At the risk of sounding quite harsh, thought control in the US is so good that people literally can't think for themselves. From birth you're
wrapped in the flag, taught (quite erroneously) that the US is "the greatest country in the world" (true for military might, sadly not true for
overall standard of living, education, health care, infrastructure - all the things that actually matter)... the American flag fetish is truly sad,
and symptomatic of the pervasive propaganda that you don't even see because it's like wallpaper...
OP, you're not going to wake anyone up. Sorry, and good on you for trying, but, I mean, look at this...
Originally posted by Vendric
You known that served didn’t do so, so that folks like you can call us pawns. We did it to be there for or county and its people. Without us this
county would not be here.
This is so patently untrue but is clearly an article of faith with the poster.
How about, "without us Indo-china might not have been bombed back to the stone age"?
That's a little more accurate.
How about "without us the US would not now be desperately trying to occupy two countries to protect its access to oil"?
Give us the Vets and men and woman that fight now some credit were not pawns we know what we are doing and we know the likes of you.
Clearly, not, because the OP did serve. But it doesn't matter anyway. I've never been in an army, nor would I ever do so. This is because I know
instinctively that war is a racket. Brigadier-General Smedley Butler knew that really well after serving in the Marines for his whole career.
His verdict was that he'd acted as hired muscle for Wall Street and had been an enforcer for them across Central and South America.
He knew what he'd done, rather more clearly than poor old Vendric.
So... the US gives its soldiers contaminated drinking water? Small beer, compared to giving them DU weapons to pollute themselves and their
environment; compared to blowing up one of Saddam's chemical weapons repositories (this in Gulf War I) when a massive encampment of US soldiers was
directly downwind; compared to sending them out to a hostile environment with inadequate equipment; compared to abandoning vets once they get
home, if they get home? Vets comprise, as I understand it, the largest proportion of homeless people.
Not an exhaustive list, bu any means, but you'd think anyone with a brain would have woken up by now.
[edit on 22-7-2009 by rich23]