posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 05:34 AM
Historical and archealogical record have shown that all form of violence, war, crimes peeked 5600 years ago, and moral inhibitor had NO EFFECT, our
moral inhibitor is only a RECENT DEVELOPMENT coined by Siegmund Freud, Carl Jung and various other spychologist and psychoanalist. Ruthless doctrines
and leaders came about after 5600 years ago. Man is not the ruthless murder, because if you look at the fossil records of Hominids and Neanderthal
they were able to live peacefully, and then you look at specific event the stretches beyond the 5600 years mark. Insanity is perfectly normal if
something unnatural has happened to you. What you have said is absolutly right, but thats barely scractching the surface you need look at mans spyche
and ancient history with its so called "MYTH". I can tell you right now you live in a world of smiling depressents, schizoids, psychopaths. The
phantos complex - Instinct of Death which Siegmund Freud is highly distubed by. it is present in the spyche in all of mankind it is so dark its scary
because it literrally gave birth to all form Saddistic, Machoist, Narcistict behaviour and thought pattern. The very evidence for that IS FOUND IN OUR