Being an Air Force brat, I sorta take pride in keeping up with our different types of aircraft but this one has me stumped.
I'll see this rig 2-3 times a year always heading east, never west, on Hwy 70 between Ruidoso and Roswell New Mexico. Holloman AFB and White Sands
Missle Range are just due west of here.
To me it looks like some sort of high altitude release pod. Note the twin jet ports. The other ones I've seen seemed to have a distinct nose on them
but maybe not since all I was able to get was a quick glimpse traveling in the opposite direction.
Can one of you all figure this out and let me know?
Wow that is real cool,I am going to look around, i lived next to hill afb for a long time never seen that. At least i can not remember. By the way get
your windshield fixed man
Two engines, twin vertical stabilizers and the angles appear to be right.
If you look at the top of the vertical stabilizers you can see the covering sits out a bit farther, which matches up to the extensions at the top of
the F/18E stabilizers.
Perhaps a variant on that program? I would say unmanned for sure though.
Also, remember that the tarp could also disguise the actual shape of the item underneath... Think how Detroit always hides their new bodywork under
louvres and tarps in road test spy pics...
Good find! I'm sure some DARPA guy out there reading this is kind of peeved...
I don't know how F-16's 18's 22's or 35's are built but I wonder if one of them might be built in modules. Maybe the object is the bulk of the
fuselage w/ engines and twin tails of one of these conventional craft. If it was some exotic craft I think they would probably try to hide it better.