It's flat because the amount of Dark matter = 0 or something like that...(read this awhile ago) if it were -1 then we'd be a saddle if it were 1
then we'd be a sphere.
There's just enough Dark Matter to counter the force of gravity, and flatten our universe out.
I think the flat universe may be more or less accurate...but I don't think we'll expand forever, as they think and I used to thought.
Obviously "Braines" (not what's in your head, but the fabrics that collided to cause the big bang) have some form of physical manipulation on our
universe, or else how would their moving cause a big bang...their colliding.
Ohh now I came up with something really interesting....too bad I know so little on the subject but here it goes.
Our universe isn't expanding because of the "big bang" it's not like the fabric of the universe was pushed as a car is thrown through the air by
an explosion.
It is being PULLED, the universe is a square, picture a square between two parallel planes (the Braines).
As these braines seperate, the surface area of the square (our universe) increases.
So we are expanding, hmm and you'll never reach the end of the universe even though there IS an end, because it is like a rainbow.
The Braines are moving, and the universe and all its physics would be restricted simply by the movement of the braines, you'll never reach the end
because with what laws are given us, you'd reach only a point that WAS the end, but no longer is, and you won't be able to out run it.
At most we can match the speed of the universe...but not go faster....I picture an integral that goes to infinity.
what.... 1/x^2 for example? And so as we travel closer and closer, the amount we get closer to the end, gets smaller and our universe is
a finite universe, but with INFINITE bounds...
So being flat, then we are 2 dimensional as far as the fabrics of space is concerned, so you have only one universe, because the braines are only 1
dimensional lines, the congruent segments that run along the very boundries of our universe...that means that braines are not physical things that can
be measured!
You can't just go close to the edge, look up and see a large wall that would be a because the braine and our universe is flat...we
aren't though...why?
Well I guess the hologram theory is more correct than not...or a 3rd dimension can exist inside AHA!
That's a new thought for me....instead of it being a point is a point, and 2 form a line, and 2 of those forms a is the opposite.
2 lines form a square yes, but it is bound inside, and this would be the same for a cube, so you can have a 3rd dimension existing on a plane...but
how would you concieve that mathematically
Actually since A,B,C = 3rd dimension, it doesn't matter if it is "physically" the 3rd dimension as we think of it or not....technically the 3rd
dimension is what it is, we can't say "Oh well it's not the way we thought" we just try to compare it to something INSIDE the system (such as a is a cube representative of the 3rd dimension? It has 3 variables yes, but why must those variables be in width, length, depth, can't the
be in length^2, width^2 to form a cube?) Such as....
something with the sides 2/2/2 = a cube of 8 units....but if it is simply length^2 + width^2 it still = 8!
Let's test this with different figures.
7//6//4 = 168 Ahh but perfect, this is going to show that the above L^2 + W^2 doesn't work, but again that's representing it on our concept of 3 would you have a 7//6//4 item on a flat surface?
Oh well I'll solve the riddles of the universe later, me tired now, me go to bed.
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