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New Solar Activity July 20th + Jupiter Impact

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posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 05:45 PM

A big show is underway on the sun today. Two massive prominences are dancing along the northwestern limb with such allure that the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) has boosted its frame-rate to capture the motions. Stay tuned for movies, and meanwhile, keep an eye on the sun.


Activity expected in the K4 range, possible k5.
SOHO and Chart watch here:


POSSIBLE IMPACT EVENT ON JUPITER: Did something just hit Jupiter? On July 19th, a black "scar" appeared in Jupiter's clouds.

"The jet-black mark is near Jupiter's south pole (south is up in the image)," says Wesley. "I have imagery of that same location from two nights earlier without the impact mark, so this is a very recent event. The material has already begun to spread out in a fan shape on one side, and should be rapidly pulled apart by the fast jetstream winds. I recorded a lot of footage, and will be generating more images and a rotation animation soon."

Amateur astronomers around the world should train their telescopes on Jupiter tonight to monitor the progress of this possible impact event: sky map. Stay tuned for more images and updates.


Side note: There was some indian legend about impacts on Jupiter that needs more research.

posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 06:01 PM
Some great info thanks

posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 06:10 PM
There was a report yesterday about an asteroid impact on jupiter that was spotted by an amateur astronomer in australia... let me see if i can find the thread for it.

EDIT: Yep, here's the thread for it...

[edit on 20-7-2009 by Jomina]

posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 06:11 PM
I await to see if there will be more impacts, and with increasing frequency, as our Solar system passes through the disk of the galactic plane - approaching the galactic plane alignment of 12-21-2012.

posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 06:20 PM

Originally posted by Jomina
There was a report yesterday about an asteroid impact on jupiter that was spotted by an amateur astronomer in australia... let me see if i can find the thread for it.

EDIT: Yep, here's the thread for it...

[edit on 20-7-2009 by Jomina]

Thanks for the link to the Jupiter thread (missed that one) - lots of good info and pics there about Jupiter!

posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 07:27 PM
have any of you seen this "planet" pass by the sun? is really a planet?

here is the link: SHOHO video

posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 07:37 PM
reply to post by Julie Washington

Thanks for the heads up - always good to know what is going on - in many areas!!

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