I have read quit a bit about how the human experience is cyclical and I have also gotten caught up in the depression fears and so I decided to look
more into the dates of other similar times in history. I also have read some about the different generations (Baby Boomer's, Gen X etc.) and how
they follow a cyclical pattern. In fact you asking about my inspiration made me think about the progression of different generations again which
probably can add more to this post.
Here is a wikipedia page that talks about the different generations throughout history.
Basically generations go through four different types of characteristics. Which follow a pattern of: the high before the awakening, awakening,
unraveling, and then finally crisis. Here are the four different generation types:
Prophet/Idealist. A Prophet (or Idealist) generation is born during a High, spends its rising adult years during an Awakening, spends midlife during
an Unraveling, and spends old age in a Crisis. Prophetic leaders have been cerebral and principled, summoners of human sacrifice, wagers of righteous
wars. Early in life, few saw combat in uniform; late in life, most come to be revered as much for their words as for their deeds.
Nomad/Reactive. A Nomad (or Reactive) generation is born during an Awakening, spends its rising adult years during an Unraveling, spends midlife
during a Crisis, and spends old age in a new High. Nomadic leaders have been cunning, hard-to-fool realists, taciturn warriors who prefer to meet
problems and adversaries one-on-one.
Hero/Civic. A Hero (or Civic) generation is born during an Unraveling, spends its rising adult years during a Crisis, spends midlife during a High,
and spends old age in an Awakening. Heroic leaders are considered to have been vigorous and rational institution-builders, busy and competent in old
age. All of them entering midlife were aggressive advocates of technological progress, economic prosperity, social harmony, and public optimism.
Artist/Adaptive. An Artist (or Adaptive) generation is born during a Crisis, spends its rising adult years in a new High, spends midlife in an
Awakening, and spends old age in an Unraveling. Artistic leaders have been advocates of fairness and the politics of inclusion, irrepressible in the
wake of failure.
Currently the people who are of age now (such as me: I'm 21) are of the Hero generation and are typically born in a period of society unraveling and
come of age during a period of crisis. The last hero generation was born from 1901 to 1925 and came of age in the great depression. In the civil war
era the hero generation never happened according to this wikipedia article however the hero generation before it of course are born from 1742 to 1766
and came of age during the Revolution.
So in a way based on the different types of generations we are also scheduled for a period of crisis.
[edit on 21-7-2009 by Canis Lupus]