posted on Sep, 29 2009 @ 09:31 PM
I'll throw a guess out here because I have noticed a marked increase in the activity of other energies since spring this year. My guess is that
there are just more of these things due to time winding in on itself. Likewise ldyserenity may well be right that your animal spirit guides may be
trying to steer you a bit. Mine were very active with me for about three years. I don't see them much anymore though they do let me know they're
still around every now and again. Mine are foxes, btw.
I see all manner of movement nowadays and there are frequently accompanying sounds. Honestly, I wouldn't worry about it. Please do not feel fear
about this. Time is winding in tightly right now so energies are bound to react. Does anyone else have labored breathing lately? Sometimes I feel
like my heart chakra is a vacuum. I can't breathe well. I take long walks in the forest or by the water to try and free things up. Not much help
though. And some places are worse than others.
One suggestion is that before you go to bed, you could stand very straight with your eyes closed and the lights on, and calm your heart and mind.
Visualize any fears or stresses literally floating off of you, working from your toes up to the ends of your hair, while relaxing all the muscles in
sets working upward. Toes, then feet, then calves, then thighs and derriere, then your thorax, fingers, arms, shoulders, neck and pay close attention
to your face. Relax the jaw gently, cheeks, back of the head, ears, eyes, scalp and "see" the energies lift right off the ends of your hair.
Visualize them sailing out the window. As you do this, visualize your bones in a soft pink and place a true green shell of light on your skin. You
may wish to coat that in white light and seal it with gold. It's not hard to do and will do wonders for your sleep and on into the next day. After
you do the relaxation bit, visualize your room - eyes still closed as it's easier in the beginning that way - and see your ceiling coated in pink and
white light. Then tuck it fully into the corners and continue down the walls. Windows and doors must be well protected with a bulging mass of this
pink and white so that whatever enters has to pass through it. Negative energies don't much like white and they really don't like soft pink. The
more you believe this to be effective, the more it will be so.
Do this first in your own room and then try to carry it out into the rest of your house and its grounds.