posted on Jul, 19 2009 @ 12:05 AM
If it responded to our prayers, then there would be proof and it would be testable by science. It doesn't respond to our prayers, since we only want
what will provide us with pleasure, and God wants us to provide us with spirituality. He knows better than any of us, so would you really want to put
the wheel in your hands? The better driver should drive...
So no it won't answer. The only prayer that is granted is a prayer for deeper spirituality.
God is all good, and all bestowing, all loving. He is not "neither good nor evil". God is curious? Yeah I don't think so.
Your human memories, thoughts, emotions, skills don't go "poof", in spirituality everything is gained, nothing is lost. A person's "loves"
certainly does not get cast off. The things that a person desires are the wood for their spiritual fire, I just made that up off the top of my head
lol, but it's true. The body certainly doesn't resurrect, that's for sure though. Heaven is the spiritual fullness, so of course its not archaic.
It doesn't matter what you call it, the upper light, heaven, the pleroma ect.
You don't get to make the decision to incarnate or not. Again, you don't know best, God does. And considering people's natures are designed in a
way for them to seek out the most pleasure, there isn't really a choice, and the same pleasure-seeking part (ego) still exists in the spiritual
world, and really the ego is the entire makeup of a person..
And if you do incarnate, its as a human, not some other creature lol.
[edit on 19-7-2009 by ghaleon12]