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Town hall meeting goes crazy..over obama's citizenship

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posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 05:01 PM

Originally posted by Wimbly
I don't know if I buy in to any of this, but can someone tell me why he just doesn't provide this so called "long birth certificate"? Whats the argument that says he doesn't need to?

He can't. Hawaii doesn't issue long forms.

posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 05:34 PM

Originally posted by WhatTheory
That was awesome!

I only wish the woman would have specified 'natural born citizen' instead of just a 'U.S. citizen'. I'm sure she meant natural born but got caught up in the moment. Anyway, good for her and good for the town meeting.

Ah, but that is the clincher - if it's true that he isn't a natural born citizen, then, unless he went through naturalization and there's not been a record released showing that, he isn't even a U.S. citizen! "His mom was an american" you say. Doesn't matter, because in 1961 she was too young to pass on her citizenship via giving birth alone and his father wasn't an American so he couldn't get citizenship that route either. The only ways he could have gained citizenship would have been to have been born on U.S. soil or to have been naturalized like any other foreigner.

So, anyway, she is right with questioning his actual citizenship. I think this is where it gets scary. Everyone is getting focused on the "natural born" portion, but how about the fact that if he wasn't born on U.S. soil, he wasn't born an American!!??!!!!
That's the scary part.

posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 05:35 PM

Originally posted by truthtothemasses
You need to watch this clip. I'm in no way an Obamabot, but I think The Young Turks or Cenk Uygur are good at what the do.

The "Young Turks", (named after a group of Ottoman rebels who took over the Empire in the early 20th Century), has the most idiotic anchor. The guy is in serious need of a brain transplant, and he is, in my view, representative of all that is wrong with my generation (Naive, Arrogant, and Socialist).

[edit on 7-20-2009 by TheAgentNineteen]

posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 05:37 PM

Originally posted by debunky

Originally posted by Wimbly
I don't know if I buy in to any of this, but can someone tell me why he just doesn't provide this so called "long birth certificate"? Whats the argument that says he doesn't need to?

He can't. Hawaii doesn't issue long forms.

No, they don't but it's all a matter of wording. What he has shown is a certificate of live birth - that's not even enough to get a drivers license usually. What he HAS NOT shown is a birth certificate. They are calling the certificate of live birth, a birth certificate and they're 2 different things. In 1961, you could get a cert. of live birth in HI for a baby not born on HI soil. So, even if born in Kenya, his mom could have aquired a cert. of live birth for him (what he has shown). Notice that when Obamamaniacs talk about this topic, they always leave those facts out.

posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 05:45 PM

Originally posted by truthtothemasses
It appears that nobody on this thread is interested in facts about this issue.

We think our colleagues at, who also dug into some of these loopy theories put it pretty well: "It is possible that Obama conspired his way to the precipice of the world’s biggest job, involving a vast network of people and government agencies over decades of lies. Anything’s possible. But step back and look at the overwhelming evidence to the contrary and your sense of what’s reasonable has to take over."

In fact, the conspiracy would need to be even deeper than our colleagues realized. In late July, a researcher looking to dig up dirt on Obama instead found a birth announcement that had been published in the Honolulu Advertiser on Sunday, Aug. 13, 1961:


[edit on 20-7-2009 by truthtothemasses]

I love when these sources claim to be unbiased. The use of the word "loopy" to describe theories on the birth certificate, is an example of bias. And the use of the words "overwhelming evidence" is rediculous as well. There isn't overwhelming evidence to show his citizenship. On the contrary, the overwhelming evidence shows that he's a liar and a fake and probably not even a U.S. citizen! The fact that he has gotten away with all of this because of a crazy loophole in the way HI prints certificates of live birth and birth certificates and confuses the State Department (yes, I think they're a bit ignorant if they're accepting these certs. of live birth from years prior to 1963 when babies born outside the U.S. could obtain one) really blows my mind. But it all seems far more logical than:

1)Refusing to show a birth certificate rather than a certificate of live birth
2)Shelling out $900k+ to fight court cases demanding that a birth certificate be shown.
3)Continuing to refuse to show a birth certificate and to rely on the cert. of live birth as "proof" even though HI issued these to foreign born babies in 1961.

None of THAT is logical. I'm with the lady in red, WHERE is the birth certificate!?

posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 05:49 PM
Sorry Obamatrons... to use an old saying, "The djini is out of the bottle!" and there ain't no putting it back!!!

Nope, this is on the edge of going mainstream. People are pissed at the government and pissed people are starting to get fed up and fed up people... well, we just don't know what they're capable of yet but I gather it ain't good!

If the guy is legit - SHOW THE DOCUMENT!!! The fact that he won't tells me everything I need to know.

posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 05:50 PM

Originally posted by truthtothemasses
reply to post by WhatTheory

So I'm brainwashed if I accept his certification of birth as being real?? Really?

I don't listen to the MSM, I inform myself from other sources, BTW.

Then you need to find new sources.

Yes, you're brainwashed. Look this up - the certificate of live birth that Obama has shown was available to babies NOT born in HI, in 1961, when Obama was born. He didn't have to be born on HI soil to get the certificate of live birth. However, he did have to be born on American soil to gain citizenship at birth. According to U.S. law in 1961, his mother wasn't old enough to pass on her citizenship to him (and his father wasn't an american so he couldn't pass it on either). The only way to gain citizenship for Obama, was to be born on U.S. soil. If he truly wasn't, then he's not even an American!

Read the above paragraph 5 times atleast. I know it's confusing, but read it and reread it and then go searching for liberal media's response to these exact issues and you won't find any! They refuse to address these issues, as does Obama - because they can't and he can't.

posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 05:58 PM
reply to post by Ron Paul Girl

Yes you could.
And it would state... the place of birth. (Obviously not as Hawaii)

Edit to add:
What i said before: This angry woman has a "US Birth ceritificate"? Interesting... where did she get that from? the US don't issue BCs. The states do.

And one more edit:
They changed the wording.
Certificate and certification are the same thing in hawaii.

[edit on 20-7-2009 by debunky]

[edit on 20-7-2009 by debunky]

posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 07:12 PM
The desperation in the 'birth certificate' movement is hilarious.

It HAS been proven, beyond a doubt that Obama was born in Honolulu Hawaii.

There was even a birth announcement in the local paper on the day of his birth.

His birth certificate has been disclosed.

But those who just can't stand having Obama as president just can't let go and critique on based on reality.

Bummer for you guys, at least he doesn't have to worry about you all doing anything productive that could actually give him a hard time.

posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 10:09 PM
So you're supposed to have been born in America in order to be president...

Isn't that a problem for the United States' very first president who was born in a British colony. Hm, by birth, the very first American president is not actually American. Precedent anyone? George Washington wasn't actually an American, he was a Brit. Ergo, to say that you must be an American citizen to become president, then you are ignoring your roots of having your Founding Fathers being foreigners...

Such an interesting dilemma...

posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 10:14 PM

posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 10:46 PM

Originally posted by truthtothemasses

Your only arguement can be if it's a fake. If you can't prove it's a fake, get over it, and move on.

And by no means am I brainwashed. I go by a code which involves facts, logic, and experience. The article states that the birth certificate is acceptable for the state department. Useless you have proof that it is a fake or a forgery, you have absolutely nothing, so move on.

And I guess I'll have make this clear, I am not an Obama fan. I absolutely dispised Bush, but I would be saying the exact some thing if he was in Obama's shoes.

It more "logical" to ask for the one he doesn't want to show us then the one no one believes because it isn't what we asked for and not even Obama will answer the questions verbally that his colb is authentic. He has others say that for him. It is more logical to want the facts and the facts are what will incriminate him and the ONLY reason an intelligent educated person like himself would act so idiotic.

posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 11:27 PM

Originally posted by Cypher-X

It more "logical" to ask for the one he doesn't want to show us then the one no one believes because it isn't what we asked for and not even Obama will answer the questions verbally that his colb is authentic. He has others say that for him. It is more logical to want the facts and the facts are what will incriminate him and the ONLY reason an intelligent educated person like himself would act so idiotic.

So you are saying that if he told you that he lost the original, and this new one is authentic, you would leave him alone?

posted on Jul, 21 2009 @ 04:10 AM
She says "I want my country back"

You mean the one during the Bush administration? Figures.


posted on Jul, 21 2009 @ 04:40 AM
Your president is amazing he is so different from all the rest who else shouted "CHANGE" as much as obama has amazing,

so at what point do the American people call in their second amendment and act on it

posted on Jul, 21 2009 @ 05:03 AM
Wow that woman was hysterical and if i am frank, quite pathetic.

What on earth has the Pacific Campaign in World War II got to do with Obama's birth certificate?

Obviously she was just invoking the usual American jingoistic flag's the one language Americans truely understand.

Is she even aware Kenyan troops even fought in World War II? Obviously i know not in the Pacific, but she was acting as if that had something to do with Obama....which it didn't at all. Perhaps she isn't even aware that there was a war outside the Pacific. Respect to all those who lost their lives of course, but bringing up their memory just to rouse the masses seems a bit sad in my opinion.

If i was the guy at the podium i would have walked out. How was he meant to speak with them all hollering like banshees? At least give him the chance to speak, since he listened to that woman's diatribe.

You Americans all whinge and moan about Obama's birth certificate. Perhaps you should all stop being self-centered and focus on more important things. The little matter of Afghanistan and Iraq?

You have your fascist cops tasering people left, right and centre and your Congress passsing bills which 90 per cent of you probably aren't even aware of and are probably unconstitutional. All this hoo-haa about gun control being one example.

Meanwhile you all sit on your backsides. But when it comes to Obama's birth certificate, ohhh nooo lets kick up a fuss!

posted on Jul, 21 2009 @ 05:13 AM
I'm surprised this BC thing is still going, it died down for awhile but now it seems to be going stronger than before.

If he was found to be ineligible, just take him off and put Ron Paul up there instead and see things change.
Probably our last hope at fixing this stupid world

posted on Jul, 21 2009 @ 05:17 AM

Originally posted by The Soothsayer
Alright... know what? How hard would it be for the government to create a false document?

[edit on 2009/7/20 by The Soothsayer]

Probably easier than documents on WMD.

Hmmm I hope I can convey this properly.

People are so upset about this one technicality. One issue that would be illegal.

Where were the people standing up to illegal practices during the whole ( ever declining slide into dictatorship ) bush administration?

Why are people not as upset about the many other injustices and illegalities in the world right now?

In my eyes, the federal reserve is a bigger issue at the moment. I could probably name other more important issues too.

It's interesting to see people latch on to this so strongly.

Anyway for the record I think Obama should address and fix the issue.
If he was found illegitimate, then remove him.

I just wish people would recognize and fight against more important issues.
My guess is that this is the easiest issue to grasp. Most people can't be bothered, or can't understand the Federal reserve or money issues so they don't fight it.

[edit on 21-7-2009 by T0by]

posted on Jul, 21 2009 @ 05:27 AM
Who are the slicksters responsible for allowing him to get through in the first place ? Did they believe this would simply all die down ? Or, like the Bush administration, did they figure they'd get Obama through first, then worry about inconvenient little issues such as the birth certificate ? How shonky are those US elections when something like this is left hanging, months after someone takes office ?

What happened to the debate about the swearing-in ? That was another dodgy issue.

If Obama had documentation which would satisfactorily quash forever questions about his eligibility, he surely would have produced it prior to or immediately after the elections.

It's incredible that the most powerful nation on earth, filled with genuinely patriotic, tax-paying folk, can be jerked around like this. It really does imply that whilst the American people are genuine and sincere, the reins of their nation (and their lives) have been stolen by low-life scum gangsters. If it takes a revolution in order for the American people to wrest back their nation and lives, then that's what it's going to take and they and their nation will emerge the stronger for it. It's time politicians understood .. really understood .. that they work FOR the people -- they are temporary employees and as such they are accountable for every word and deed. Time for Americans to sweep the current scum out on the end of a broom. AND get rid of dual-citizenship, parasitical, political snakes who've stolen their lives and futures from them.

posted on Jul, 21 2009 @ 05:32 AM
reply to post by St Vaast

It's worked for them for a long time now. If it's working, why change it?
Much like in a fighting game, if a particular attack is working, they'll do it over and over since it's play to win and nothing else matters.

It's up to the other player to figure out what they are doing wrong and break through.
It's up to the citizens to change, as the politicians won't since it is currently working for them and has been for a long time.

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