posted on Jul, 17 2009 @ 12:57 AM
OK, so, I have no idea what the heck just happened, but, while i was reading over the thread
Prove to me that Dems and Reps are different political parties then out of no where
all of a sudden, some weird commercial or something started playing out loud over my speakers. Now, I am currently in Iraq, so the connection here
isn't too great, so usually podcasts, and video streams, etc, load slow, and skip a lot. So all i heard was something about "what's better? video
game violence or real life violence?"
There was some other stuff too that I could not make out too well, as it was skipping, then some music, then more talking, guy almost sounded like
Chris Rock... I looked to see if maybe someone's post had an embed in it or something, but found nothing... I even cloesd the page, waited, heard
nothing, and when I reopened it, about a minute later, it started up again.
Has anyone else ever had this happen before on this site? Or even heard of this happening? I know sometimes other websites do that, have some
advertising, just kinda starts or pops up over everything, but this didn't even seem like a real commercial. And this page was the only one I had
open. Answers? Anyone?
I'm not crazy I swear. *adjusts tinfoil hat*