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2 Gamma Ray Bursts - Buckled Magnetopause - Earthquakes - July 15th 2009

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posted on Jul, 17 2009 @ 09:47 AM
I found this article interesting and wanted to know what you guys think.

2 Gamma Ray Bursts - Buckled Magnetopause - Earthquakes - July 15th 2009

It may only be a coincidence but on this day with the anomaly we had a large earthquake in New Zealand . It may also be a coincidence that this day the first in seven days where the magnetopause standoff finally moved above a geosynchronous orbit that the shuttle Endeavour finally was able to lift off . And last but no least it may be just a coincidence that through this extended event we have seen noctilucent clouds dip pretty far to the South at latitudes lower then 40 North.

This has been a fairly significant event with the magnetopause position being pushed back to a geosynchronous orbit for a period of about 7 days before it snapped back all at once on July 15th only to be suppressed going into the 16th of July once more but at the time of the creation of this video it had not moved below a geosynchronous orbit

There was also 2 Gamma Burst Confirmed in a 24 hour period


posted on Jul, 17 2009 @ 10:02 AM
Yea... as in the image... I'd like to know what hit the magnetopause from that angle too.

posted on Jul, 17 2009 @ 12:42 PM
reply to post by Iamonlyhuman

Quote :

On December 26, 2004 a magnitude 9.3 earthquake occurred in the Indian Ocean off the coast of Sumatra in Malaysia. It caused a powerful tsunami which devastated coastal regions of many countries leaving over 240,000 people either dead or missing. It was the worst tsunami to affect this area since the 1883 explosion of Krakatao. The earthquake that produced it was so strong that it exceeded by a factor of 10 the next most powerful earthquake to occur anywhere in the past 25 years.

• Indonesian 9.3 Richter earthquake:
December 26, 2004 at 00 hours 58 minutes (Universal Time)

It is then with some alarm that we learn that just 44.6 hours later gamma ray telescopes orbiting the Earth picked up the arrival of the brightest gamma ray burst ever recorded!

• Gamma ray burst arrival:
December 27, 2004 at 21 hours 36 minutes (Universal Time)

This gamma ray blast was 100 times more intense than any burst that had been previously recorded, equaling the brightness of the full Moon, but radiating most of its energy at gamma ray wavelengths. Gamma ray counts spiked to a maximum in 1.5 seconds and then declined over a 5 minute period with 7.57 second pulsations. The blast temporarily changed the shape the Earth's ionosphere, distorting the transmission of long-wavelength radio signals...

It was determined that the burst originated from the soft gamma ray repeater star, SGR 1806-20, a neutron star 20 kilometers in diameter which rotates once every 7.5 seconds, matching the GRB pulsation period. SGR 1806-20 is located about 10 degrees northeast of the Galactic center and about 20,000 to 32,000 light years from us, or about as far away as the Galactic center...

Astronomers have theorized that gamma ray bursts might travel in association with gravity wave bursts. In the course of their flight through space, gamma rays would be deflected by gravitational fields and would be scattered by dust and cosmic ray particles they encountered, so they would be expected to travel slightly slower than their associated gravity wave burst which would pass through space unimpeded. After a 45,000 year light-speed journey, a gamma ray burst arrival delay of 44.6 hours would not be unexpected...

FROM (source)

posted on Jul, 17 2009 @ 02:12 PM
Whoah! Can we get this moved into the Fragile Earth forum? I have read reports that the earthquake in 2004 resulted in a slight change in Earth's axis and rotation - but maybe the gravity burst did it which in turn caused the quake?

Very interesting!

posted on Jul, 17 2009 @ 02:44 PM

NOCTILUCENT STORM: Last night, after a two week intermission, noctilucent clouds returned to Europe in force. "It was one of the best displays of the summer," reports Jan Koeman of Kloetinge, The Netherlands. "The beautiful rippling structure of the electric-blue clouds reminded me of the skin of a Great Blue Whale!" He took this picture using a Nikon D3

Similar reports poured in from Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Belgium, Scotland, Ireland, England and France. "They were so bright I could see them from one of the most light-polluted places one could imagine--the Brussels Ringway," says Philippe Mollet, who made a movie of the clouds gliding over the urban heart of Belgium.

NLCs INVADE THE USA: On July 15th, a wave of intense noctilucent clouds (NLCs) descended over the continental United States. "They were bright enough to see over the city lights of Seattle," reports Bob Harrington, who has been watching the skies of Washington for 46 years, and "this is only the third time I have seen a display like this."

[edit on 17-7-2009 by sickofitall2012]

[edit on 17-7-2009 by sickofitall2012]

posted on Jul, 17 2009 @ 02:51 PM

Excellent Find!!

S and F!!

Something definitely happened and there IS a correlation between flares/burst etc. to quakes.
That is Fact!

posted on Jul, 17 2009 @ 03:34 PM
Gamma ray bursts are common, as can be seen here:
They come from very distant sources (so far) and are very weak by the time they get to our sensors. They have no effect on anything. While a gamma ray burst from a near source would be devastating we would be dead before we knew it happened.

This has been a fairly significant event with the magnetopause position being pushed back to a geosynchronous orbit for a period of about 7 days before it snapped back all at once on July 15th only to be suppressed going into the 16th of July once more but at the time of the creation of this video it had not moved below a geosynchronous orbit .

This statement make no sense whatsoever. The magnetopause is not in a geosynchronous orbit. It is not in any orbit. It does not orbit.

The entire article is nonsense.

[edit on 7/17/2009 by Phage]

posted on Jul, 17 2009 @ 03:49 PM

Originally posted by Iamonlyhuman
I found this article interesting and wanted to know what you guys think.

It may only be a coincidence but on this day with the anomaly we had a large earthquake in New Zealand .

Well yes, given there are hundreds of earthquakes around the world every day ....

It may also be a coincidence that this day the first in seven days where the magnetopause standoff finally moved above a geosynchronous orbit that the shuttle Endeavour finally was able to lift off .

The delays in the Shuttle launch were due to low level tropospheric weather conditions.

And last but no least it may be just a coincidence that through this extended event we have seen noctilucent clouds dip pretty far to the South at latitudes lower then 40 North.

Which we've been seeing them for weeks (best displays so far were last month) and also saw them this time of year last year and the year before .....

Beware of creating straw men

[edit on 17-7-2009 by Essan]

posted on Jul, 17 2009 @ 04:01 PM
Thanks Phage for your input. On these topics I seem to wait for your personal response.

posted on Jul, 17 2009 @ 04:25 PM
to Phage. Your the Brain.::hands him a big cookie:: I always wait for your telling.

posted on Jul, 17 2009 @ 04:27 PM
Oh well thank god Phag came along to clear things up!

posted on Jul, 17 2009 @ 04:46 PM

Originally posted by Phage

This statement make no sense whatsoever. The magnetopause is not in a geosynchronous orbit. It is not in any orbit. It does not orbit.

I don't think they said that the magnetopause is in a geosynchronous orbit. I'm certainly not an astrophysicist but this is from the article:

The second image in this video is of the 3-day history of magnetopause standoff where you will notice at the start of July 15th 2009 we find a brief rebound and towards the end of the day we find the standoff close to but not in the geosynchronous orbit .

It seems you have your own little following, although probably well deserved (and I do mean that) - Digginforthetruth, Eye of Horus, and WolfmanJ should probably read things before doing the "all hail" thing don't you think because, after all, we are all human.

What do you think hit the magnetosheath? The angle is not right for it to be anything coming from the sun.

[edit on 17/7/2009 by Iamonlyhuman]

posted on Jul, 17 2009 @ 05:25 PM
link many "coincidences" do we need before LOGICALLY saying they are connected?

It's getting increasingly frustrating that TPTB and their "paid scientists" state all of these occurances, but fail to say there's a connection. "More evidence is needed before conclusively saying they are related" is a very common statement.

I guess when 5 eathquakes hit simultaneously, 3 planes fall on the same day, and scores of people die, perhaps then they'll say: "Well, maybe there's a small connection...."

Just because an exact SCIENTIFIC REASON, and further a mathematic equation, can't be formed to demonstrate the relationship of these events, does not mean one doesn't exist...rather it only means that they haven't found it yet. Two entirely different things in my opinion.

posted on Jul, 17 2009 @ 05:29 PM

Originally posted by nydsdan
Whoah! Can we get this moved into the Fragile Earth forum? I have read reports that the earthquake in 2004 resulted in a slight change in Earth's axis and rotation - but maybe the gravity burst did it which in turn caused the quake?

Very interesting!

I heard that too. Actually a geologist at the time on MSNBC said it slowed down a day by like .000001 seconds or something.

posted on Jul, 17 2009 @ 05:52 PM

Originally posted by sickofitall2012


I think it very well could be related. We know that the aurora borealis is caused by solar wind... I'm sure they are related in some way although maybe not solar wind but the trapping of particles in the atmosphere maybe.

It seems a lot of "coincidences" are occurring with the Earth these days.

posted on Jul, 17 2009 @ 07:02 PM
i have never heard that before but i agree it does seem they can be related.


posted on Jul, 17 2009 @ 07:31 PM
reply to post by Iamonlyhuman

Are you implying that the gamma ray burst had something to do with the "bite" in the magnetosphere? Electromagnetic radiation (including gamma rays) does not affect the magnetosphere.

Do I have to remind you that it is a simulation of the pressure distribution on the magnetosphere? It's a computer's guess at what is going on. A good guess, but still a guess. The simulation uses data from the ACE satellite (which does not include gamma ray bursts). The satellite is between the Earth and the Sun. It's sensors are designed to detect the solar wind which comes from the Sun. They are pointed at the Sun.
Here is the data it used (note that this nice graphical display will not show the 15th for very long, but the raw data will be available).

Do you see anything there on the 15th at 16:50? I don't either. It looks to me like the simulator had a hiccup over some minor bit of data. In fact it's apparent that the disturbance does come from the direction of the Sun. The dude with the website picked a frame that makes it look like it didn't. More nonsense.

posted on Jul, 17 2009 @ 07:41 PM
Very interesting and my paranoid side thinks that there is no coincidence, only the illusion of coincidence. However, according to the article below, upon reaching 2012 we will experience galactic alignment to the center of the milky way which can potentially expose us to ridiculously strong gamma ray bursts among other types of rays. Perhaps a somewhat logical explanation for coming disasters? I don't know but the info below is not so comforting.

Some info:

Astronomers have known about intense radiation from space since the 1970s. Multiple bursts of powerful gamma rays were routinely detected and believed to originate from stars in the Milky Way. Assuming this energy originated locally, astronomers concluded this type of gamma ray burst was insignificant and harmless. Then, in December 1997, they had the technology and good luck to catch a strong gamma ray burst and track it. The source was not inside the Milky Way Galaxy. It was from a distant galaxy billions of light years away.

A review of other bursts showed that their assumptions had been wrong. All of the gamma ray bursts they were observing were from other galaxies far, far away. The amount of energy coming from objects so distant was a real shock. No one had ever imagined such powerful bursts could be generated by galactic centers. The thought of a burst coming from our own Milky Way galactic center was abysmal. A burst of the same intensity as the 1997 event, originating from inside the Milky Way, would deliver 100,000 time the lethal dose of radiation, killing every life form that was exposed. Could that really happen to us?

This question was answered on August 27th, 1998 when an unusual 5 minute gamma ray pulse was located just 20,000 light years away in the constellation of Aquila. This may sound like a huge distance, but to astronomers this is just "next door." The Milky Way Galaxy, for example, is just 100,000 light years from end to end.

The 1998 event was close enough and strong enough to ionize Earth's upper atmosphere, damage a couple of spacecraft and disrupt global communication. Since then astronomers place gamma ray bursts from the Galaxy's core at the top of the list of things we don't want to happen

Before Aquila, scientists just feared exploding stars -- novas and supernovas. Now things are different. It's like living in a ghetto and fearing drive-by shootings and random bullets. Then one day you learn that there's a nuclear bomb down the street, waiting to explode.

Ironically, all of these facts are incorporated in LaViolette's "superwave" theory. He concludes that there are cyclical and frequent explosions from the Galaxy's core. These waves of radiation advance outward to the edges of the Galaxy, impacting everything and causing stars to erupt in their path. He believes this is what has happened many times to our own solar system -- the most recent superwave of radiation being 14,950 years ago. He envisions the shock wave -- or superwave -- dragging cosmic dust along with it as it enters the heliopause and energizes our Sun.

Ice core samples support this view. Evidence of the effects from cosmic dust show at ice core strata corresponding to the years 11,880 to 11,785 BCE*. This evidence, along with the Moon glass, the presence of cosmic dust and the abrupt and atypical end of the last ice age -- all point to an intimate relationship between extreme solar activity and gama radiation from the Milky Way Galaxy's center. [* These dates have been updated following more precise research from Dr. LaViolette.]

Something has changed

More troubling is the suggestion by some scientists that this powerful radiation may not require a dramatic burst or explosion to cause eruptions in the Sun. Physicists at nearly a dozen research institutions, including New York University, have discovered evidence for very high energy gamma rays emitting from a narrow band at the equator of the Milky Way. These gamma ray levels mark the highest energies ever detected from the Galaxy.

More info

Edit: I think I'm having a bad spelling day today...

[edit on 17-7-2009 by N3krostatic]

posted on Jul, 17 2009 @ 08:03 PM
Here's the simulation from the 15th that Phage linked to:

(click to open player in new window)

Most definitely coming from the direction of the sun.

Besides if it was something coming from the sun and not an error in the readings, it missed earth by a long shot.

posted on Jul, 17 2009 @ 08:33 PM
reply to post by CONTACT

Yep, there is evidence that earthquakes can be caused by Solar activity, as well as unusual activity coming from outside the Solar System.

Some people want to blame everything on mankind, but there are forces that control the Earth's climate, weather, and even seismic and magmatic activity which comes from outside the Solar System and there is NOTHING we can do about it.

I am not sure if I have posted this information and research here, so here it is again.

Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 8, 00740, 2006
SRef-ID: 1607-7962/gra/EGU06-A-00740
© European Geosciences Union 2006
Proton and electron anomaly in electric universe can
trigger earthquakes
L.Körtvélyessy (1), S.Mukherjee (2)
(1) Kleverberg, D-47533 Kleve Germany (Contact Email: [email protected]).., (2)Remote
sensing Applications Laboratory, School of Environmental sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru
University, New Delhi-110067, INDIA (Contact Email: [email protected] )

Why are protons 1836 times heavier than electrons? The answer is quantitatively still not clear. The most basic view of astrophysics will be discussed if the Universe is electrically neutral or even electrically charged. Observations in invisible (e.g. in X-ray-) light suggest that the Sun and other celestial bodies are electrically charged. Some aspects of the model Electric Universe are compared to new observations. Changes in the electrical charges in the celestial objects has potential to trigger earthquake in active fault areas on the earth.

Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 8, 00731, 2006
SRef-ID: 1607-7962/gra/EGU06-A-00731
© European Geosciences Union 2006
Cosmic influence triggers CME from Sunspots and
earthquake in active fault areas
Remote Sensing Applications Laboratory, School of Environmental Sciences, Jawaharlal
Nehru University, New Delhi-110067, INDIA

Influence of Starburst has been observed on the development of Sunspots and coronal mass ejection (CME). It has been established that earth directed CME can be generated during maunders minimum (low sunspot period in Solar minimum). It has been observed that before the occurrence of earthquake the Electron flux (Eflux)and Planetary indices (Kp) rises and falls dramatically. A change in thermosphere, ionosphere as well as atmosphere has been recorded before the Tsunami and earthquake of Sumatra on 26th December 2004. On 8th October 2005 an Earthquake of 7.6 Richter Scale further proves this hypothesis. The Sunspot location within Sun is superimposible on North of Istambul, Pakistan earthquake epicenter location, which is an active fault.

Electric and magnetic phenomena observed before
the volcano-seismic activity in 2000 in the Izu Island Region, Japan

S. Uyeda*†, M. Hayakawa‡, T. Nagao*, O. Molchanov‡, K. Hattori*, Y. Orihara*, K. Gotoh‡, Y. Akinaga‡, and H. Tanaka*
*Riken International Frontier Research Group on Earthquakes, Earthquake Prediction Research Center, Tokai University, 3-20-1, Orido, Shimizu 424-8610,
Japan; and ‡National Space Development Agency of Japan Remote Sensing Frontier Research Group, Department of Electronic Engineering,
The University of Electro-Communications, 1-5-1 Chofugaoka, Chofu 182-8585, Japan

Significant anomalous changes in the ultra low frequency range
(0.01 Hz) were observed in both geoelectric and geomagnetic
fields before the major volcano-seismic activity in the Izu Island
region, Japan. The spectral intensity of the geoelectric potential
difference between some electrodes on Niijima Island and the third
principal component of geomagnetic field variations at an array
network in Izu Peninsula started to increase from a few months
before the onset of the volcano-seismic activity, culminating immediately
before nearby magnitude 6 class earthquakes. Appearance
of similar changes in two different measurements conducted
at two far apart sites seems to provide information supporting the
reality of preseismic electromagnetic signals.

Here is an article about the Sun's activity triggering earthquales on Earth.

Information - SM11 Sun-earth connection triggers Earthquakes

Event Information

It has been observed that before the occurrence of an earthquake anomalous change in various environmental parameters of the Earth. These parameters include thermosphere, ionosphere, atmosphere and lithosphere in space and time. Correlation of changes in sunspots, star spots with the heliophysical , sun-earth environment and other cosmic activities and its influence on the earth are being studied since several years. It has been observed that some geo-physical parameter eg., Kp (planetary indices) and E-flux (electron flux) changes after the coronal mass ejection from the outer periphery of the sunspots. When the Kp (planetary indices) and E-flux (electron flux) changes suddenly it affects the environment of the earth. This phenomenon changes the thermosphere ionosphere atmosphere and lithosphere locally as well as globally. The response of the magnetosphere to interplanetary shocks or pressure pulses can result in sudden injections of energetic particles into the inner magnetosphere. It has been recorded that 36 hours before the occurrence of earthquake Kp values and E-flux increases drastically. After this increase sudden fall in Kp and E-fflux has been noticed before the earthquake and tsunami. The phenomenon was recorded before the Pakistan earthquake of 8th October 2005, Iran earthquake of 23rd February 2005,Sumatra earthquake on 26th December 2004 and Gujarat earthquake of 26th January 2001. Similar observations were recorded in other parts of the world. Deleneation of active faults by seismic microzonation coupled with sunspot activity studies has the proven potential for the triggering of an earthquake in space and time.

Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 8, 00881, 2006
SRef-ID: 1607-7962/gra/EGU06-A-00881
© European Geosciences Union 2006
Anomaly in Kp, Eflux and atmospheric temperature
before the earthquake of Sumatra on 26th December
S.Mukherjee (1), M. Weiyu (2)
(1)School of Environmental Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi-110067, India, [email protected], (2)Zhejiang University, Zhejiang, 321000, China, [email protected]

When the Kp (planetary indices) and E-flux (electron flux) changes suddenly it affects the environment of the earth. These phenomena changes the thermosphere and lithosphere locally as well as globally. The response of the magnetosphere to interplanetary shocks or pressure pulses can result in sudden injections of energetic particles into the inner magnetosphere. It has been recorded that 36 hours before the occurrence of earthquake Kp values and E-flux increases drastically. After this increase sudden fall in Kp and E-fflux has been noticed before the earthquake and tsunami. The phenomenon was recorded before the Sumatra earthquake on 26th December 2004. Abnormal temperature increase in the earthquake and tsunami effected area of Sumatra (N15ž- S5ž, E80ž-E130ž) was also noticed. The NCEP temperature images were used for the period from 13th December 2004 to 26th December 2004. It has been observed that the temperature rise takes place from 14-22 December. Rise in Efflux and Kp value has been recorded from SOHO satellite data during 22nd December from 09-12 UT. After this sudden rise there was a continuous fall in Efflux and Kp till 26th December 00.00 hrs UT. The abnormal phenomenon of increase in temperature (more than 5žC ) in the Sumatra area and sudden drop before the earthquake (as recorded by NCEP) gives an early warning of earthquake in this area. Similar phenomenon was observed before Ms.7.6 Gujarat India, January 26, 2001,Ms.7.0 Iran December 26,2003, Ms.8.0 Hokkaido, September 26,2003, Ms 7.0 Japan October 23,2004, Ms d.2 Dayao, China July 21,2003, Ms 6.1 Dayao, China October 16, 2003, Ms 6.7 Tibet, China July 12,2004, and Iran February 23 2005 etc. All these case studies strongly support the changes of abnormal increasing temperature, Efflux, Kp and sudden fall before the seismic activity which has produced the killer tsunami and earthquake on the boxing day of 2004. It is possible to correlate the influence of Starburst on the development of the sunspots and further the sun-earth environment.

So, it is actually a fact, and many scientists have been pointing this out, that not only can the Sun's activity trigger earthquakes, but what happens outside the Solar System also can trigger earthquakes, as well as magmatic activity and cause Climate Change.

[edit on 17-7-2009 by ElectricUniverse]

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