posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 04:46 PM
The United States of America "commonly referred to as the United States, the U.S., the USA, or America ? which is a very bad name, when US takes on
all of it, and calls itself America?
America is a term, North America may mean different things to different people in the world according to the context. Usage other than that of the
entire continent.
In English, North America may be used to refer to the United States and Canada together.Alternatively, usage often includes Mexico (as with North
American Free Trade Agreement) and other entities
In Latin America, Spain, Portugal, and some other parts of Europe, North America usually designates a subcontinent (subcontinente in Spanish) of the
Americas containing Canada, the United States, and Mexico, and often Greenland, Saint Pierre and Miquelon, and Bermuda.
I was trying to specify the US alone. It is like when you North American`s include Finland in Scandinavia.? wrong.
When it is part of Northen ( Norden) up here were i live.
Scandinavia is ONLY Sweden Denmark and Norway.
I was just trying to specify the US alone, and be kind at the same time.
So please take my "spirits up" words with you.
Besides the United Stater`s :-) runs it all anyway.....
[edit on 20-7-2009 by Kukulcangod]