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Wanting to see Area 51

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posted on Jul, 21 2009 @ 11:23 PM
Hi all, Im heading to Las Vegas for a wedding in September and staying a week. While there my wife and I are renting a car for a day or two and heading out to Rachel NV and want to head out to the gates of Area 51. I believe there is a mountain you can drive up that it outside of their fences where you can look down on the base but im not too sure about that.

I was wondering if any other members here have made a trip like this and what advice or tips they have from their own experiences. Places to go, things to see in the area and where to get the best view of the facility.


posted on Jul, 21 2009 @ 11:30 PM
I just watched a UK show called Louis Theroux Wild Weekends, Anyway, in in this particular episode he visited Rachel and interviewed all the local personalities. THe Lil Alien Inn owners, Glen Campbell, and others. It was really entertaining. I recommend it. BTW, I think you'll have alot of extra time on your hands after the Area 51 gate tour. Its a very small desert town

posted on Jul, 21 2009 @ 11:35 PM

Originally posted by QBSneak000
Hi all, Im heading to Las Vegas for a wedding in September and staying a week. While there my wife and I are renting a car for a day or two and heading out to Rachel NV and want to head out to the gates of Area 51. I believe there is a mountain you can drive up that it outside of their fences where you can look down on the base but im not too sure about that.

I was wondering if any other members here have made a trip like this and what advice or tips they have from their own experiences. Places to go, things to see in the area and where to get the best view of the facility.


The government has made all mountains overlooking area 51 off limits your about 10 years to late sorry.About as close as you can get is a sign on the way to the front gate which will still be about 10 miles down the road.If your lucky you might see the secrity forces if you sit at the sign to long theyll usually pop up on a ridge to let you know there there.

posted on Jul, 21 2009 @ 11:38 PM
reply to post by dragonridr

damn!! oh well, better than nothing I suppose.

Thanks for the info

posted on Jul, 22 2009 @ 12:28 AM
reply to post by QBSneak000

Before you go to the desert, remember to check the weather forecast, it gets really hot out there and even though its a dry heat, its still very hot!!!!

posted on Jul, 22 2009 @ 11:14 AM
I am baffled why someone would post that you can't see Area 51 from nearby mountain tops when new photographs and panoramas show up on the net every year.

You can see the base from Tikaboo Peak, Reveille Peak, and a few hills that don't have names. However, these are serious hikes. You don't do them on a whim, certainly not on a quick trip. I camp out at the base of the mountain, then hike Tikaboo in the early AM when it is cool. You need to camp out overnight. The hike in the summer requires 9 liters of water. Abotu6 liters will do in spring and fall. At a distance of 26 miles, binoculars are a must and a telescope is suggested if you want to do photography.

Think of it more like an expedition than a trip. If you want to do a quick up and down the mountain just to see the base, it is substantially easier but not particularly rewarding. You need to stake out the facility for a while to see activity. Testing is always done at night.

The TTR is substantially easier to watch.mtdiablo.gpx
The link is a gpx file. You can save it and load it into google earth or any number of mapping programs. It is the hill close to the border of the TTR. You will be seen by security and might get a visit, but the hill is perfectly legal to visit or even camp on. It is about 6 miles to the runway. You can do this in a car. Take a look at the file on google earth. You can also just park nearby the hill and hike it. I doubt the climb is even 100ft. From Google Earth, it looks like you park here:
37°53'52.02"N 116°45'32.23"W

If the file appears as text, just cut and paste it, then open that saved file with google earth.

The google earth image shows some infrastructure on the hill, but I'm guessing they caught a truck or something since the location is used as a relay point for a portable microwave tower during JEFX.

posted on Jul, 25 2009 @ 11:27 PM
just take a small truck with a alien wrapped in a parachute and you can go straight in without clearance,like in the movies lol.

jokes aside, im sure there is a mountain where you can see it in the distance thats available,i remember seeing something not too long ago where it sa spot where a group of people set up there cameras to catch activity.

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 12:52 AM
reply to post by gariac

Awesome!! Thanks for that info bud!!!

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 10:32 AM

Originally posted by QBSneak000
reply to post by gariac

Awesome!! Thanks for that info bud!!! I was reading down this post, the first thing that came to my mind was "this guy needs to talk to Gariac!"....would'nt ya know it, he chimed right in!

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 07:08 AM
If i was you i would forget about doing that.They will already know you are coming now.

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 08:14 AM
reply to post by GORGANTHIUM

So? its not like I was planning on jumping the fence and running towards the runway. Im sure thousands of people drive up to the gate or to the top of one of the surrounding mountains for pictures each year.

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 08:21 AM
id love to go there too.
hope u have fun and see something cool

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 07:29 PM
Just get some pictures. I was out at Roswell, NM a couple weeks ago. It was actually the weekend after the UFO festival. Still alot of perculiar individuals walking around there. maybe in disguise?

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 10:28 PM

Originally posted by QBSneak000
Hi all, Im heading to Las Vegas for a wedding in September and staying a week. While there my wife and I are renting a car for a day or two and heading out to Rachel NV and want to head out to the gates of Area 51. I believe there is a mountain you can drive up that it outside of their fences where you can look down on the base but im not too sure about that.

I was wondering if any other members here have made a trip like this and what advice or tips they have from their own experiences. Places to go, things to see in the area and where to get the best view of the facility.


WOW!Congratulations on your wedding and good luck for both,lucky that you can go to see the area 51, was always a dream for me to get there, but I live across the world it is impossible for me,tries to get you as close as you can. take lots of pictures. I will be expecting a lot of luck and congratulations.

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 10:57 PM
reply to post by babebrillant

Its actually for a friends wedding, lol Thanks though!!

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 11:47 PM
Well---hmmm. I would suggest renting a 4 wheel drive and not a car if you wish to do some exploring, and stay out of the posted areas unless you want to spend part of your vacation in a small room with bars on the window. I doubt anything much will come of it, except for a couple days ruined, a fine for trespassing, and getting put "on the list", which might make flying or buying a gun or getting any job with a background check a bit of a bother.
As for TTR, they are just running a skeleton crew there now, and up north @ 51, not much has "visibly" happened there in almost a decade.
If you want the tourist experience, make the loop up 95 through Tonopah, take 6 up to warm springs, hang a right on "The E.T. Highway" and stop and get a pic of the sign. You could go up 6 another couple miles and take some snaps of Base camp on the left right by the side of the road before continuing on to Rachel. A few miles before Rachel, the perimeter fence comes within walking distance of the highway, so hop out and take some snaps of the "WARNING" and
"PHOTOGRAPHY OF THIS AREA IS PROHIBITED" signs just for giggles. This area often has the "cammo dudes" wandering about, and you might see them parked on the hilltop next to the antenna.
Must be a bit of shade up there.
Stop at the notorious restaurant and grab a couple Cokes and whatever cheap Chinese made alien trinkets you wish to take home, take snaps of the saucer and ID4 monument. As for conversing with the locals, they all seem a bit tired of the whole thing.
Continue on to Caliente, and maybe a side trip to Cathedral gorge---nice in the late afternoon. Continue on into Vegas in the evening and see the lights.

About 14 hours on a leisurely pace.
Or, you could stop for the night somewhere past Rachel, and do Cathedral Gorge and Valley of Fire state park the next morning/afternoon.

Just my dos pesos.

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 11:52 PM
Hey guys, lets all play a short game.

Ok ok.. put your imagination caps on.

NOW! Imagine that you are the 'shadow government' and you have extra top secret technology.

NOW! You want a place to store it and test it.

NOW! You have 100's of top secret unknown military installations around the world, including underground bases.

NOW! 1 of those 100's is "Area 51" and the ENTIRE world knows about it, and where it is.

NOW! Where do you hide this top secret technology?

Area 51 of course....
what a painfully ironic moto this website has.

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 12:46 AM
reply to post by king9072

haha, Im only going there to have my picture taken at the gate in front of some of the more fun signs they have, also just to say I've been to the gate at least once in my life.

I don't expect to see anything other than the security guys watching me with their binoculars nor am I dumb enough to believe I will see more than that anyways. As a conspiracy/ufo enthusiast, and with Area 51's history, I felt that I have to at least get as close as I can and see it while Im in Vegas.

No need to be insulting friend.

Thanks for pointing out the obvious anyways.

[edit on 30-7-2009 by QBSneak000]

[edit on 30-7-2009 by QBSneak000]

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 04:01 PM
Good luck on getting up to the gate. They will know you are coming shortly after you leave the highway. If they are not in the mood for a bit of fun (I am sure it is quite boring in the shack) they will send someone out to meet you before you get far.
If they are really bored, they will let you get to the gate before yanking you out of your car at gunpoint, take you and whomever you happen to be with to separate rooms, and Abu Ghraib you for a few hours, or until shift change. Because, lets face it. No one but a terrorist would want to attempt a car bomb or infiltration of a well posted restricted military installation. "Hey, ya gots gas in yer tank---thats an IED just waiting to happen."

Seriously, a military installation is NOT a tourist destination.

And there are millions of empty acres of desert someone could get "lost" in, if you take my drift.

30 years ago, they could triangulate anything bigger than a jackrabbit anywhere in the vast Nellis reservation in minutes, and I can only assume they have gotten much better at it.

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 10:46 PM
reply to post by gotrox

I dont mean the main gate. I was talking about the road along the highway where you can go only to a certain point until you get to a fence with the "Do not enter signs"

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