Check out this discussion about Transhumanism and how the Illuminati wants to merge man and machine to eliminate love, emotion and sexuality - to
become like the Grey Aliens are. Very disturbing!
Perhaps this is the reason why Americans have been engineered to lack soul, spirit or camaraderie? Maybe Feminism was engineered to help destroy
sexuality too, so we can become a robotic genderless race infused with technology? Scary stuff.
Check out these humanoid robots created in Japan! They look chillingly real! Wow. Scary stuff. I guess sci fi is becoming real! The Japanese female
robot looks attractive too! Dang.
There's also an interview with Ray Kurzweil in it, where he talks about nanotechnology, and how the power of your Blackberry phone will eventually
become the size of a blood cell, so that they can program "robot cells" and inject them into your body to cure disease, cancer, reverse aging,
extend life, etc. That's amazing but chilling, because that means that the government could "program" anything into those cells and inject them
into you, or put them in your food, and you'd never even know it! This means they'd have full 100 percent control of your mind and body without you
even knowing it! And what a perfect excuse they'll have to get you to agree to it too!
Real scary stuff! I can't believe it's becoming a reality now! You'd think this was only science fiction!
Check out this trailer for "The Transcendental Man". It even shows William Shatner saying that he would accept Kurzweil's nanotechnology if it
would extend his life.