you meet oddly here!

What we are looking for, is not exactly of what we're going to find, but yet what we will, turn over.

Religion, (quite a few) people know that it is absurd, and quite odd to believe in it, (you may be christian so) hinduism, and it's polytheistic ways are absurd to you why would you honestly live your life by this!

Or Why do we half to live this way, when there MUST be a easier more effiecent way to living life and advancing it.

We are at a precipice of humanity, and we all 'sense' it, but we don't know it or are very aware of it.

So in point, it's not uncommon to acknowledge this, as which you've done on a technically blogging site. Instead of which you may of tried, in the real general public.

I can go on, but i'm losing train of thought, hopefully a reply, but doubtfull because of the length of the post.

posted on Jul, 23 2009 @ 01:39 AM
Im so so sorry but i can't resist!

the "thing" you seek friend is "FIGHT CLUB" and sorry but here you'll only find the "conspiracy debate type of thing club"

or "verbal fight club"

sorry again!!


posted on Jul, 23 2009 @ 01:51 AM
Good post man, I agree with you..for the most part.

There's one little thing you said though which has been irking me lately. It's not just you so please don't take this as me picking on you ok?

Religion, (quite a few) people know that it is absurd, and quite odd to believe in it, (you may be christian so) hinduism, and it's polytheistic ways are absurd to you why would you honestly live your life by this!

Or Why do we half to live this way, when there MUST be a easier more effiecent way to living life and advancing it.

Being an unreligious guy myself I can look from the outside in. I see a lot of potential in religion, both good and bad.
I agree that religion is rather absurd, but it's what gets a lot of people through this world. It really does make some people feel good, and it really does enrich the lives of a lot of people.

Belief in the absurd, however, may not always be a bad/harmful thing. I'll use myself for example.
I believe in a god
I believe that plants are conscious beings
I believe the wind is one part in a beautiful symphony called existence.

These things are all irrational and absurd on one level or another but do they hinder my intellect? (my sleep deprivation is hindering my grammer)
They don't hinder my intelligence, sometimes these irrational and absurd beliefs can even help my thought processes by way of making me think deeper and concentrate harder.

That's a side note however, what I really wanted to get at is the efficiency bit. Being effiecent isn't something which I regard as human.
Machines are effiecent
Cars are effiecent

These things should all be effiecent, the problem is they lack the music of life.
As human beings we are creative, flawed, and (at least we used to be) deep. To be a cold, calculating machine isn't something I want to become. I can see the need for that in our lives, pollution is bad and so is non-sustainable living but our souls, our spirits (for lack of better words) can't be confined to calculations and mechanics. Nor can our lives.
Belief in something greater is a human flaw, but not one I'd be willing to part with.

It's wierd to consciously make the choice to be somewhat irrational to live a life filled with wonder. It makes poetry become self evident.


posted on Jul, 23 2009 @ 02:05 AM
reply to post by Mr Headshot

You can just as easily keep your viewpoints without a judaic god, but a pantheistic viewpoint, which in end is poetic.

I have found in my atheism, that life is grander, and more imaginative then ever possibly dreamed!

That how lucky am I to be alive, not to just be alive, but to know i'm alive, to wonder my existence and to ponder my workings in the future, and regret, and love and endure my post works.

I believe in no god
I believe that plants are a neccesity to life, and that they live and die, but not conciously are aware of themselves.
I believe wind is a great force which cools me down on a hot summer day, or chills my bones on a winter night.

These things hinder your intellect, if you let it, some bypass aspects of science in full knowledge of their bible, quran and other misc. texts. Which I find a atrocity to the race.

We by know means, are a cold calculator, as we if so be it, are a calculator we are seemingly forever coming up with new calculations!

We are definately flawed, if one was to look at the eye, myopic or not, it is indefinentaly (spelled wrong but lacking time
) flawed, and quite awfully put together.

As one scientist said, we have a heart that beats for decades unstopping, how terrible of an idea is this, to have one thing beat forever till death. Surely a designer would come up with a better form, with alternating hearts for longer lifespan, or at least give this one 'vital' thing to my whole existance a break

I can see how this is off topic, but on topic at the same time, because those seeking truth will find it.

Although to you, I am a squirrel which has found it's way to a computer.

The way life has erupted onto this blue planet is poetic if that's what your searching for.

Statistically, think of all. ALL the planets and stars out there, and think that out of the billions, "we can see". That we are the only planet which has achieved this, and at the same time take it for granted.

It was bound to happen sooner or later, and when it happned, we took it for granted! and that we'd have an after life! So it'd never end, on and on forever, and we were ID'ed and we're ultimately just freakin awesome mate!

Yet digress and think of all the planets which got, partway, but not all the way, and all those that tried and failed, and which us, to higher evolved creatures would say that we personally failed!

I could go on and on, but I think i've said enough, and five posters have posted, I'll see when I hit reply.
Edit to add, I was wrong no repliers

[edit on 23-7-2009 by Republican08]

posted on Jul, 23 2009 @ 02:21 AM

Originally posted by gravitybender
I must admit I have no clue where to put this.
ATS should seriously consider a clueless topic section.


Let's get serious, I am searching for something. What? I don't know. I feel like I have been searching for it for a while, looking through endless boring news, blogs, and yes... forum threads.

Even pre-internet I felt as though I was compelled to listen to late night talk radio, (thank you Art), or flip through books at the local bookstore. But what I was looking for has never surfaced.

What's weird is that no matter how hard I look and no matter how many damn cool and interesting things I find, it's still not "the thing". But what could "the thing" be?

Why can't I sleep well anymore? Why are my dreams giving off incredibly predictive scenarios? Why do I feel like "everything is falling in line"? In line to what?

The big question I have been trying to answer since I was 15:

Why does it feel like I am living the same life over and over?

It's almost like I go through everything just to end up starting over again, in the same body, same parents, same everything. I feel tired. I feel like I know how things are going to go down in the coming years, I know it's not going to be fun and we (as a collective) will all have an awakening of some sort, maybe even come a little closer together. I don't know.

But these things are just probably random thoughts in my head, maybe nothing to them... But yet I wonder... Why do I feel like there is something out there for me to find. Something that's waiting to be discovered. Maybe it's a purpose, or a physical item, or maybe it's something else all together.

Are you looking for something?

Do you feel like you go about day to day with nothing accomplished? Do you feel like I do? Do you need something in your life but you don't know what it is?

I'm not trying to sound religious, or philosophical to everyone, but I have noticed in recent threads that everyone seems concerned about the same thing but no one has said yet what that thing is.

Seriously! Look around! We're all heading for something, somewhere, in some time. But no one knows what, when, where, who or why. Stop and question this! Look at yourself, your life, your husband, your wife, your kids.

Something's up gang, it's happening to all of us and we don't know how to express it. Read this site, people are searching for answers, they "need to know", they "need to find". It's all over the spectrum, and what's funny is that I feel like no matter how hard we look, no matter the efforts, in the end it will seem as though "the one thing" we are all looking for has been in front of all of us all along.

Do you realize how incredibly intriguing that sounds?

Maybe it's a collective of different events, people and the like. Who knows. But I felt compelled to write this tonight, because I think the people searching blindly for a mystery they can't explain or can't even begin to understand, and have to come together to find it.

I know there's others out there who feel compelled to search. I see it in threads all over this site. My question to you is: What are we searching for? Why are we searching? Who's compelling us to search? What will come of it?

What are we all missing?

By the way... If anyone is thinking this has something to do with the Matrix or any other movie that deals with "similar subject matter", you're wrong. I did not just see something and decided I should post randomly. Nor is this "just human nature" either.

I really feel this way, and have for a long time. I can't figure it out. But I know that by asking the collective of everyone out there I might have a chance at finding what I have been searching for my entire life.

FYI: I'm also not depressed, mental, or in bad health. I'm happy, I'm loved, and I'm in the best shape of my life.

So... What do you think? What is it we are all searching for?

missing reading the ringing cedars on who we are.

posted on Jul, 23 2009 @ 02:42 AM
I'm searching for aliens

posted on Jul, 23 2009 @ 07:14 AM
reply to post by Republican08

I agree that things like that will hinder your intellect if you so let them. It's all about know which choice your making, understanding why you're making whatever choice you're making, and fleshing yourself out out of those choices.

I didn't say I believed in a particularly Juadic god, if I was going to classify myself I'd lean more toward paganism but so much of that is flawed as well.

I guess this is on topic because people with religion are generally looking for something or they believe they have found something.
To me, whether they have or haven't isn't the important part.

posted on Jul, 23 2009 @ 11:17 AM

Originally posted by Republican08
Barnum Effect : You feel the same way as everyone else, just noone really talks about it, and it makes quite the majority feel secluding wrongfully so.

I'd say your still fairly young 18-20 ish. Ish I stress.

Dreams giving predictions, HONESTLY have any of them come true?

I had a dream the other day of Dallas being nuked, nothing so far, but eh could happen, probably not though.

I'm 28.

I have had incredible dreams of nuclear war, seeing missiles flying over my head, running for cover, grabbing my children and taking them to safety. I believe in dreams and what they can tell us about our lives and what to expect, or even watch out for.

The only dreams that have come true are in the most bizarre formats. Examples:

1. I had a dream the cast of Stargate appeared on Seinfeld. Not much but two days later my wife and I were flipping through the channels and I saw Stargate (ch 48), then the next channel up I saw Seinfeld (ch 49). She knew of my dream since I tell her everything, and we both laughed at that.

2. I had a dream I was in an apartment with a woman and her child on the second floor, the apartment all of the sudden caught fire from out of nowhere. We ran outside and down the stairs as the fire crew showed up. Outside a group of teenagers where smoking pot in a car and said to me "Hey want to go play poker?", I got in and the dream was over. 2 - 3 days later I was watching the news with my wife (she knew about this dream too.) and literally the news anchor went from talking about an apartment fire with a woman and child involved to talking about high stakes poker in Black Hawk, CO. I was floored!!

These are just some of the dream instances I have had. They are subtle but I don't have to look for them they just happen.

Edit: Spelling

[edit on 23-7-2009 by gravitybender]

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 12:48 AM
Answers, Truth, Knowlegde, Education. It's mans quest, our journey through life. On a road with no certain end in sight. Welcome to now.

[edit on 27-7-2009 by iHasaBucket]

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 09:57 PM
We are searching for the truth, so that we can live the life, and create a heaven on earth to the best of our ability. We are searching for truth to fight the deception that is ever so prevalent in this world. We are seeking truth to overcome our animal minds, to change them from our overbearing boss to our technical consultant.

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 12:08 PM
What are we searching for? That is a great question.
I don't think anyone is going to be able to actually answer that though. I think that maybe that answer is even different for each of us.

I find in odd that people are always scrambling to attach rules and restrictions to these things. Stuff like rules as to how the afterlife works, how we are alive to fulfill some kind of purpose, that there are seven levels of spiritual progression, that we are moving onto a 4-d/5-d existance... All this crap. I think we need to stop that. I think we are limiting something that is really limitless. (We keep looking for a limit, and the more we look, the more we find. I think because we look we keep finding. Maybe DNA would not exist if we were not looking?)

The best way I think I can put this is that a few months ago I was not digging life. I was hoping for some kind of financial market doom to "save" me from my boring 9 to 5 existence. Then I got tired of that just teasing me, i was hoping for alien disclosure to come save me from my boring 9 to 5 existence. Then when that didn't happen I prayed to win the lotto thinking that maybe if I believe in god he will save me from my boring 9 to 5 existence.

Then I realized that god, the government, the lotto, DOOM, or even aliens are capable of saving me. Only I can save myself. But wait; Why is it that I even need to be saved to begin with? Oh that's right boring 9 to 5 existence... I think there's a better way. That's what I'm looking for. (sorry I think I totally rambled on your thread :p)

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 12:51 PM
reply to post by gravitybender

Thanks for directing me here. Yes. I have always been looking for something, and no I don't know what it is. Is is spiritual in nature? is it extraterrestrial in nature? Somehow I think that it is both.

I have difficulty imagining my future. When I try to imagine myself and my wife in our old age I see fog.

perhaps recently the veil is being lifted.

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