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The Creature from Jekyll Island : A Second Look at the Federal Reserve

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posted on Jul, 17 2009 @ 03:20 PM
Those are good ideas though Big Money and Big Media have always called the shots in who is to run and who is to get elected. Voter fraud (Acorn and others) are a serious breach of our Rights as well.

Alot needs to change if the people are to live Free with Liberty unto all.

Violence should always be the last solution though if history serves as a purpose is should teach us that the NWO folks are willing to stop at nothing to achieve 'their' world for 'their' purposes.

When one grows up with too much money, they often become estranged from themselves and their neighbors. They become out of touch with reality and often become their own worst enemies.

When one is brought up in a protected cocoon, free from 'natural' reprisals for their mistakes/crimes, they in effect, become a freak of Nature unto themselves and their fellow man.

I've known quite a few very wealthy and very poor and find both unsatisfied past and present with the society we have today.

If one is to live by the Golden Rule and yearn to achieve a Golden Mean in their existence, they will discover the True meaning of life. To share, to assist, to have empathy, to have compassion, to have Courage, to have the Freedom to exploit the skills they inherently and uniquely have should be the aim of society in the future.

Currently, the people of the world are Divided and Conquered for the 'supposed' advantage of a few Tyrants of whom often find themselves their own worst enemy in 'their' End.

How many 'peace activists' can one think of who were murdered for attempting to bring the people together in Unity? This is a prevailing theme of the times and must stop ASAP if the people are to stand a chance for 'Change they can believe in'.

Divided and Conquered or Collectively Whole....we all ultimately have our Choice every day we wake as to how we are to behave unto our neigbor, our Brothers in this short escapade we call Life.

[edit on 17-7-2009 by Perseus Apex]

posted on Jul, 17 2009 @ 04:31 PM
I like how the bankers had their original meeting on Jeckyll Island.

The Fed is certainly an entity of two faces, one young and bright and smiling,
and the other old and wise...and sinister.

posted on Jul, 17 2009 @ 04:54 PM

Originally posted by warrenb
Great post

Haven't seen this video series of Griffin's yet

For related videos

G. Edward Griffin - The Grand Design & More Deadly Than War

thanks for posting

Awesome! I'm watching your videos first

I love people who make good threads and link to them in other peoples threads. I do it all the time (eg. Class Warfare)

posted on Jul, 17 2009 @ 05:44 PM
From the 11th video...

If a nation can be brought to its knees, if it is hungry, desperate, if it has chaos in its streets, if there is political turmoil...then the people of that nation will be much more likely to accept any solution that is offered to them by the world government...

The plan is almost complete...all that is left is to bring the U.S. to its knees..and they are half way down already...

“And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him.."

Lock and Load

posted on Jul, 17 2009 @ 06:46 PM
Then, you should listen to this preview of G. Edward Griffin's upcoming appearance on the Veritas Show

Bailouts, abolition of the Fed, Ron Paul's "Audit the Fed" bill, and many more topics were discussed.

5-Minute Audio Preview

Although, I hope they don't audit the Fed. For if they do, it would be another Warren Commission; 9/11 Commission Report, etc. We just need to abolish it.

[edit on 17-7-2009 by Exopolitico]

posted on Jul, 17 2009 @ 08:02 PM
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas
I went back and re-read your thread. I added a post to it, and will be researching how I go about forming a non-profit in my state. I don't care if the candidate is Republican, Democrat, Liberatarian, or totally independent, as long as the candidate can convince me that he//she will not fall lockstep in with the powers that be. It's time for a change, folks. Can we recall Senators and Representatives?

posted on Jul, 17 2009 @ 09:25 PM
Thanks for the post. Just ordered a copy and will watch the videos tmr am.

posted on Jul, 17 2009 @ 09:55 PM
I do want to add this one thing though, this is only one 'arm' in what is called The Octopus Enigma. It goes much deeper and is on many different levels. Great thread again SKL, good to see one of your classic-type threads we got so used to in the past.

[edit on 7/17/2009 by jkrog08]

posted on Jul, 17 2009 @ 11:23 PM
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

thanks for the videos.
this is a very important subject.

a friend of mine wrote a book on the subject. it's a short, but very informative piece. check it out if you get a chance.
also, the above link has a cool little song he wrote about the fed...

here' another link with lots of info on the fed:

what else can we do, but inform our fellow citizens?

posted on Jul, 17 2009 @ 11:25 PM
Great thread SKL! S+F

The understanding of the Federal Reserve system is of paramount importance. In my opinion this and 911 are the two most important conspiracies. There is an abundance of evidence to suggest foul play for both and I feel the best chance we have of stopping the rot is to create enough awareness of these monumental issues so we can achieve the desired momentum shift.......

Here is a quote from Tragedy and Hope.

"The powers of financial capitalism had another far reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements, arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences. The apex of the system was the Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the worlds' central banks which were themselves private corporations. The growth of financial capitalism made possible a centralization of world economic control and use of this power for the direct benefit of financiers and the indirect injury of all other economic groups." Tragedy and Hope: A History of The World in Our Time (Macmillan Company, 1966,) Professor Carroll Quigley of Georgetown University, highly esteemed by his former student, William Jefferson Blythe Clinton.

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 03:04 AM
Reading the book right now. I had thought of starting a thread like this but there are a lot on this book here already. So, I'll just add a little tidbit to this one.

Here's a great documentary on money. Get some popcorn, it's three and a half hours, but chock full of info.

The Money Masters

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 03:19 AM
Wasen't G Edward Griffin also the guy who wrote the unauthorized biograpfy of Senior Bush?
That book very good aswell and FILLED with conspiracy related persons and clubs. And very well documented.
Definetly gonna read The Creature from Jekyll Island as well

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 08:30 AM
Holy mackerel.
I logged off from the library last night, with I believe it was sixteen flags and a few stars, and today I logged into the library computer, and this thread is flying high with thirty-seven flags.


Maybe I will break my record on flags, and maybe I should have done this thread sooner.

Before I begin replying to everyone, because I intend to reply to everyone, I'm going to post something I typed up last night.

The seven men that the author elaborates upon, who met together, in shrouded secrecy, knew that their planning would be decried as conspiracy. Not as conspiracy of anarchy, nor of revolution, but instead of greed and power, mixed with corruption. The year was 1910, and the seven men were very powerful indeed.

1) Nelson W Aldrich

He rebuilt the American financial system along Progressive lines through the institution of the federal income tax amendment and the Federal Reserve System. He claimed that this would lead to greater efficiency. Aldrich became wealthy with investments in street railroads, sugar, rubber and banking.

2) Abram Piatt Andrew

He was an expert assistant and editor of publications of the National Monetary Commission from 1908 to 1911, and Director of the United States Mint in 1909 and 1910. From 1910 to 1912 he was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury.

3) Frank A Vanderlip

In November, 1910, he was a member of the Jekyll Island group, a group of bankers that wrote the bill that became the Federal Reserve Act.

4) Henry P Davison

..., and in 1910 he was a participant in the secretive meeting on Jekyll Island, Georgia that may have led to the creation of the Federal Reserve and has generated much speculation over the years.

5) Charles D Norton - No entry on Wikipedia for him, although he is listed as a member of the Jekyll Island Club.

6) Benjamin Strong

Benjamin Strong, Jr. (December 22, 1872 – October, 16, 1928) was an American banker. He served as Governor of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York for 14 years until his death. Strong exerted great influence over the policy and actions of the entire Federal Reserve System.

7) Paul M Warburg

Paul Moritz Warburg (August 10, 1868 – January 24, 1932) was a Jewish-German-American banker and early advocate of the U.S. Federal Reserve system.

The fact that these men were lost to history, unless you specifically studied a topic mentioning them, attests to just how successful their cover-up of involvement was, and to the depths that they would go to make sure their involvement was vague enough to be ambivalent in nature so that they would be able to redirect anyone who was investigating them. They met all together on Jekyll Island, formulated the concoction of the Federal Reserve, and still retained their power.

Indeed it seems as if they “put the fix in” so to speak on the rest of America, in order to block competition in the banking industry and make certain they were not challenged, or if they challenged that they knew how to deal with the person doing the challenging. That they knew instinctively that America citizens would have a problem with this is in itself lending to an incriminating action of subversive nature that politicians so readily hand out to regular citizens through the definitions of the laws that they write.

Is Government itself guilty or innocent of subversive action here, or is it just the individual people within the Government who met together in secrecy?

I cannot say myself due to not being there as well as not knowing these men personally, but in the climate of the time, war was building to a climax, yet it was not declared yet. What so many people do not realize is that war itself, in the modern time of the last two hundred years or so takes anywhere from ten, twenty, or thirty years of pre-staging before it happens. This is because when it is being manipulated by men of power such as these, they are making moves behind the scenes to secure business contracts, push aside competitors, and they are practicing cut-throats tactics of business.

Throughout the entire book the author speaks on history as if it were alive, which to me, it is in fact a living knowledge that flows through you as you read it because it makes you remember things you learned along the way as well as it instills into you either to make sure that you do not want that to happen again, or the reverse of you hoping something happens again, if you are a history buff like myself.

Just remember though that history always, always, always repeats itself.

History does that because it becomes cyclical as well as people constantly learn, both as individuals as well as groups through citizenship, and as well as their individual families, so history is in a constant state of flux and can never truly be fixed into one type of direct environment of knowledge, unless of course all the people learning, are learning simultaneously, both through sitting in school, as well as the family knowledge base, and as well societal speaking in the context of one complete system where no one is allowed to think differently.

To me, this would be the worse prison sentence for society itself, because as we know, this would complete indoctrination into a One World Government system where questioning authority would not be allowed. Why anyone would try to subject society as a whole, let alone themselves to this way of thinking escapes me totally because I love the independence of free-thinking more than life itself because it is what makes one person an individual within society. Who the Hell, and I think the author of this would agree with me, would want someone to tell them how to think completely, as well as teach one way to think, since this itself is a human being becoming a virtual robot in flesh and blood.

One type of thought process, one type of Government, and one type of monetary system worldwide is something that makes society bland and uneventful to the extreme of being blasé as only having one option ever in life.

What if one system of money, like the author of the book points that we are fast approaching, is what it takes for society to collapse altogether because of a simple computer glitch wherein all money being allotted to the digital world, like the coming bio-chip, is simply erased by a computer hacker with knowledge of the system, and or the ability to crack that system and make it so literally you cannot function as an individual, let alone as a society?

What then my fine friends?

Oops, let’s reboot the system and all your money is instantly returned?

What if that same said hacker, cracker actually, which is short for criminal hacker, was to plant a virus within the system that would make the computer loop through a devious virus he set as a trap, so that the instant the computer system reboots, it goes through a shutdown every single time?

We as society would be screwed altogether, and all together, in a sinking ship, with no relief in sight.

You think the economy collapsing now is bad, but what if the entire system was not only to collapse, but to be made by a criminal to never be able to repaired?

Literally, thousands and millions of people would be unable to purchase their food, gasoline, and pay bills if this was the system that was eventually enacted, which is where World Government is striving to drive us as citizens of planet Earth.

I cannot speak for anyone other than myself, but I was taught to always have a back-up, and have a back-up for that one as well, and to utilize my ability to adapt, improvise, and overcome anything that stands in my way of living, doing, or acting in my nature. But what of Government, Hell-bent on making a “one-world” model, do you honestly think that once they get us into the indoctrinated state of accepting this, that it would be easily overcome, if that system itself were to collapse wholly without ability to be able to repair it because of malicious, or even accidental erasure? I do not think the model of “one-world government” is something anyone should be willing to accept, especially when it comes to having your money, all of one kind, worldwide. This itself to me is ludicrous in nature, because it defeats itself, in that we as society need rivalry of some kind, you always need someone to compete with. Whether it be the United States verses Russia, or white against black, or even Earth verse Mars when we eventually terra-form the red planet.

Without violence, of course, coexisting together as society needs some sort of drive in which we can see someone else as different, or to be all the same, you are just a carbon-copy of your neighbor, and you can be replaced easily as a human being. I am of course speaking of this in the context of a monetary system, using the metaphors of race, color, and society in a way to make it simple to understand, because speaking of societal issues I believe the exact opposite, in that we as citizens, of the planet, need to learn to survive, with our fellows Earthlings, without bloodshed, without racial bigotry, and without the ignorance of being divided by people with agendas.

Unify as citizens of Earth, and control the very planet you own as humans, do not let others control you through the means of manipulating your money. Personally, I believe we should be back on the gold standard, so that our fiat money, which is basically worthless as a monetary system, is actually worth what it is printed upon. Fiat money itself is worthless, if you do not believe, do not trust, and do not support the Government who tells you it is worth something other than the usefulness of toilet paper.

[edit on 18-7-2009 by SpartanKingLeonidas]

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 08:39 AM
reply to post by jimmyx

While I can understand your thoughts on this, I wholeheartedly disagree.

America can be changed, what is important though is what kind of change.

As well as that, how that happens, by who, and how it is shaped into a better country, without going towards totalitarianism, fascism, or neo-Nazism.

I am not saying Utopia, because there just is no such thing, and if I were to try for a Utopia, or anyone else for that matter, America would be lock-stepping towards Nazi Germany, with an American flag flying over it, and possibly a "funny litte man, with a funny little mustache" all over again just like WWII.

The thing is, the Fourth Reich is not something I entertain as something I want to happen, when I think of the reform I personally would like to see.

What I am specifying, is very much an impossiblity, the people who govern, are actual people who live and breath, without a silver spoon in their mouth at birth, without being backed by the car industry, without being backed by big business.

Just plain, average (better educated, yes), American citizens, who hold themselves to a higher standard than being corrupt like all of Washington D.C. currently is, and always has been.

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 09:47 AM
reply to post by warrenb

You may have been indoctrinated into that way of thinking, or other people may have, but I was not.

I was indoctrinated into delayed gratification.

To me, that is the only way to be gratified.

Planning, strategizing, and staging towards an eventual prize is the way I see it.

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 10:13 AM

Originally posted by Perseus Apex
Those are good ideas though Big Money and Big Media have always called the shots in who is to run and who is to get elected. Voter fraud (Acorn and others) are a serious breach of our Rights as well.

Yes, our rights have been breached by vile scum who should never be allowed to get into office to begin with because they do not represent the people who elected them. They quite simply manipulated their way into office, and then they turn right around and do the very thing we had the Boston Tea Party for, "no taxation, without representation".

Alot needs to change if the people are to live Free with Liberty unto all.

I would say so.

The entire system is corrupt, from the top to the bottom.

People, need to actually care enough to enter the political arena themselves, first.

Violence should always be the last solution though if history serves as a purpose is should teach us that the NWO folks are willing to stop at nothing to achieve 'their' world for 'their' purposes.

When one grows up with too much money, they often become estranged from themselves and their neighbors. They become out of touch with reality and often become their own worst enemies.

Violence, is of course, the absolute last resort.

I was taught to use my brain first.

A weapon second, and sometimes using your brain can be the only weapon you use, if you are smart enough.

I am smart enough to use my brain matter, to make what I want to happen matter.

I have never grown up with money, I was dirt poor myself, with just enough to have food on the table, clothes on my back, and a roof over my head.

As I got older, I worked 2, 3, and 4 jobs simultaneously, just to make ends meet.

Then, I began saving, and with delayed gratification, set aside money to retire.

This last year, I have burned through my entiure life savings, just to survive.

I am back to square one.

I am loving every minute of that as well.

Begin again, and re-learn everything, a new Genesis if you will.

When one is brought up in a protected cocoon, free from 'natural' reprisals for their mistakes/crimes, they in effect, become a freak of Nature unto themselves and their fellow man.

I've known quite a few very wealthy and very poor and find both unsatisfied past and present with the society we have today.

If one is to live by the Golden Rule and yearn to achieve a Golden Mean in their existence, they will discover the True meaning of life. To share, to assist, to have empathy, to have compassion, to have Courage, to have the Freedom to exploit the skills they inherently and uniquely have should be the aim of society in the future.

I was never sheltered, in a coccoon, I was lectured about what actions I took. I was taught to overcome the adversities that came at me, and still do come at me.

Living through the Art of War is the only way I have known how to live, and turning that around the the Art of Peace was something I chose to do. Now, I utilize that knowledge of warfare, in all contexts of the word "warfare" to teach a peaceful means of asssisting people in getting past their own adversities.

Divide and Conquer, at it's finest, I am divided, so I conquered myself.

Putting myself back together, I am a conquered man, who knows what it is to be divided, so no man can put asunder what I have done, will do, or teach others to do.

By conquering myself, I can see myself in others, and know how to assist them to conquer themselves, through teaching them how to take down their adversities, with a little assistance, and then I teach them to overcome it, without assistance.

I earn lifelong friends that way, and if by chance we go our seperate ways, then at least I know they can conquer their challenges, and I never forget them.

Currently, the people of the world are Divided and Conquered for the 'supposed' advantage of a few Tyrants of whom often find themselves their own worst enemy in 'their' End.

How many 'peace activists' can one think of who were murdered for attempting to bring the people together in Unity? This is a prevailing theme of the times and must stop ASAP if the people are to stand a chance for 'Change they can believe in'.

Divided and Conquered or Collectively Whole....we all ultimately have our Choice every day we wake as to how we are to behave unto our neigbor, our Brothers in this short escapade we call Life.

[edit on 17-7-2009 by Perseus Apex]

Yes, I agree, people are being "divided and conquered" against their will, by the global elite, who to me equal mass murderers, by murdering people's free will to do what they want, the global elite guarantee that they can prey upon those people for all the money in their paycheck.

They are financial predators, plain and simple, the global elite.

Harry Houdini, yes, the magician, discovered that every level of the Government, up to, and including the White House was infiltrated by financial predators.

In this book, it outlines how he figured it out, because it takes a man who can act a fraud to spot a fraud, and through the use of illusion, Houdini was committing acts of fraud, for entertainment purposes.

The Secret Life of Houdini: The Making of America's First Superhero

I am not stating anything derogatory against Harry Houdini here, and it is on topic with this thread, in that he found out the entire entity of the Government was being run, influenced by, or sucked dry by financial predators.

My Amazon Review :

Harry Houdini : The Man, The Myth, The Spy, The Secret Service Agent

A lot of people love reading about Harry Houdini the magician, the Handcuff King the escape artist but did you know that he was a spy & a Secret Service agent? I can prove it with one book & a few well versed words here. The book I am talking about is one I am just over half way through & it is entitled "The Secret Life of Houdini : The Making of a Superhero."

This book is awesome & I encourage everyone to read it and enjoy the story of Harry Houdini from beginning to end. It tells about the man, the myth, the spy, the Secret Service agent who was a performer who made the world love him & his shows & continually conquered his every demon, including his own self loathing while continually re-creating himself for the world at large.

Yes this book still fits into this world of the wide web that is the internet. The book is all about how all of Harry Houdini's having been a major instigator in World War I in the propaganda & success of America while Harry Houdini, or some may know him better as Ehrich Weiss, a Jewish man who changed his identity to fit better into the world and to better sell himself to the world as an entertainer at large for War World I in the rise of Germany the first time it came to power.

The fact that the book is from archival data and letters both from & to Harry Houdini is what makes this book so intriguing. Please feel free to enjoy the book & I would love to hear anyone else's opinion & thoughts on this subject. A lot of people do not know that the Secret Service was a spy agency at one time and was connected to the spy world like the C.I.A., N.S.A., D.I.A. & the rest of the alphabet Intelligent Agencies.

Harry Houdini taught our American Dough Boys how to escape from handcuffs, being tied in ropes, & how to escape from torpedoed ships by being on stage in an ampitheater & having actually being a teacher of the American military.

I have created a Houdini thread, based around this book, but it did not fare well.

Maybe, I should have done it in the complete context of Houdini taking on the financial predators.

Personally, I do not believe he died the way we are told, I think he was attacked, and his death was covered up by everyone who he called fraudulent.

Anyway, back onto the topic at hand, G Edward Griffin's book is one of the most intriguing and fascinating books I have ever read because he exposes the entirety of the corruption, and delves into history to prove it as well.

G. Edward Griffin's Website : Reality Zone Info

[edit on 18-7-2009 by SpartanKingLeonidas]

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 10:29 AM
reply to post by rival

Yes, it is absolutely appropriate, they met on Jekyll Island.

And like Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, they are two-faced bastards, commiting treasounous actions.

I love you singature, by the way, and I am stockpiling knowledge daily.

I read constantly, it is the only true way to conquer, by educating oneself.

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 10:32 AM
reply to post by Kaytagg

I agree.

Anyone can link a thread to my thread, just make sure and do it in the right context.

By linking into each other, it only makes the message that much more powerful.

And by doing it right, you can make both people more powerful, and utilize teamwork.

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 10:35 AM

Originally posted by RolandBrichter
From the 11th video...

If a nation can be brought to its knees, if it is hungry, desperate, if it has chaos in its streets, if there is political turmoil...then the people of that nation will be much more likely to accept any solution that is offered to them by the world government...

The plan is almost complete...all that is left is to bring the U.S. to its knees..and they are half way down already...

“And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him.."

Lock and Load

Yes, a nation hungry, desperate, and divided against itself, can be conquered easily, and the people will even willingly crawl into their own prison cells, if they know that conquerer will give them food, even if they do not know it, but believe it enough.

I love the pale horse reference, and considered Barack Obama is neither black nor white, it only suits him all the better.

Did you know that name that the Secret Service uses while referencing President Obama's location and security, is "Renegade"?

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 10:38 AM
reply to post by Exopolitico

An audit is nothing more than creating the ability to assist in the cover-up.

Warren Commission, 9/11 Commission, and the next one will be labeled the "Bailout Commission".

Audit my big fuzzy butt, they will cover-up the entire thing, and try to place blame.

Who is the scapegoat, this time?

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