posted on Jul, 19 2009 @ 08:45 PM
Things can be discussed for years and years, argued about, debated, with passion on both sides...
I'm weird!
If I find a fact that works, end of story!
Thermite in the wreckage of 9/11? OK, we need a new investigation...
JFK... does it make a difference today? Not to me... will knowing the real truth straighten out US bonds, the CIA, anything? Not really.
End of story
Chemtrails... read threads, studied for an hour, no real information.
End of story.
Bilderbergers visit Ghana... number two gold producer, IMF buying national bank. Good enough for me; I'll investigate more though.
I'm not on ATS to argue about some picture of WTC7 or to feel ego about who's right; I'm here to find answers. I guess that makes me weird, or at
least different!
I think posting for most people has more to do with Psychology, ego, need to speak, and I think facts rarely need enter the conversation.