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Unification is a natural thing.

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posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 11:15 AM

Today, in this Age, we need Unification more than ever. The times ahead are going to be good, but we need to confront them as one. And we will. We just need time.

When it all started, there were tribes. The Tribes, after years and years, came together. They grew and grew, and these tribes became cities. The cities in the country, eventually, they all came together to become a nation.

This is where we are now. We have Nations. Slowly and surely, these nations WILL come together.
The process has already started.

When every single Nation comes together, the Earth will finally be at One. We will be together, unified, and in harmony.

It is a natural process.

If you seek ExtraTerrestrials, they will come. But they will not fully, completely show themselves until we can all become one. Until we can put aside all our differences. Religion, race, colour, looks. These all need to go.

When we have finally become one, we will be Earth.

When we are Earth, we will then be ready to meet our Galactic Brothers, and in time, unify with them.

We all need to love, and to support eachother.

Are You with Us?



[edit on 18/7/2009 by JacobNH]

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 12:04 PM
how do you know that they will only show themselves when we are all unified??
I certainly havent seen any clues to this.

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 12:24 PM
You are absolutely right. However, I believe that unification starts on the false self. When the false self, the beast masquerading as the divine is made manifest, and it is ugly, then the true process of unification begins. I am going to paste a previous post that is very relevant to this thread as well:

It is the division. It is the very ideology of division... stupid, mammalian, tribal, hierarchical politics, that in its vast insecurity and true ignorance (literally ignoring that outside of its infinitessimal reality tunnel) that causes strife in this world. People glorify their outer images,which many times are contrary to their inner realities, and they do it to the extent that the inner is veiled in many sticky, hard-to-remove layers.
We live in a world of problem, then reaction, then solution, of thesis, antithesis, then synthesis. If the problem is properly identified, there is a vastly better chance that the reaction will be a proper spiritual inverse. If the reaction is the proper spiritual inverse of the problem, a glorious solution is found. However, in a world falsely believing in the deceitful, infinitely near-sighted, and selfish displayed image, there is fear. There is fear, because people are afraid of judgment and condemanation that would result if the true inner self is displayed in contrast to the desperate image. This creates an insecurity of mammoth proportion, of course leading to a pride of mammoth proportions. Pride and insecurity go hand in hand, just as security and humility dance together. The pride leads to vanity, an attraction to one's self. However, the self at this point is one of no true perspective. This attraction to the nonbeing self becomes a total love of, or connection to, the false self, the self that was merely a hodgepodge of characteristics used to respond in a world of infinite false projections, of many foolish judgments. The narcissism turns to lust, a total belief that the destructive instincts one has developed are indeed the true self. The lust is a degenerative, destructive force, and when this entire sequence is in play in the world, as it very much is, the world degenerates.
The only way to break out of the image sequence, is to begin by not judging others, because you judge others to the very extent that you judge yourself (projections everywhere). When judging, projecting, you place an undesirable aspect of your shadow onto another. The only way to remove the destructive aspects of the shadow is to cease the constant projection. Then, you will not have faith in image or icon. You will not fear the image, because you know it is a lie. You will be secure in the absence of fear, leading to humility. Your humility will give you a universal perspective, a view of all is one rather than the false one is all. The universal perspective reveals the vast interconnection of everything, creating love for others. The empathic connection with all validates the initial leap of faith in ceasing the judgment.

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 04:26 PM
reply to post by orwellianunenlightenment

Thankyou for your support, my friend.

We need to remember that we are more than our physical bodies. We are beyond physical, and our non-physical bodies are completely equal.
When we can come to terms with equality, we can become one.

United we stand, divided we fall.



posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 04:29 PM
reply to post by Trolloks

The clues are all around us.
Instead of looking for the future, take a step back, and look towards the past.

Words are not just words. Images are not just images. Lessons are not just lessons.

Everything holds a clue, the trick is seeing it.


posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 04:35 PM
reply to post by JacobNH

Love your new avatar
Unification is already here , it always has been we just need to realize its within.

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 04:38 PM
reply to post by Mr Green

I hoped you'd show up

Exactly. It's already here, and it will remain here, we just need to realize.

And thanks about the avatar. Had it specially made


posted on Jul, 19 2009 @ 02:59 AM

Originally posted by JacobNH
And thanks about the avatar. Had it specially made


Its a beautiful avatar, one of the best Ive seen in ages. Says so much about who we are, what we are capable of connecting to and what is manifested in between. Full marks to the maker

I sense now more than ever that my goal this time around is to unify once more with the source. I am slowly realizing this can only be done from within and no where else. No one can really help me connect to my inner being except me. I need to become more aware of my inner awarness and my higher self before any oneness can ever be reached. Ive spend years looking outside of myself, looking to others to show me the way but really its all within. Unification is within Jacob and yes it is a natural thing.

[edit on 19-7-2009 by Mr Green]

posted on Jul, 19 2009 @ 03:19 AM

Originally posted by orwellianunenlightenment
You are absolutely right. However, I believe that unification starts on the false self. When the false self, the beast masquerading as the divine is made manifest, and it is ugly, then the true process of unification begins.

Good post. You have put a name to something that I was aware of but really didnt know what to call it. You have given it a fitting name.


It is the division. It is the very ideology of division... stupid, mammalian, tribal, hierarchical politics, that in its vast insecurity and true ignorance (literally ignoring that outside of its infinitessimal reality tunnel) that causes strife in this world. People glorify their outer images,which many times are contrary to their inner realities, and they do it to the extent that the inner is veiled in many sticky, hard-to-remove layers.

Exactly. This false self causes division. Its very closely linked to ego and outer images. You mention the inner being veiled by sticky hard to remove layers. Your right, I call these Sticky Attachments. These sticky attachments are very hard to remove as they are threaded into our spirit tightly and are often painful to remove. Remove they must be though. Light of pure consciousness within us must be shone on them to removed them for good. People attach themselves to many things..their name, job, position in society, religion, race, education,politics, relationships even possessions and other collective identification. None of these are us, these are the false self which identifies with our outer image not our true inner self.

The identification with the false self is often an unconscious identification but once the awarness of it becomes conscious it is indeed the first step towards unification with the true self.

Initially many find this frightening, that they are identifying with a false self. They dont want to let go of the sticky attachments it gives them something to feel they are. They are that named person who works and they feel it is their identity.

Upon death they will see these attachments they formed were not them at all . Death strips away all that is not you and leaves you with the true you.

It has been said many times the secret of life is to "die before you die". Do this and you will find there is no death.

posted on Jul, 19 2009 @ 07:23 AM
reply to post by Mr Green

I love that.

"Die before you Die"

When reading that last paragraph, it made me think of the Egyptians a bit. They wanted to take personal possessions into the afterlife. I gues they never realised that everything is more than physical.

The way I see it, is that when the Great Creator created us, a tiny single part of him was put in everything.
We all contain a part of God, and therefore we are all one.
When we come together, we are bringing all those parts together, and into one, inwhich we can all, finally join with God.

We cannot do it alone, it is a process that every living soul in the whole entire Universe must do, together at the same time.

This is what i believe to be the meaning of life. Unity.


posted on Jul, 19 2009 @ 10:23 AM
I dont think unification is a natural thing. Chaos is more natural, everything put together disintegrates after some time, molecules, organisms, buildings, even big nations and empires... You can see "chaos theory" on Wikipedia.

And I think "chaos" is better than unification, you have more freedom and it's harder to control a "chaotic" world than an unified one.

But otherwise you're right. The Earth's unification is inevitable and already going on. We can look forward to personal GPS chips...

posted on Jul, 19 2009 @ 10:32 AM
reply to post by marcus33cz

Unification is not about being ruled.
We are all equal. There will be no leaders, no PTB, no hierachy.

A unified world is the greatest thing we can ask for. It is not the fact that we need to be controlled, its the fact that we can have freedom, and free will.

When we are together, no one will control us, no one will hide things, and no one will rule.

I can see you have alot of fear built up. You are scared of what's to come, and are confused. Don't be, my friend. The times ahead are going to be amazing. It is a great time to be alive.


posted on Jul, 19 2009 @ 10:39 AM

Originally posted by JacobNH
reply to post by Mr Green

I love that.

"Die before you Die"

I read it in The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle but it has been said by many. Its the realization that the false self must die before unification can be found, to die before you die, to live without the false self.

posted on Jul, 19 2009 @ 10:41 AM
reply to post by Mr Green

So, to live without differences.

To realize that we are more than the physical differences that "seperate" us.

So in that case. Have I died before i've died?


posted on Jul, 19 2009 @ 11:45 PM

Originally posted by JacobNH

When it all started, there were tribes. The Tribes, after years and years, came together. They grew and grew, and these tribes became cities. The cities in the country, eventually, they all came together to become a nation.

This is where we are now. We have Nations. Slowly and surely, these nations WILL come together.
The process has already started.

You are only looking at the surface.

Look deeper, humanity is only united in Hypocrisy. Have you ever worked in cities? It's dog eats dog, that's not unity in my dictionary

Whenever people congregate in huge numbers, we always see a serious degradation in morals leading to a lot of pains and hurts and ultimately coldness in relationships, leading to tons of broken relationships.

You could say blame it on terrible leadership... In that case, you are 50% correct. The rest of the 50% is people

posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 02:17 AM

Originally posted by JacobNH
reply to post by Mr Green

So, to live without differences.

To realize that we are more than the physical differences that "seperate" us.

So in that case. Have I died before i've died?


yes there are more than physical differences that seperate us as people, but we need to first un seperate ourselves from the false self totally. While we still live with ego and our false identites within we will always be seperated from our true self.


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