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Traits of an Empath: Descriptions and Discussion

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posted on Jul, 17 2009 @ 05:50 PM

Originally posted by andrewh7
I think we need to come up with a definitive label for these kinds of threads because they are posted over and over again. Allow me to summarize:

1. OP appeals to outsider, social phobics by dropping personality traits that would describe the vast majority of this population, or, quite possibly almost everyone on earth.

2. Rather than flaws, OP insists they are merely objective symptoms of a thread reader's special and rare gift or status, e.g., having latent superpowers or being an alien.

3. Based solely on the satisfaction of the OP's own test or symptom checklist, thread reader enthusiastically claims to be a member of this rare class of persons.

4. Thread reader eagerly describes personal anecdotes or behavioral tendencies that are consistent with the OP's checklist.

5. Thread readers states, "I knew I was different from most people but until your thread came along, I just couldn't figure out how. It's good to know that I'm not alone."

6. Thread reader describes the unfortunate but inevitable consequences of having the superpowers - the burden they must carry but nonetheless welcome in the service of a greater good.

7. OP congratulates thread leader on making the discovery, suggesting what a powerful and positive effect the reader can have on the world with advantages that put him or her above the limitations of most human beings.

8. Thread loses attention/popularity

9. New thread created with different superpower. See Step 1.

I suggest we nickname these threads the Peter Parker Threads, since Peter Parker was the textbook-definition nerd who got powers and redeemed himself completely.

[edit on 17-7-2009 by andrewh7]

what is your point here? Why so angry? If it is just more of the same then why did you bother to read it? Are we offending you some how?

Let me be clear, if we have offended you, that is your issue to work out, not mine or anyone else's. No one has said anything offensive at all. So that begs the question, why you?

posted on Jul, 17 2009 @ 05:57 PM
reply to post by paxnatus

Well we all know the people that run around and troll threads and post in such a way do so because simply they have nothing to say and nothing to offer any intelligent conversation.

I don't particuarly like the 911 I don't look at them. I certainly wouldn't make it a point to go there and insult those people just because I don't care for what they are talking about.

The ones that come here to insult and spread poison are not worth a moment of our time. I lost my head today and let myself get engaged with one such poster. It did nothing but make me angry, waste my energy and cause me to upset others on the thread. Trust me, they are not worth it.


posted on Jul, 17 2009 @ 06:02 PM
reply to post by jackieps1975


I do get that feeling that somehow i just knew (know) too many things. Either they are gifts or I carried them with me.

I used to argue with my parents that what they saw as red might be blue to me. My dad loved it; and, my mom would say,"well, your just like your dad"

Thinking about it as an adult, i'm having a fond memory of the second grade. My first crush! I was actually trying to communicate with the poor girl telepathically. Boy, was i shy. She got in trouble for tackling me and kissing me in the school yard.

posted on Jul, 17 2009 @ 06:24 PM
reply to post by ogbert

That's awesome! You know though, telepathy is sort of relative. If we put emotions out there, people pick up on the vibe. Not necessarily the correct one all the time but

It's funny, sometimes I think people like us have a special scent, although it's probably just an aura (or something) that others can feel intuitively. By that I mean, other types of people are especially attracted to us for whatever reason. I bet we could share some pretty wild stories around here!

posted on Jul, 17 2009 @ 07:25 PM

Originally posted by jackieps1975
reply to post by ogbert

I bet we could share some pretty wild stories around here!

For sure. I'll share this part of a story i'm doing now. Not too far off topic-i hope.

..... within the eyes of human beings. from the lowliest beggar; to the most ruthless tyrant; all one has to do is look at any person directly in the eyes and you can see and feel the glimmer of connectivity shared by the species and the universe. when one recognizes this; there is no question that there is more. in our limited perception, we can not explain our very existence; therefore, a future beyond human senses is just a plausible as waking up tomorrow.

edit to stay more focused on topic.

[edit on 17-7-2009 by ogbert]

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 12:07 AM
think maybe artistic talent and creativity are bi-products of the actual personality trait being described(empathy), maybe these are sub concience defence music, paint a picture , others focus on the art therefore making it difficult to sense any other emotion than admiration, or criticism, If ones art can divert attention of any kind, then the artist is controlling the recipient of the art...therefore controlling sensory input, like organization almost.If one is an "empath" and can make a sad person smile, then the empath is actually doing so for a selfish reason-so he or she(the empath) doesnt have to feel the pain, and can still function socially.. Sounds like a disorder almost. Every human feels, its the reactions to these feelings that make people who they are.
WHo knows

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 02:29 AM

Originally posted by psyko45
think maybe artistic talent and creativity are bi-products of the actual personality trait being described(empathy), maybe these are sub concience defence music, paint a picture , others focus on the art therefore making it difficult to sense any other emotion than admiration, or criticism, If ones art can divert attention of any kind, then the artist is controlling the recipient of the art...therefore controlling sensory input, like organization almost.

Interesting question, but the answer is No. An empath would not use art on a conscious or unconscious level to manipulate emotions for such selfish reasons. I would think that you would have to have some pretty significant art to create enough emotion to last long enough to be effected by it like second hand smoke. You might even need an empath reflecting on your art to get that kind of high. All kidding aside, the people who relate to the article are just plainly nice, compassionate, caring human beings. To be considerate of others, is that not kinda like the universal golden rule?

look at these lyrics. doesn't it seem Like Kurt feels like he is misunderstood? Maybe he was an artist trying to find a little understanding? I have heard that many of his fans felt like he was the only person who could feel their pain. He connected with people, through his art.

And he likes our pretty songs
And he likes to sing along
And he likes to shoot his gun
But, he don't know what it means
Kurt Cobain

Originally posted by psyko45
If one is an "empath" and can make a sad person smile, then the empath is actually doing so for a selfish reason-so he or she(the empath) doesnt have to feel the pain, and can still function socially.. Sounds like a disorder almost. Every human feels, its the reactions to these feelings that make people who they are.

If you were stuck on a long trip with someone who had the blues, would you try to cheer them up? This is a perfectly normal human interaction. People naturally want to share good cheer. Now, an empath may say something disconcerting to someone who has a plastic smile stuck on their face, because they see through a facade. Then they may ask probing questions to get the other person talking; and--actually listen to what they are saying. Or, maybe they would just tell a little parable about someone who pretends everything is just wonderful, while the world is collapsing around them.

As far as a disorder goes, a lack of empathy is the disorder. If everyone on the planet were as considerate as the empaths described in the opening post, perhaps war would be obsolete?

[edit on 18-7-2009 by ogbert]

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 03:39 AM
I know I'm an empath for sure or whatever you'd like to call it. I'm overly sensitive to anything and everything. I get depressed extremely easily... happy or joyous extremely quickly... and sad over little things. The smallest thing can set this off. I can easily sense how someone is feeling by looking into their faces or through their body language.. or if I'll get along with that person. I can't get along with my own parents, but I can get along with a total stranger who've I've never met. Sometimes I feel the need to do something big... somehow change the world in a positive way. But then that feeling eventually passes when a factor comes in that sets off a negative emotion. It's a unfortunate cycle for me. I like being in large crowds when it's around people I feel at vibe with. I fit almost everything listed in that article on page 1. I don't know how to control this oversensitivity though. Sometimes, it feels like a blessing; while other times, it's a curse.

Here's a quick test for you empaths. I saw this AMAZING music video last night. I've been watching it continuously for an entire day now (whenever I have the chance). Why? Because it triggers a happy/loving emotion within me.. I feel at bliss. I feel in love. I see the girl in dark hair dancing and feel like a child again. You guys post your feelings after watching it!

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 06:25 AM
reply to post by ronishia

Thanks! I will have a proper read through i promise....

I do deal with it or am trying my hardest to deal with the situation i am currently in but it's a tough World!

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 09:38 AM

Originally posted by ogund.3

To me this video brings out a feeling of chaos and confusion. Its not a pleasant feeling for me at all. I feel like its to much noise in my head if you know what i mean.

If you read back a few pages there is some good tips to quiet your mind to block out others emotions. the following site will be very good to my fellow empaths here it is empathy exercises and very useflu please everyone give it a try and tell me what you think

a quote from the site

There are various ways to both shut off and control empathy. Here is
a quick meditation:

1. Close your eyes and imagine being yourself
2. Invoke the name of an ascended master/archangel of choice (or just
connect to the cosmic divine in your own fashion), then take a deep breath
3. Working with #2, set the specific intention to either shut off or
reduce the volume of empathy
4. Take several short breaths to come back to reality.

When shutting off empathy, it gets a lot quieter.

You can also use this meditation to turn empathy back on as well as to
"change the volume." Even setting the "volume" for individual empathic
gifts can be done this way. It all comes down to setting INTENTION.

EMPATHY Exercises

also edited to add that for me i find writing a great blessing i write poetry and short stories and i truly feel that it helps to calm my mind and helps me from getting over emotional

[edit on 093131p://39079 by ronishia]

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 10:55 AM

Originally posted by ronishia

also edited to add that for me i find writing a great blessing i write poetry and short stories and i truly feel that it helps to calm my mind and helps me from getting over emotional

[edit on 093131p://39079 by ronishia]


I started writing short stories; and, then i condensed them into poetry. Then i started finding rhythms and imagining music to them, so they turned into lyrics. Then i realized i could not get the melodies out so i started learning a little theory and learning an actual instrument. been two years and my music does not really inspire any one but me, hey, that is ok. I have found yet another way to entertain myself in my mind!

[edit on 18-7-2009 by ogbert]

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 12:36 PM
reply to post by jackieps1975

hey, i really love this thread. I hope i am not hogging it. i work outdoors and the weather has been a little nasty up here in Western Kentucky, so iv'e got a lot of free time.
well, anyway i write and sometimes the words flow. I feel like i could add 150 pages to this thread. However, i do not want to come across as officious. My experiences are subjective and may not apply to the ideals of others.

I would like to hear from others how they actually relate. What is going on in your life that involves empathetic traits? How are you using empathy? I learned a few techniques to get others to talk when i was in my twenties that literally changed my life. I tried to stop talking so much and use my ears much more than my mouth. I developed a very private side; and, this thread is helping me to open up a little.

anyway in contradiction to my ideal of asking questions to get others to come to realizations, i am willing to spill it. I have learned how to defend myself from mind games and other traps. Also, people tell me a lot of things. i am fascinated by people; and, i have yet to find anyone i could not learn from.

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 12:54 PM
The biggest person you can learn from yourself and by experiencing the good and bad, depending on what you ability is and how strong it is. Yes its an advantage to have someone to talk to and work out whats going on in your head but not everyone has this ability.

When i first met my husband about 8 years ago he asked me to *read* his feelings etc he had a rough childhood and felt he was stuck in all the badness, so one night i lay out my candles for focus held his hands and concentrated looking into his eyes (was hard at first as we kept giggling lol) after about 10 minutes of looking in his eyes i felt a warm feeling flow through my chest , up my arms and through my fingertips ( he later told me he had the same sensation but through his fingertips first) i could envision floating/flying (i cant describe it) through his veins (litterally) untill i came to a stop at this large wall, as i was doing all this i was speaking about what i was seeing and feeling. i asked him if it was ok to start breaking down the wall, he was scared i could sence it as i could *see* the area surrounding me turn from red to black,

i started picking at these bricks in the wall gently sliding them free and placing them on the floor, as i was doing it i started to come across such force that my eyes felt liek they were burning, my arms felt heavy and my chest ached. i kept repeating to him let the light in over and over (dont ask me why this phrase i dont know). his barriers seem to come down when the last brick was removed from this *wall* and he started to cry and i mean truly sob his heart out. at that point i brought myself back out , traveling back the way i came. afterwards i was so drained and tired, my eyes felt really sore as did my chest and my arms for a few days afterwards. he later told me he felt a great release when i done what i did.

sounds weird doesnt it? but thats the best way i can describe what i can do but it takes alot out of me to do it.

there have been other instances when i get such a horrid sick feeling inside me and i know somthing bad will happen, iv also helped close friends when they need to talk etc. theres more but iv written a novel already so il stop there

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 01:40 PM

Originally posted by ronishia
The biggest person you can learn from yourself and by experiencing the good and bad, depending on what you ability is and how strong it is. Yes its an advantage to have someone to talk to and work out whats going on in your head but not everyone has this ability.

When i first met my husband about 8 years ago he asked me to *read* his feelings etc he had a rough childhood and felt he was stuck in all the badness, so one night i lay out my candles for focus held his hands and concentrated looking into his eyes (was hard at first as we kept giggling lol) after about 10 minutes of looking in his eyes i felt a warm feeling flow through my chest , up my arms and through my fingertips ( he later told me he had the same sensation but through his fingertips first) i could envision floating/flying (i cant describe it) through his veins (litterally) untill i came to a stop at this large wall, as i was doing all this i was speaking about what i was seeing and feeling. i asked him if it was ok to start breaking down the wall, he was scared i could sence it as i could *see* the area surrounding me turn from red to black,

i started picking at these bricks in the wall gently sliding them free and placing them on the floor, as i was doing it i started to come across such force that my eyes felt liek they were burning, my arms felt heavy and my chest ached. i kept repeating to him let the light in over and over (dont ask me why this phrase i dont know). his barriers seem to come down when the last brick was removed from this *wall* and he started to cry and i mean truly sob his heart out. at that point i brought myself back out , traveling back the way i came. afterwards i was so drained and tired, my eyes felt really sore as did my chest and my arms for a few days afterwards. he later told me he felt a great release when i done what i did.

sounds weird doesnt it? but thats the best way i can describe what i can do but it takes alot out of me to do it.

there have been other instances when i get such a horrid sick feeling inside me and i know somthing bad will happen, iv also helped close friends when they need to talk etc. theres more but iv written a novel already so il stop there

Too cool! Also, i have written a novel; but, i have only let two people read it; and, i do not like the way that i feel like it affected them. Great to hear from another writer; especially, someone as gifted as you are.

Sounds to me that you are a medium; and, i know that's tough to talk about.
I call it extending into the universal psyche; and, you can not extend just for the sake of extending with anyone. For me, when i do that, (never as profound as your experience) it seems like i take a little back with me. It's like a part of them becomes a part of me.

Words are my thing now.

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 01:59 PM
reply to post by ronishia

Originally posted by ronishia
The biggest person you can learn from yourself and by experiencing the good and bad, depending on what you ability is and how strong it is. Yes its an advantage to have someone to talk to and work out whats going on in your head but not everyone has this ability.

To clarify. I take a walk in their shoes. Start talking to myself in their words. I check out the ride. look at things the way they do. And, hey if i like it-- i keep it within my perceptions. So, iv'e always been associated with most groups, but a member of none. People and the way they think can become as my guides. Very rare-- but there are people who have changed the way i look at the world. When you start relating to people using their own mannerisms, you are reflecting them and people love to see their own image. it validates them.

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 02:05 PM

Originally posted by ogbert
reply to post by ronishia

Originally posted by ronishia
The biggest person you can learn from yourself and by experiencing the good and bad, depending on what you ability is and how strong it is. Yes its an advantage to have someone to talk to and work out whats going on in your head but not everyone has this ability.

To clarify. I take a walk in their shoes. Start talking to myself in their words. I check out the ride. look at things the way they do. And, hey if i like it-- i keep it within my perceptions. So, iv'e always been associated with most groups, but a member of none. People and the way they think can become as my guides. Very rare-- but there are people who have changed the way i look at the world. When you start relating to people using their own mannerisms, you are reflecting them and people love to see their own image. it validates them.

sometimes that is true but i found myself in hot water many times, as not everyone likes alot of things in themselves.

like yourself i find myself associated with alot of people/groups but i am never an actual member, i have no bff's as the saying is but i do know alot of people. i learned alot about myself over the years that i feel would never have been possible had it not been for my gifts and iv learned to appreciate other peoples feelings and moods alot more

edited to add

for me i try not delve into peoples heads of emotions unless i cant block it, its very tiring and i can get overly emotional. i always felt that its very intrusive to someones mind without them inviting it to happen. Afterall it would be like sneaking a look at someones diary without them knowing i tend to feel dirty about it. if you know what i mean

[edit on 023131p://07072 by ronishia]

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 02:40 PM
reply to post by ronishia

As Tod Rundgren said,

"Sometimes i can't help seeing all the way through"

generally, with the people in my life now, it seems that most are pushing their ego off on me. I am travelling with the people i work with, so this is not a usual dynamic. I have to adjust. One thing though is I am getting a lot of unwanted advice, off the job abd unrelated to the job. It's only the past few years now that i have opened my circle and allowed more in. I am very influenced by people; and, when they start pushing their agenda on me i have a right to challenge the assumptions made. I let people think what they want ;and, i expect others to allow me to be myself. but, when they start telling me how to think watch out!

Yeah i have to be pretty impressed with someone to be snoopy; and, one of my things is to never prosthelytize. I mean who really knows in their subjective experiences? I see people stuck in self defeating beliefs all the time. If it comes up in normal conversation, i may use a little humour.

If someone asks for help, then i may intervene.

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 02:54 PM
reply to post by ogund.3

Hi guys, I watched the video ogund.3. Its a nice tune, similer to some of Lcd soundsystem's stuff. Personally I love progressive trance. I'm Like you, if I hear something new that I like, I can get consumed by a tune and play it over and over for maybe 48hrs.
On the subject of music, I'd like to ask my fellow empaths are we all eclectic in our tastes, a few people have mentioned the excellent "Pink floyd". Foolishly when I first got my guitar, I tried to learn some dave gilmor hooks lol. I quickly found out, this is the equivilent of learning to finger paint as a child for the first time, then trying to tackle the Cistine chapel lol.
Personally I flit from painting, xbox, guitar, tv boxsets, listening to music, books,internet and writing (although I struggle with writing as I'm not disciplined enough) every few months but I struggle combining all these interests at once.
When I feel like I'm doing something artistic or worthy, I always feel like I'm alive and transcending the mundane but when I passively watch tv or waste my time with video games I end up feeling uninspired.
Anyone else feel similar?

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 03:10 PM
reply to post by ronishia

Hi ronishia, you obviously have some heavy duty expertise on this empath thing.
Do you still struggle with it or have you finally mastered and controlled it?
I have almost lost all spirituality over the years and I just wonder if I became more spiritual would I find life easier?
I find a certain calm when I read your posts, maybe its your writing style or maybe you natually exhude a calming influence to other empaths. Either way keep it up lol.

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 03:21 PM

Originally posted by Badfuture
reply to post by ronishia

Hi ronishia, you obviously have some heavy duty expertise on this empath thing.
Do you still struggle with it or have you finally mastered and controlled it?
I have almost lost all spirituality over the years and I just wonder if I became more spiritual would I find life easier?
I find a certain calm when I read your posts, maybe its your writing style or maybe you natually exhude a calming influence to other empaths. Either way keep it up lol.

i wouldn't say that im an expert hun iv just learned to hone my skills over the years and yes i still struggle to control it all even to this day, i posted a few tips and tricks previously and sites that have helped in calming my mind, and i write which also helps alot (i have stories and poetry on here in the collab writing forum and the short stories forum).

Everyone is different and hones there own ways of *perfecting* there skills but the ultimate thing you have to think about is if you *want* to, certainly if you feel that your emotions etc are overwhelming you it would be beneficial to learn some mind calming measures and exercises to help you tune your abilities. certainly people here can also help you.

you will find life easier when you get to that place within yourself were you feel happier hun and only u can do that

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