posted on Jun, 18 2014 @ 11:12 PM
This Ol' back hill country boy's gonna take a stab at your post, there Limey, an' see if I can't set you straight on a couple of things.
Unlike the current Admin of the US, G.W. Bush at least had the basic decency to pay for his vacations, usually on his rancg in Texas, opposed to
golf cources in Hawaii, out of his own pocket rather than at taxpayer expense...and with a 400 k payroll to work with annually, I think he did pretty
Second, Yeah a lot of us DID save your asses, including the 50 or so Admialty class CVE's the 10 k or so Stuart, Grant and Sherman ttanks, and
half brothers the m-7 priest SPg we sent over. Mind, The British addition of the 17 pounder to the Sherman Firefly was a work of art, but without the
As to the Royals... I'm part Cherokee Indian, who wishes none of you furreigners had ever arrived here...part Irish, who's ansecesters came over
as "Indentured servants" effect slaves, promoted by the Crown,.. Part German, a merc who basiclly deserted, and part English. Way I understand
it, the Royals are given what we would call welfare, a basic libving stipend with no real income of their own...biggest Socalist cases there are, for
otherwise they own nothing. the "Royal homes" and such actually belongto the Government, and are only used by the current residents...
Leave them leas they ain't running the streets.