One morning I woke up and got a shower.
When I came out all the steam had fogged up the mirrors and the window.
On the window there was a handprint,
it was very narrow and long (1 and a 1 quater inches across on the palm and 3 inches long on the palm)
there was 5 fingers including a thumb print which were all very long and narrow too (3 inches long) and the "thumb print" was crooked at the
I didn't think much of it at the time but that was six months ago
and its still there so it probbly was pressed very hard onto the glass (I found this out because other marks on the glass fogged over very
I really don't know what this is but i had a feeling that someone on here may have an idea.
Wow. Thats just plain freaky. Maybe a prank by an alien. Maybe just a prank by a friend or family member. Or maybe its really just a sign from a
more advanced lifeform from beyond
About 3ft from the shower to the window mark. I'll have to check into it next time i have a shower. The only other thing I can remember is the
"little finger" was bent at the joint out slightly to the side.
So I take you didn't see or hear anything.Any little kids in the house at the time? And is there any posibilty it was made by something other than a
hand? Did it just resemble a hand or are you 100 % sure it was a hand print?
take a picture. then we might be able to find out alittle bit more about it. are you sure you didnt do it somehow? good luck with finding out
what it is.
I did take a picture but haven't got it developed I just hope it didnt mess up! I don't think I did it but I suppose theres always a possibility
(mabye I slept walked!) But then again the dimensions are nothing like my hand so I probably didn't do it accedently.
wait, so is it on the inside of your window( the part where the shower is) or the outside? if its on the outside it coulda been anything. but if it
was on the inside that is alittle bit weirder. maybe a ghost, even though i dont personally belive in them, or just someone playn a prank on you.
Yeah it's definately inside, it wouldn't show up in the steam if it was outside. It's double glazed so you can see that it is on the inside. But if
it's a prank or not who knows! (apart from the prankster)
Are you positive it wasn't your hand? There are oils in your skin and when you touch a mirror or glass you leave a print unknowing. It's like when
a child draws on a wet car window and in the morning when you leave for work and their is dew on the window..the drawing is still there. One way to
be sure if it was fresh is to see if the water was beaded and running down the print or was the print hazy?
The print was very clear and had a clean outline which probably had somehing to do with the print being pressed on hard and im sure it wasn't me
it's quite a reach to the window as theres a sort of window sill/ table thing.
I've Seen the handprint myself, it COULDN'T have been "beef_spread". I've got a digital camera, BUT the only bit left of the print are "thumb
and index finger" and a bit of the palm, but I have seen it fully.