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the next false flag ?!?!?!

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posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 01:14 AM
i have just recently subscribed to ats but have read the forums for about a year. aot of people have alot of good insight to stuff. just out of curiousity, what do you guys think will be the next false flag here in the u.s and what will be the result??? have read alot about missing nukes that the gov plans to use in an american city as excuse to make war with iran or nkorea. and i also have read myself that kennedy planned a false flag to go to war with cuba by sinkng boats with refugees and blowing up airliner in cuban airspace. some thoughts please.......

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 01:24 AM
reply to post by krazykajun425

Hmm, personally I don't stick to this stuff.

I'd say a good false flag, would be a nuke going off randomly at a un known or un predicted place and time.

Something out of nowhere, like on august 12th, just some day out there, no july fourth no anything.

Then have a investigation, carried out for quite some time, which leads us to the goal.

Obviously the last adminstration couldn't pull it off as well with an immediancy, and lack of well you know :p.

So this would be my way, massive damage, massive hysteria, massive upset and something we are not sure of, then we find it, and become ultra upset.

It must be at a happy time though, where we are all happy and joyous. Then bam, maybe a time where the economy is going really good?

Or the opposite, where things are hell, and it seems like a good idea to bring us out of our desperation.

Anytime could really be a good time.

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 01:59 AM
I think it would have something to do with the possible resurgence of Swine Flu in the Autumn or Winter.

May be the forced vaccinations I've been reading about on this site. They could be tainted (deliberately or not), causing Gillan-Barré Syndrome or other complications. Perhaps incarceration for those refusing the shot?

All my gut tells me is a lot of children will suffer.

But what do I know?

[edit on 18-7-2009 by FreddyAuratus]

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 02:37 AM
reply to post by FreddyAuratus

best way to elimate population round em up after infecting them and let them die

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 03:07 AM
vaccination.......a "terrorist" plot again lol

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 06:14 AM
I think the next false flag will be with Iran. Although it won't be a "false flag" in the traditional sense, because we will goad them into it, they will attack us and then Congress will allow full scale war with them because of it. I believe it is already happening.

Their plan for this false flag is outlined here: Brookings Institute document on Iran - the next false flag outlined in policy recommendations

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 06:17 AM
obama faking his death would be a good one, start the riots/chaos, send the military in for martial law. but who knows. next big thing thats going to hit us all is a virus + alien invasion that is already happening. just remember i told you all first.

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 06:32 AM
I lean toward Freddy's reply. Maybe the government revieces an ample enough shipment of vaccinations, and then accuses whatever country of withholding.

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 10:33 AM
California is running out of money fast ..
so i would say having a nuke destroy part of it and all the money the government would pour into help rebuild it , looks like a good candidate... as for when i think 09.09.09 looks like a nice date...

i hope im wrong..
i also hope that if im wright the feds don't kick my door in to taze me....

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 04:20 PM

Originally posted by HELPWAKEUP
obama faking his death would be a good one, start the riots/chaos, send the military in for martial law. but who knows. next big thing thats going to hit us all is a virus + alien invasion that is already happening. just remember i told you all first.

Please check your U2U....


posted on Jul, 22 2009 @ 01:39 AM

Originally posted by HELPWAKEUP
obama faking his death would be a good one, start the riots/chaos, send the military in for martial law. but who knows. next big thing thats going to hit us all is a virus + alien invasion that is already happening. just remember i told you all first.

Rather than faking his death, they might stage an assassination attempt that would only wound him. (They might spread disinfo on him actually dying.)

I'm still betting on the resurgence of Swine Flu, probably in September or October.

Just in time for school!

posted on Jul, 22 2009 @ 01:51 AM

Originally posted by FreddyAuratus
I'm still betting on the resurgence of Swine Flu, probably in September or October.

Just in time for school!

That is a weak bet. That is like betting that I think the next false flag will be gas prices raising next summer and we will go to war for it.

Everyone says that more than likely the swine flu will return in late fall/early winter...which is the start of flu season. Actually saying "return" is a stretch since it really hasn't "gone".

Seriously...I get really tired of this "false flag" topic. We are SPECULATING on a POSSIBLE future FAKE event that hasn't happened yet. Shouldn't we just start discussing who would win in a fight...Superman or Spiderman???

posted on Jul, 22 2009 @ 04:01 AM
reply to post by krazykajun425

The fence fades fast when you jump off.
Its like life, gotta take the boat when its at the harbor or its off without you. When you find yourself standing at the wall thats when you know your choice was the wrong one, especially when you are that desperate you bang you head off it. Then your life story tells the all too common tale of a man that could never find the fence again.

Im still wondering if a wall is going to come as I am still running myself. Until then I wont be pinning the tail on the donkey to get my prize just yet. I think people are overcomplicating whats going on here.

posted on Jul, 22 2009 @ 05:51 AM
I think that the next false-flag is already taking place.
It is in the vaccine for the Swine Flu. The Flu seems to have a kill rate of about 1 % of the population, but that will not be enough for their objectives. The main purpose of this man-made flu was to get the WHO (World Homicide Organisation) to authorise mandatory vaccinations to all 194 countries.

It remains to be seen if the vaccine is a 'soft kill, causing you to die from something else at a later time, or it requires a further step to become lethal.
Just look at what this 'Flu' actually comprises, 'who' is making the vaccines, 'who' is making money and 'who' is controlling it all.....

There may be another false flag to accompany it, but this one is taking place now. Obviously my advice is to not take the vaccine under any circumstances and to protect against the flu as best you can. People in other threads have made some very good recommendations on how to do this.

Good luck, hope to see you on the other side of this one...

posted on Jul, 22 2009 @ 06:42 AM
false flags are real. our gov has admited to them in the past. the gulf of tonken incident, which the president johnson admited he lied about was an excuse to go to war wth vietnam. we were already assisting through aid and observers but this gave us the power to go to war. a completley false statement that led to war in vietnam. totally fact, research it. also during the cold war we planned but never carried out actons that would have given us an excuse to invade cuba. fact. reasearch it. if the gov who def knows more behind the scenes info about our enemies sees it fit to invade or go to war to protect our interest, do it by all means, but why kill americans or put civilians in the line of fire to prove a point. they think they need to do it this way so the publc will back them.

posted on Jul, 22 2009 @ 06:47 AM
The next big false flag "attack" will be an alien one. The whole idea of a false flag attack, is to sway public opinion into something that the goverment/shadow goverment want us to think. 9/11 = terrorist attackers, which saw our civil liberties go down the drain. This is what those in charge wanted, and this is what they got. not a coincidence IMO. So, what do they want from a flalse flag alien attack? Well, space weapons could be one angle "we need to buy this particle gun for our own protection" It will be used to bring in the NWO, it will be the very last stage. If they make us feel as helpless as possible, then they can bring in any solution they want (complete protection from an outside comon enemy) to make us "feel safe" again.

It is a lie, do not fall for it.

posted on Jul, 22 2009 @ 08:03 AM
When it comes to false flags the Elite seem to follow a trend using numerology.

The 2nd World war ended on the 11/11/1945 at 11:11 am. The 11:11 is the exact time of Solstice Dec 21st 2012.

You'll note the Hiroshima Bomb was dropped on the 6th Aug 1945 putting that into numbers 6th day +8th month and break down 1945 to 1+9+4+5

So thats 6+8+1+9+4+5=33

there are 33 degrees in secret societies and also Mount Sion is found at 33 degrees.

When it came to the 7/7 and 9/11 then the numbers 7 and 9:11 are associated with the tribe of dan in the old testement (revelations)

Another coincidence is that there were mock exercises happening on those dates too.

The next mock FEMA exercise is between the 27th and 31st of July so breaking down 31st day is 3+1+7 (July 7th Month) =11 and 2009 is 2+0+0+9=11

11:11 which means a major change to society on the 31st July 2009

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