posted on Jul, 22 2009 @ 04:18 AM
Hello everyone, been reading ATS for awhile now lost my old account and email that was associated with it so ended up having to make a new account.
I found ATS roughly a year and a half after 9/11. I found it while researching the stuff that happened on that day. And when I found ATS I was
immediately immersed in the vast information there is.
I don't consider myself a conspiracy theorist but I do have an open mind.
My first delvings into the mysteries was probably when I was in middle school. I came across a couple of books from Zachery Sitchen (pardon me if I'm
misspelling his name I can never remember how to spell his last name) as most of you know, they dealt with numerous theories on ufo's and the
pyramids, all the way to a now non-existant planet called Tiamat (again spelling pardon). Those books pretty much opened the door to all sorts of
things for me.
I'm into pretty much any type of mystery and fully look forward to actively participating in the ATS forums. Now I may show some ignorance on some
things but I ask you all to bear with me as my mind expands into some of the newer areas I've started showing interest in (specially the
NWO/Illuminati stuff, and the general conspiracies)
I look forward to the discussions in the future and hope that you all enjoy whatever contribution that I may provide.