Chemicals are the visible traces in the sky from military aircraft or other aerial vehicle spraying vast amounts of iron, alluminum, barium and radium
over the world.
Reports of chemtrails are that the unified government systems of numerous countries are spraying minerals and chemicals in harmful amounts overtop
populated areas, sometimes having fallout. Many reports have shown people have been suddenly stricken with serious influenza-like illnesses, and even
killed, cloud cover has almost doubled since the beggining of the spraying, illness has sky rocketed, and there have been more illnesses because of
the spraying. The chemtrails are sprayed in X's, swirls, straight lines, grids and small sections at a time.
Spray aircraft
Usually, the aircraft are
- KC-135 Stratotanker
- Supposedly C-130 Hercules
- Boeing 700s (737s, 717s, 747s, ect.)
- Military unmarked helicopters
- F-22 Raptor-like craft
- Small Black Military Jets
- Large Silver or Grey Military Jets
- Commercial Airliners
Usually commercial and civilian aircraft are displayed on the program Flight Explorer, which tracks these aircraft with a five minute delay in time.
However, it is interesting to note that most of the aircraft noted to spray chemtrails do not show up, meaning they are either military or of a secret
program from some other organization without flight plans.
The aircraft spray all around the world.
Unusual accounts appear every once in a while of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) spraying chemtrails. These UFOs are usually cube or sphere shaped,
and are about the size of a F-22 Raptor.
Many photos also appear to show sphere-shaped objects in and around the chemtrails.
Normal fallout of chemtrails are
- Angel Hair, a silk-like substance that disintegrates on touch
- Star Jelly, a gellatinous goo-like substance
- Fibers
- Acid Rain
Weather effects
Chemtrails seem to cause destruction of cloud cover, seeming to burn right through cirrus clouds and break apart cumulus clouds; create a milky cloud
cover; change cloud cover; break holes in the clouds; create HAARP wave-like clouds; create strange rains and fallout; and change cloud elevation and
Chemtrails can be transmuted and made to completely disappear by the use of orgonite, a simple substance whose operation is understood through the
Orgone energy model of Wilhelm Reich. The orgonite chembuster design will literally punch blue holes through chemtrails and their resultant
chemclouds, and can be constructed from common materials for about US$150.
Plausable explanation
Contrails are condensation trails formed behind jet airplanes when they burn fuel in the upper troposphere at over 30, 000feet Temperatures are
commonly below freezing at this altitude and so any condensation is frozen and becomes ice crystals. When burned, fuel containing hydrogen is combined
with oxygen in the air to form water vapor, among other products such as pollutants. The amount of water vapor already present at that altitude also
affects how long the contrail will remain visible. If the ambient air is dry, contrails will evaporate almost immediately. When a lot of water vapor
is present contrails can stay for much longer with greater definition to observers.
People that dispute the existence of chemtrails have several problems with the idea. First is the conspiracy that believes a united collection of
Governments are willfully, systematically and covertly poisoning the population. They insist the claims lack evidence. Increases in contrails are
further explained by the steady increase in the number of runways, airplanes and flights. Global warming has created meteorological conditions that
also may affect the behavior of contrails and cloud formation.
There are practical issues also. Would it be practical to spray poison into the atmosphere at over 25, 000 feet? The accuracy of affecting the target
population would be decreased at that distance .The chemtrail would be subject to cross winds and breezes that could carry the chemical cloud hundreds
of miles from target. Friends and families would be at risk of poisoning also.
Allegations that the Governments are supporting the pharmacorps by causing sickness in the population are not borne out by statistical evidence. A
more accurate approach for ensuring blanket coverage of chemicals to a population would be to poison the water supply. This would allow the powers
behind the conspiracy to protect their families, friends, employees etc by instructing them not to drink tap water.
External links
Chemtrails DataPage
Chemtrail Central
Chemtrails Overview
Decloaked Sprayer Looked Like a UFO
Aerosol Crimes 1st Edition (Video)
Chemtrails 911 - Because it's an emergency!!
Louisiana TV Station Runs Chemtrail Story Jeff Ferrell, KSLA News/TruthNews.us November 9, 2007
What Chemtrails Really Are - The Short Scoop - by Carolyn Williams Palit
Relevant discussion threads
The Chemtrail Myth
Chemtrail upscale??? 3700 flights cancelled for "inspection issues"??
Chemtrails,and other disinformation.
Chem Trails in your neck of the woods?
A Hurricane like storm just formed in the center of the US.
Chemtrails at night
Chemtrails over the UK today
Outbreak of black, tar-like sweat in southern Texas?
I've Worked Inside the "System" for over 15 Years...Ask Me Anything
Proof of chemtrails?
[purl=http://www.skepdic.com/chemtrails.html]Alternative perspective[/url]
NASA image of Georgia beneath heavy contrails
New Mexicans for Science and Reason- Chemtrails