Yes its shocking how one man can have blatent disregard for constitutional law, yet still hold a position of power. But I predicted his uprise from
the beggining back when barry was racing hillary for the primary. You notice how the media suddenly seems to praise barry as a god whilst casting
aside hillary.
It truly bothers me that we as a society have cast ourselves into opposing viewpointed stances as right and left wing. While it seems all fun and
games, the elite have again turned us against each other. Have you ever debated with a hardcore liberal/ hardcore republican? Pointless. They dont
want to hear your point of view because they feel they already have the answers.
But at the end of the day the media is the true source of control in our society. This is the same media that offhandedly won barry the power
through excessive praise and triumph for his complete lack of experience? And now look at America. I used to laugh at the phad that americas media
created for barry. Anyone who seemed old enough to vote, yet didnt research any politics of each candidate, voted for barry. Why? Media
brainwashing exposed to the people every day though their implemented manipulation of thoughts.
Nothing has been debunked even if this thread is 2 years old, still have not seen obam's long form. hawaii promised us it what-1 year ago, to no
avail. Now you have trump on the war wagon asking where is your long form Mr President. So beny to say this has been handled is like saying the
nuclear plants in japan are as well
I do not know why the masses like a hurd of cattle believe the unbelievable
All Barry has to do is produce one simple piece of paper,what is the problem with that? If he were legit he would have produced the certificate long
ago to keep the sheeple on his side.
Yes, the OP of this thread HAS BEEN DEBUNKED. If you bothered to read the
OP of this thread, you would see that it's about an executive order that Obama signed. The OP stated the executive order was to hide his birth
certificate, but it wasn't. But to Birthers, the facts don't matter.
The simple question that no birther ever can answer, no birther has ever been able to answer:
Where in the United States Constitution does it state specifically
that the long form birth certificate is the only valid piece of identification qualifying a person as a natural born citizen?
edit on 3/31/2011
by whatukno because: (no reason given)
Well I hope that he is an American citizen, Because if he was born in Kenya, then that would make him British. No thanks, you can keep the peace prize
winner warrior, over in the states. We got enough problems with our own lying theiving politicians, as it is. You voted him in so you can keep him.
edit on 31-3-2011 by illuminnaughty because: (no reason given)
So, it doesn't seem odd to you that one of the very first things he does after getting in office, is to Hide,under executive order, his proof of
birth place? No one else has ever done that. Why should where he was born be some kind of threat to national security? Because he was not born here,
his puppet masters know if it were to come out,it would make every decision, every law he has signed, anything he has done as president, ILLEGAL. He
was put into office to to further an agenda, and if outed, it all blows up in their faces. Which, by the way, it seems to be doing anyway.
Amazing that this thread resurfaces almost a two years after it was proven to be a hoax. On that note, is it just me or does ATS not seem to put
political hoaxes into the hoax folder? Why is that?
When they finally get to the truth about his birth certificate, and if they discover (which they will) that he holds the office in violation of the
Constitution of the United States, they should abolish every law he passed, call back the military from Libya, and impeach him, and then try him for
treason. And then....