posted on Jul, 19 2009 @ 07:53 AM
If anyone's around hamilton ohio (outside cincinnati), i see these all the time! Couple nights ago, i jumped over my neighbors privacy fence just
trying to get him to look at the sky (there were two pretty visible ones going the same direction) , but hes just like , " Oh, it's probably a
plane, er,.." .. He's such a duesh... And this is after i'm standing out there with half the neighbor hood for an hour or so watching this one
before it cross the sky all slow.
Everybody was outside cuz a transformer was in the process of blowing up for some reason right outside my house, not cuz the stupied red dot in the
sky, but i see these all the time!!! Always in the same spot in the sky,... have been since last summer...
Anyway, i was wondering if anybody knows of a plane that looks like a red dot, no flashing or anything, just a red dot? Cuz i do live right smack dab
next to an airport, and not too far either from right paterson airforce base? I mean, I haven't seen em move all diagonal and fast or anything
typical of most ufo sightings i've ever seen video of on the net or other places... but they're just not planes...