posted on Jul, 19 2009 @ 04:03 AM
reply to post by lycanlance
reply to post by lycanlance
I am quite happy with the notion that my body will return to the earth and in that way I will become new life on this planet. I may or may not have a
soul, I am yet to fully comprehend what that means, but I do know that for as long as this universe exists that in some form I will too. I love
nature and therefore to feel that I will one day be returned to my chemical and particulate components and feed the earth, make new life, fills me
with wonder, as far as an 'afterlife' is concerned that is all that I need. At this stage in my life, I am in quite a bad place personally, I find
living harder than any notion of death, but this too will pass and I will find balance again. I never wish for death in the hope of a better life
next time round, it could be a very long time before my constituent parts come together to form another sentient being lol, so I put more effort into
finding the balance that will keep me moving towards a peaceful acceptance of my circumstances.
I am not at all religious or even spiritual, but I have, of late, found much comfort in some of the buddhist teachings, particularly the Nine Fold
Path, the Four Noble Truths and mostly the Compassionate Heart. I cut out anything that doesn't suit me or that seems a little too dogmatic. But it
has helped and it doesn't require me to 'belong' to anything or really do anything that I am not already doing, but when I am struggling it gives
me something to go to and it gives me a little bit of support that I am otherwise lacking.