posted on Jul, 22 2009 @ 01:15 AM
I expect to see the US end up in a war with North Korea and/or Iran soon, maybe not in 2009, but in a year or two time frame. I don't have any kind
of evidence, this is just based on the cumulative impression I get from reading the news over time. When Obama took office, I thought perhaps this
would die down, and I think it did somewhat when he was first elected, but as his term goes on, it's getting worse again. He might not personally
want war, but even the president cannot fully control the momentum of the entire government, and I doubt he can do more than slow the inevitable. (or
at least the likely)
I really don't think Iran is a danger to other nations at this time, while with NKorea I'm not so sure, but I don't think they'd do anything too
stupid, or at least any more stupid than anything they've already done. Really, diplomacy is a better option, especially with Iran. I think
Ahmenijad (sp?), while he wouldn't cave in to US interests, would at least have a proper dialogue with US leaders, and come to compromises over their
differences, and Kim in Korea probably won't live much longer, if he is as ill as is rumoured, and perhaps the next leader will be more sensible than
he is.
I am frequently reminded in recent years of one of the characteristics of a totalitarian government, which is that an external enemy is needed as a
kind of scapegoat to blame for conditions at home. People were scared of al-Qaeda after 9/11, but, with all due respect to the innocent dead, that
was 8 years ago and the average person doesn't care anymore. Then they were scared of Saddam and Iraq and the boogeyman of WMD. Now that Iraq is
largely beaten, and Saddam is dead, there isn't really any sort of scapegoat, and conditions, particularly the economy, are much worse. They need
someone else to blame for their troubles, or at least something to make people forget their troubles. It's hard to be as concerned about rising
joblessness when you're concerned another country might nuke you, for instance.