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(Rev Manning) White folks gonna riot and I'm gonna join 'em

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posted on Jul, 19 2009 @ 10:08 PM
I live in Detroit, and the Blacks I have spoken to can't wait for the revolution , riots to start, they look foward to being like the wild , wild west. The young Blacks have no problem killing other blacks now, it would seem it would get down to every man for his self. I'm sure would be pockets of groupS.
Where I am at would be surrounded by the military, I'm sure I would be within their perimeter, I don't know if that would be good or bad?

But that Rev. has got it right and when it happens, it's going to be a blood bath, the U.S. we the people, shall be tested again.

posted on Jul, 19 2009 @ 10:16 PM
I can't believe anyone from this board is taking this guy seriously! I don't visit this site as regularly as I should, but had always felt it was populated by critically thinking skeptics that kept an open mind.

Here we have a 21st century variant of an Uncle Tom. A right wing "token'. I mean, people, you should know that all AM Radio conservative talk show hosts need to fill a lot of dead air. They need to incite. They need to get you to tune in repeatedly... And are compelled to conjure up the nastiest trash talk imaginable.

I know the Left is bought and paid for just like the Right. But there's a deeper seated streak of misanthropy from just about every Republican. Modern day conservatism is misanthropy of the highest, hate-filled order.

Exceptions to every rule. Ron Paul is one of them. He is a great American and one of the very few incorruptible politicians we have.

Anyway, just wanted to state that the credibility of the collective ATS community took a hit with many of the responses in this thread. Embarrassing!!

posted on Jul, 19 2009 @ 10:20 PM
reply to post by googolplex

I think that is that is the message that really gets lost in all of this faux racial tension.

Most of these people in the inner cities live by a different set of rules. They can't rat out the trouble makers for fear of their lives, then they have to worry if they are going to live to see tomorrow.

I bet a lot of them are waiting for it to be like the Wild Wild West, some to get rid of the scum without repercussions as long as they can survive the altercation, and others just to be able to shoot it out because they live for the "action".

posted on Jul, 19 2009 @ 10:21 PM
Oh H#LL YEA, The South gonna rise again my brother....

No seriously, this man has got the idea, we aint gonna take it much longer. Not because Obama is black it has nothing to do with race. We are tierd of our rights being perverted, the good Lord pushed out of our nation and babys being killed. When we have had enough we are done and we have almost had enough. Amen Brother Manning. Thanks for an amazing post. S&F Brother.

posted on Jul, 19 2009 @ 10:26 PM
reply to post by mydarkmaterials

This transcends political parties.

I consider my self as far right as you can go, close to Anarchy.. in line with much of Dr. Pauls beliefs. I consider my self a Right Wing Extremist in my views. Ironically, many Conservatives would see my beliefs as Liberal.

So why stick with Titles? The only Title that matters at this point in history is this:

I'm a pissed off American, and I don't give a damn what party you belong to, we need to unite as pissed off American's to tell this Government how mad we really are! And I KNOW there are Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, Constitutionalists, Green, or what ever other ideologies you align your self with.. I KNOW they are just as pissed off as I am..

All it comes down to is we, as a people, any people, are not being fairly represented. We are being insulted. Corporations, the Mega Wealthy, the controlling Oligarchy and usurpers like Goldman Sachs are reaping the rewards of our hard work!

As the good Reverend said: We aint gunna take it!

[edit on 7/19/2009 by Rockpuck]

posted on Jul, 19 2009 @ 10:29 PM

Originally posted by mydarkmaterials
I can't believe anyone from this board is taking this guy seriously! I don't visit this site as regularly as I should, but had always felt it was populated by critically thinking skeptics that kept an open mind.

Here we have a 21st century variant of an Uncle Tom. A right wing "token'. I mean, people, you should know that all AM Radio conservative talk show hosts need to fill a lot of dead air. They need to incite. They need to get you to tune in repeatedly... And are compelled to conjure up the nastiest trash talk imaginable.

I know the Left is bought and paid for just like the Right. But there's a deeper seated streak of misanthropy from just about every Republican. Modern day conservatism is misanthropy of the highest, hate-filled order.

Exceptions to every rule. Ron Paul is one of them. He is a great American and one of the very few incorruptible politicians we have.

Anyway, just wanted to state that the credibility of the collective ATS community took a hit with many of the responses in this thread. Embarrassing!!

I don't know about your insights or insults to the intelligence of the ATS members, but maybe you need a reality check.
That Paulson dude just gave a release that Bush was worried about roits some 9 months ago, and it wasn't the Balcks he was worried were about to roit.

[edit on 19-7-2009 by googolplex]

posted on Jul, 19 2009 @ 10:38 PM
reply to post by Hastobemoretolife

Most of these people in the inner cities live by a different set of rules. They can't rat out the trouble makers for fear of their lives, then they have to worry if they are going to live to see tomorrow.

I live in the inner city, a few blocks from me two neighborhoods were recently listed as topping the list as most dangerous and violent in the nation.

We are diverse, my husband is a carpenter, and an Vietnam vet., marine.

People like him are the backbone of this country, IMHO.

The backbone supports the nation, when it fails , the nation will collapse.

WHY would leaders of this nation want this to happen?

I don' know, but it seems that is exactly what they want.

posted on Jul, 19 2009 @ 10:42 PM
reply to post by Melissa101

That's what it's coming down to only it's not just the "south" as we're MUCH larger of a country now, and the effects are felt coast to coast, border to border. To the people who oppose violence: I do too! But peaceful protests and hunger strikes and all this can only go so far. There's been a tension building up in this country between their fellow countrymen and it's nearing a zenith, it seems like. It's time to stop asking for talks because those have been ignored, thrown out, and shot down. They won't talk, they won't listen when the other side talks. There is little option but to butt heads. So you can either decide which side you will be on or get ready to stay safe if something does happen, this isn't going to be pretty and it's closer and closer each day.

posted on Jul, 19 2009 @ 10:42 PM
We are about to be hit with the second wave of this Bank morgage disaster, the second wave is going to be more people losing their homes, and commerical property being foreclosed and more banks failing.
The F.I.C.A. is trying to prepare for this onset, this is why they speak of Bank holiday, talk about worry of roits if they close banks and people can't get to their money they will tear the Bank down.

posted on Jul, 19 2009 @ 10:43 PM
reply to post by Stormdancer777

Well, when I mean inner cities I'm referring to the ghettos.

But I know what you mean. They don't want it to collapse, they are just in too deep to know how to get out of it. As a side effect of not knowing what to do they just keep on doing the same thing just more brazen and in your face, because they themselves are in a panic.

They are career criminals so their reaction is to do the only they know how to do.

They see the writing on the wall and they are crapping there pants.

posted on Jul, 19 2009 @ 10:45 PM
Well, years ago, back in 1994, I had a good friend of mine in South Florida, she was like another grandmother to me, she was 70 years old, and she was the best psychic I have ever had the good fortune of knowing. She has always been spot on about the past of people she didn't know, and about the future. She wasn't vague like some people claim that all psychics are.

I used to tell her about my own visions of wars in the U.S. that I saw in the future, and she told me there would be a new civil war fought in the U.S., and the main reason for the fighting would be due to race. It will all start as a race war, but it will escalate to the point that soldiers from other nations will be brought to the states to quell the violence, and this will only make things worse.

I think i have said it before, it has NOTHING to do with his race, I have relatives who are black and I love them just like I love my other relatives.

Obama, and his entire administration are set on destroying the Republic of the United States, and transforming it into another SOcialist dictatorship.

I do not condone violence of any kind unless it is for self defense, but many Americans will turn to violence to defend what is left of the Republic.

This man is right, unless the Republic is returned to what it WAS ALWAYS SUPPOSED TO BE, things will get bad, and people will turn this into a race war, more so those people who have always hated others for the color of their skin.

There might be some groups in which whites, blacks, hispanics, and people of other races will unite to fight, but we all know that there are groups that will take advantage of the destruction that is ongoing in the Republic by the current administration, and they will use this to excuse their hatred, and more people, people who normally don't hate others of different races will unite with those that want to make this a race issue.

There are some groups within the U.S. that hope this will happen, Islamic extremists, i am not talking about Islamic modeates, hispanics who belong to "La Raza" or the movement to give Texas, and most of southern U.S. back to Mexico, as well as the infiltrated Hispanic gangs from south of the border.

We have allowed for too long for people who hate everything about the U.S., and what it represents to get stronger, and get power within the U.S., and this will be part of our own undoing.

However, there are many people from different races who are real Americans, whether they were born in the U.S. or not.

I just hoped it never had to get to this, but it might be too late.

[edit on 19-7-2009 by ElectricUniverse]

posted on Jul, 19 2009 @ 10:49 PM
There are several or many different versions of snivelling punkass cowards in America (in particular) and the world over, and the fire-breathing, Bible-thumping maximum paranoiac has a few grains or so of truth in his verbal vomit stream, but there won't be any REAL change here or anywhere unless or until enough people are interested enough in ridding secrecy-BASED government in general, across the board - THE ROOT OF THE PROBLEMS. What all types of (religious and/or secular-political) ignorami have in common is the belief or acceptance that the National "Security" STATE, or ANYTHING RESEMBLING IT, is f-ing NORMAL!!! May all uber-cowardly lying sacks of crap fry to a crisp in the hubs of Hell!! (Obviously I'm no Obama fan or in any way supportive of government as we know it).

Deny ignorance? My aching, dimpled ASS!

posted on Jul, 19 2009 @ 10:50 PM

Originally posted by Hastobemoretolife
reply to post by Stormdancer777

Well, when I mean inner cities I'm referring to the ghettos.

But I know what you mean. They don't want it to collapse, they are just in too deep to know how to get out of it. As a side effect of not knowing what to do they just keep on doing the same thing just more brazen and in your face, because they themselves are in a panic.

They are career criminals so their reaction is to do the only they know how to do.

They see the writing on the wall and they are crapping there pants.

I understand , but I do live in what many consider a ghetto, which has slowly gone down hill in the last twenty years, young men, white and black can't find jobs, older men like my husband are the last of the working class poor around here, we would have once been considered middle class, but that is disappearing as we struggle to just eat and put a roof over our heads,

Yet a few miles to the west of us people live in 500,000 dollar homes.

posted on Jul, 19 2009 @ 10:56 PM
reply to post by ElectricUniverse

I used to tell her about my own visions of wars in the U.S. that I saw in the future, and she told me there would be a new civil war fought in the U.S., and the main reason for the fighting would be due to race. It will all start as a race war, but it will escalate to the point that soldiers from other nations will be brought to the states to quell the violence, and this will only make things worse.

I had thoses dreams and visions too, friend.
Many years ago when I was a young women I had dreams of the fighting, I knew I would live to see this day.

[edit on 103131p://bSunday2009 by Stormdancer777]

posted on Jul, 19 2009 @ 11:02 PM

Originally posted by Stormdancer777

I had thoses dreams and visions too, friend.
Many years ago when I was a young women I had dreams of the fighting, I knew I would live to see this day.

Yeah, I saw myself and many other Americans fighting in such a war.

I have also seen myself and many other Americans being held in prisons out in the open, and other Americans helped us escape.

Anyway, it might be better not to give too many details.

Unfortunately this will happen.

posted on Jul, 19 2009 @ 11:05 PM
reply to post by Stormdancer777

Well when I mean ghetto I'm talking the projects, like the neighborhoods down the street you were mentioning earlier. The conglomerates have come in and catered to the "new money" and have left the culture centers to rot.

which has slowly gone down hill in the last twenty years, young men, white and black can't find jobs,

And that is exactly it. It isn't a race thing, people like you and the people around you see that people of all races suffering. They see that the "system" no longer works for anybody except the well connected, and who ever the politico's are pandering to at the time of election.

The race card that is getting thrown around to keep people that don't know any better divided, while the people that live it everyday are only gaining more in common.

I posted an article a few pages back about this Reverend and he lived through the civil rights era and was radicalized when he went to New York, and in the article it mentions how people won't even talk about him. He used to hate white people then he became a christian and left it all behind.

He knows the tricks that they are playing and even though his congregation is only 150 strong many many people in the area feel the same way he does about the community issues.

And eventually people are going to rise up, it's just the way it works. All these people that don't think anything is going to happen, are making a grave mistake thinking that way.

I do wish you and our husband the best of luck.

posted on Jul, 19 2009 @ 11:21 PM
reply to post by Ignorance Denied

Somebody switched the decaf and caf didn't they.

A cough drop wouldn't hurt either, sounds painful.

"We need to outpray the muslims!"

Prayer statistically holds no support for any religion over anothers.

Funny thing, I don't like obama, and I thought I was pretty bad, this guy blows me outa the water for sure!

But it's good, can you imagine a white guy (folk my bad) saying this!

posted on Jul, 19 2009 @ 11:38 PM

Originally posted by masonwatcher
Tutti frutti. That Rev. Manning is a nut. The good thing about though, rednecks can now attend a good old fashion Southern style preachin' without feeling out of place.

I am all for inclusion and rednecks are people too.

Since when has speaking the truth somehow equated someone to being a "nut"? He is speaking on what many Americans feel, and thank God this man has finally shoved the PC train straight off its self-righteous tracks.

posted on Jul, 19 2009 @ 11:43 PM
If it wasn't so racist I'd agree. But I have no idea if he's just poking sides to agitated or not.

posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 12:07 AM
Nothing racist here at all, and he in fact, volunteers to join the action.

You'll note that a week ago, Palin signed the Alaskan legislation that reinstates the powers guaranteed the states under the Tenth Amendment, basically telling the Fed to back off, as have other states, and more states are coming online.

The last Civil War was over . . . that's right. States rights, and an overbearing Federal Government.

Oh, it's coming again. I was talking to an elderly couple today in their early eighties, and even these folks were talking about the end of the United States as we know it today.

These are God-fearing, patriotic folks of the Greatest Generation, and they are sickened to see what liberalism in the Fed and the Courts have done over the past few decades to erode our country.

This Reverend Manning isn't crazy, he isn't a fool, and he certainly isn't racist.

His eyes are simply open.

Those who disagree, you rely on your scepticism and your optimism.

But that's not going to keep you fed or alive when things go sideways.

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