posted on Jul, 22 2009 @ 10:30 PM
It does seem interesting that this story keeps coming up after being disproved many times. I decided to examine my birth certificate to see what is on
it. I have the original in my possession, and it is very basic.
It has my full name, city and state of birth and my date of birth. It does not have the time, and it is not signed by a doctor. The signature is of
the city registrar. The date on the certificate is a few days after my birth when it was filed. There is a city seal that has been stamped by the
registrar. That is all that is on my birth certificate. The local file number is only four digits, although it is alphanumeric.
Many of the people are arguing that the certificate is not real because a doctor did not sign it. Mine does not have a doctors signature and yet I
used it to get a social security number and when I entered the military.
I was born in the year 1963, and Barack Obama was born in the year 1961. The certificates that were used did not have very much information on them
(not like they may have now). The questions that are brought up are complete and utter nonsense, and I think people should examine their own birth
certificates. Some may have required a doctor to sign, but others did not like mine.
What more do the Birthers need?