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The Inside Job That Backfired - My 9/11 Story

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posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 07:40 AM
So I think I know what happened on 9/11, but I'm not very politically minded, so I don't know the ins and outs and the whys and wherefores etc. I just have an idea about how it all fits together. Hopefully, if I'm close to the true story then it will click with other people and they will be able to fill in the gaps or make more sense of it. I don't know if this suggestion has come up before, so I apologise if this idea has already been quashed.

It's hard to know where to start, but I was watching something, probably the X Files, and there was a line that said something along the lines of the best lie being hidden between two truths and that got me thinking.

I think whenever you hear about 9/11 or people talk about 9/11 you always think about the whole day and all four events being grouped together as one attack and I think that causes a lot of confusion as people try and make sense of everything because it doesn't all fit together.

9/11 was supposed to be "hijack day" and there was only ever supposed to be one target actually hit, the Pentagon. No idea what happened to that flight and its passengers, but I think we all know that the Pentagon was hit by a missile to ensure target accuracy in the spot that had been renovated and reinforced in preparation for the missile attack. I don't know why the Pentagon was the intended target.

The other 3 flights were supposed to fly around and cause confusion and distract attention away from the Pentagon, while at the same time creating fear in the hearts of everyone on the ground. Originally, they were planned to land eventually and everyone was supposed to be safe. All the training simulations had been set up, so that they wouldn't have any planes to fire on the hijacked planes because they never originally planned on shooting them down and they wanted them flying around. But it went wrong.

A large group within the government had been planning this for months, but a smaller, darker group within the larger group weren't content with just a Pentagon hit and 3 hijackings, so they planned something much bigger that the other part of the group had no idea about. I think George Bush was part of the bigger group, but not part of the darker group and I think that's why he looked quite sick when he had been told about the 1st WTC because he realised it had all gone wrong and he had no idea what to do. Obviously he had to be very careful because he knew about the Pentagon.

After the 1st plane hit the WTC it was too late to do anything about the 2nd plane and that one also hit, so all they had left was flight 93 and they managed to intercept it over Shanksville. They had to shoot it down because they knew by now that it wasn't ultimately going to land as originally planned, but instead it was going to hit a target.

Who decided to target the WTCs I don't know, but I do think this darker group had planned all along that they were going to take over the "hijack day" plan and they arranged for the planes to fly into the WTCs, which they also pre-wired for demolition. I also think that WTC 7 was supposed to come down in the dust cloud of WTC 1, so that it's clean demolition wouldn't raise any eyebrows, but something went wrong there.....maybe connected with the explosion in WTC 6 after WTC 2 was hit. Obviously after all this happened the bigger group couldn't come out and lay blame on the darker group because then they'd have to admit their own part in it.

So that's my idea of what happened, which kind of makes sense in my head, but then again I have been watching a lot of the X Files recently!!

Please feel free to tear my theory to shreds

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 07:51 AM
Interesting theory.

I'm sure the alphabet boys would be included in this shadowy dark group that you speak of.

S&F for you.

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 07:57 AM

Originally posted by Flighty
I'm sure the alphabet boys would be included in this shadowy dark group that you speak of.

With the speed they got all those tapes from the Pentagon....definitely!

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 08:17 AM

Originally posted by Mark_Amy

After the 1st plane hit the WTC it was too late to do anything about the 2nd plane and that one also hit, so all they had left was flight 93 and they managed to intercept it over Shanksville. They had to shoot it down because they knew by now that it wasn't ultimately going to land as originally planned, but instead it was going to hit a target.

Who decided to target the WTCs I don't know, but I do think this darker group had planned all along that they were going to take over the "hijack day" plan and they arranged for the planes to fly into the WTCs, which they also pre-wired for demolition. I also think that WTC 7 was supposed to come down in the dust cloud of WTC 1, so that it's clean demolition wouldn't raise any eyebrows, but something went wrong there.....maybe connected with the explosion in WTC 6 after WTC 2 was hit. Obviously after all this happened the bigger group couldn't come out and lay blame on the darker group because then they'd have to admit their own part in it.

don't really think it was anything more than the same group of perps who planned the entire operation and bush and cheney were quite aware of the plan with cheney directly involved.

whether it be through the current system or a system created in a future revolution when the US ceases to exists as a nation, all these maggots will be brought to justice sooner or later.

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 09:42 AM
I am not opposed to this theory. There are too many official facts in this the official story that defy logical rationalization yet are made out to be the absolute facts. I'm not opposed to a theory that we are on the attack from the inside, and that many of our leaders realize this yet don't know who is responsible for what. In an effort not to panic the population they throw blame on someone else while attempting to weed out those responsible. If there is this assumption of dark groups within our government then the Patriot Act may not have been about us necessarily, and more about using it to arrest, and hide the fact that our government has been infiltrated. At least that is my hope, in the larger scheme. The evidence thus far, and it's implementation of these laws, the further cover up and moving away from our constitution, the lack of an independent investigation and attempts to stop another investigation, all point to that they do not want us to know the truth and maybe that dark group succeeded that day in taking our government.

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 11:14 AM
Sorry don't buy it, just like i don't buy any of the so called theories to do with the "conspiracy theorists wet dream", aka 9/11.

Seriously its like beating a dead horse, it happened and its over.

Why can't people just accept the premise that a group of people who didn't like the US/US government decided to show it with 9/11.
Its always the same with conspiracy theories regarding the US/Israel in particular. They always end up being the big bad guys while the actual perpetrators are the evil scum bags yet they receive the sympathy or even worse are made out to be US/Israeli agents(!).

The real debate lies in the latter involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan which was insane and a terrible move, as we can see to this day. Bush was trigger happy and made stupid decisions in the clamour after 9/11. You can defeat an army, not an ideology.

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 11:34 AM

Originally posted by Mark_Amy
Please feel free to tear my theory to shreds

No need to. It is a self-tearing-to-shreds theory.

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 12:00 PM

posted by Mark_Amy

but I think we all know that the Pentagon was hit by a missile to ensure target accuracy

You lost me right there because NO, we all do not know that the Pentagon was hit by a missile. There is no evidence of a missile. There are no videos of a missile. There are no photos of a missile. There are no stubby missile wings laying on the lawn. There is no evidence of a missile launch from a ship or plane. There were no supersonic sonic booms.

A missile could not have possibly knocked down the 5 light poles; so the light poles would have had to be planted and staged.

A missile could not possibly have carried the large quantity of jet fuel which allegedly burned everything up; so the jet fuel would have had to be planted and staged.

A missile could not possibly have left behind the Flight 77 black boxes; so the black boxes would have had to be planted and staged.

A missile could not have left behind the 757 wheel and tire out in A&E Drive; so the 757 wheel and tire would have had to be planted and staged.

A missile could not have created the Exit Hole into A&E Drive without making another hole in the B-Ring wall; so the Exit Hole would have had to be faked and staged.

Hani Hanjour could not possibly have flown a missile; so Hani Hanjour would have had to be faked and staged.

And finally all the passengers and crew could not have possibly boarded your missile; so all the passengers and crew DNA would have had to be planted and staged.

Nope; not a missile. Not a plane either. Just explosives and lots of lying and planted evidence.

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 04:46 PM

Originally posted by trebor451

No need to. It is a self-tearing-to-shreds theory.

Hey great One-Liner smart guy. Inspirational as always. Isn't thread derailing against the User TC??

Back on topic, that is an interesting theory you have. It asks some good questions, but I also disagree with the missile-hit-the-Pentagon part.

What makes you think it was a missile?

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 08:14 PM

Originally posted by P1DrummerBoy
What makes you think it was a missile?

That bit I got from watching the Loose Change documentary. Their section on the Pentagon and explaining it by the use of a missile seemed plausible to me due to the shape of the entry and exit holes and the lack of debris etc.

Also, I did think that was the generally held belief from what I've read on the net, but then I only started reading about it recently and hadn't read about the bomb theory before. 8 years have passed and there are so many conflicting reports and so many different stories about what happened, it's quite difficult to come up with a fresh take on it.

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 08:28 PM
That actually makes a good amount of sense to me and fits right in with Bush turning red after being told a 2nd plane had hit the WTC. As far as I'm concerned the fact that the SS didn't leave immediately after that (when it was obvious there was a coordinated terror attack, and the president's location for that day had been announced in advance) is proof that officials knew SOMETHING was going to happen that day.

I'm partial to the "bumble-planes" theory as well. Commercial planes were actually hijacked but in all the radar confusion of the day, military planes were physically flown above or below the commercial flights so as to super-impose their radar blips and make them indistinguishable from that point forward. It's already been reported that one of the NORAD/FAA wargames that day involved false blips on FAA radar as well, along with all the other general confusion of "Is this real or simulation?"

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 10:26 PM
I think a lot of the expressions on key people's faces are pretty telling. I remember watching it unfold on TV as it happened and seeing the towers come down and I'll never for get it. I'm not American, I wasn't in America and I don't know anyone who was there who died or survived, but I'm human and seeing those buildings come down and knowing that there were people inside was just so terrible.

The expression on my face and on my colleagues' faces that were in the office at the time and who watched it were pretty much the same as the woman's expression on the right in this image:

Dick Cheney and senior staff witness the collapse of the WTC South Tower. Directly behind Cheney are Norman Mineta and I. Lewis ‘Scooter’ Libby. [Source: David Bohrer / White House]

It's funny how different people express shock and disbelief!

posted on Jul, 19 2009 @ 03:05 PM
reply to post by Mark_Amy

Wow, Dick Cheney almost looks like he's bored watching it. I have never seen that man in a good mood that didn't also make me queasy. Most of the time he takes on a demeanor very fitting to his name. I can only imagine how twisted his life must have been.

posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 11:22 AM

Originally posted by bsbray11
I can only imagine how twisted his life must have been.

You're right. What kind of things must these people have seen before to have such a non-reaction to what they were looking at!

At least Condoleezza looks like she's thinking, "Dear God, I hope we're doing the right thing!"

posted on Jul, 21 2009 @ 01:23 PM

Originally posted by Mark_Amy

So that's my idea of what happened, which kind of makes sense in my head, but then again I have been watching a lot of the X Files recently!!

Please feel free to tear my theory to shreds

Well, for one thing, I find it absurd that anyone would waste their time sending a cruise missile against the Pentagon when they already had the wherewithal to successfully use planes against buildings. They would have just repeated the process and sent another plane into the Pentagon.

It'd be like claiming a serial killer who shot three victims already would instead strangle a fourth victim, hide the strangle wounds on the corpse with makeup, operate on the corpse to artificially plant a bullet, and then pay a witness to say the victim was really shot. It makes no sense whatsoever, either logically nor rationally.

posted on Jul, 21 2009 @ 06:16 PM

Originally posted by GoodOlDave
Well, for one thing, I find it absurd that anyone would waste their time sending a cruise missile against the Pentagon when they already had the wherewithal to successfully use planes against buildings. They would have just repeated the process and sent another plane into the Pentagon.

Little Donny wouldn't have gone along with the plan and stayed in his office if they'd used a plane because the hit had to be with pinpoint accuracy and there was too big a risk that it would overshoot and miss or hit his office. They really needed him in his office to divert suspicion and make the story believable.

It didn't matter so much with the twin towers, the planes could have hit higher or lower, just so long as they hit.

posted on Jul, 22 2009 @ 07:33 PM
I have to say that your theory sounds more plausible than the official one.

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