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Traits of an Empath: Descriptions and Discussion

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posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 09:04 PM

Originally posted by Jacqua

I guess it feels better this way because I would rather be in denial that most people's hearts have gone a bit astray.. it helps me see only the good in them.... and this makes life easier to handle.... until they 'strike!'... and I do believe that I have become a lot better at getting out of the firing line just at the right time!

nicely said.

from my story, relating to when i was 13yrs old..

from "the manuscript I am working on.." unpublished.

what would happen if; as a super conscious, we simply declared hate and evil non-existant; and in their place we amplified love and goodness?

this thought will set in motion a set of bizzare incidents and synchronicities that defy logic. also, this philosophy will reveal hidden wonders of the spheres.

[edit on 24-3-2010 by asala]

posted on Jul, 25 2009 @ 03:26 AM
hey everyone i realised i was an empath last year. it's pretty cool. didin't know there were so many other empaths. gud to meet u all

posted on Jul, 25 2009 @ 06:50 PM
Hello! That was an amazing description of an empath that almost brought tears to my eyes, but maybe I'm just being too sensitive, hehe. Seriously though, I have never really felt that I fit into any category, until now. I have always been sensitive, especially to nature and animals, and have noticed too that animals are attracted to me, even wild ones. It even seems like spiders are attracted to me, but that's another story.
In response to some above posts: 1) I also love, love, love water and swimming in lakes/rivers/oceans and used to spend sooo much time in the shower (until I felt guilty about consuming more than my share of water), 2) I have been getting into essential oils alot lately, and find them very effective. I use different ones depending on how I am feeling, or how I want to feel. Instant uplifter 3) Yoga. Awesome. The deep breathing and deep stretches put a positive spin on my whole day, or remedy what might've started out to be a bad one. Yoga works with your inner energies as well, and helps to develop an awareness or sensitivity to when they are becoming imbalanced, which is useful when around people who may be throwing you off. 4) In dealing with other people's ignorance/anger/hatred, I have been studying some buddhist philosophy lately which has given me some revelations. Compassion is the key, but I agree with above post that you do have to be selective with who you try to help (I learned this the hard way after trying to listen to every streetkid and bum that had problems).

That said, I believe that being an empath is a gift, and that people/animals are attracted to us for a reason. If we are capable of showing them a love that may change their opinions from negative to positive, then we should because it would help make the world a better place one person at a time. The proverbial drop in the ocean of the universal sub-conscious. I understand that humans can be very draining, and rejuvenating with nature and solitude is extremely important, however let's remember that the universe is an unlimited source of energy. Learning to tap into that energy in order to keep our own reserves up is only a skill that needs to be learned. It is the only coping mechanism that I know of. I'm still learning, I still get tired after being around alot of people and putting my positive energy out there, but everyone benefits from that, and I recuperate later with a greater capacity for white energy in the end.

posted on Jul, 25 2009 @ 07:05 PM

Originally posted by ogbert

from "the manuscript I am working on." unpublished.

Sounds good.. I would like to read that story. Have you posted it here somewhere?

You know... on the rare occassion, I meet certain people that radiate such a warmth and niceness,, I often think that it wouldnt matter 'what' they went through.,. they would still come out smiling...

[edit on 3/24/2010 by yeahright]

posted on Jul, 25 2009 @ 11:03 PM
Reply to post by Jacqua

thanks. It's nice to know a few people are interested. Presently, the story is finished; however, i have not yet edited the entire thing. I was going to bounce it off of a publisher and see what happens. I found out that for a novel; you must submit at least 60,000 words, so i have to add a subplot. The subplot is difficult for me, because it is so emotional, from a personal viewpoint.

I may keep quoting from it here, if some of the things i have experienced are similar to others thoughts.

If i self-publish and that is very likely, i will post about that here. I am really not trying to plug the book--but it is about empathy.

Also, the book questions all religion, becomes a parody, but does not start out that way and is multi-valenced. Basicly, it's about resolving duality and the spiritual conflicts developed from a child through adulthood. The book contains the paranormal and ET.

When I was younger , some people wanted to treat me like a guru. I felt it was too cultish and i did not want to take on the mantle. Therefore i closed up; and, kept my visions to myself.

Another thing i realized is that if i put the book out. I am going to have to answer to it; and, i am not sure i want to keep on explaining and clarifying this writing for the rest of my life. It is what it is.

But, since I threw it out there. I will send you a copy, when it's ready. Exactly when i'm not sure. I have been gelling on what to do with it now for over a year.

[edit on 25-7-2009 by ogbert]

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 07:19 AM

Originally posted by ogbert

But, since I threw it out there. I will send you a copy, when it's ready. Exactly when i'm not sure. I have been gelling on what to do with it now for over a year.

thanx,. that would be really good...

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 03:45 PM
HI again

been feeling as if i hadn't really put out to much usefulness yet, since i've been writing my posts at work, but now im home and can take the time to write something helpful lol.

I'm pretty much an easy going person, just blending til im needed for something. Long ago i accepted that we live in a random world with random events and encounters, but i have an unexplainable need for balance. Although we need bad for there to be good, once they are balanced life becomes peaceful.

Idk if any1 about you guys, and girls, but since i started actually testing what i can do for/to people and looking into spirituality and religion, the "problems of men" seem somewhat minuscule. Just that it would be so easy to solve their problems, if they just took the time to look at it from the outside. But people don't like being told what to do, i think that's how we end up manipulating them so often, even though we don't like to. letting them think they are doing what they want, while we are pulling their eyes open to whats in front of them. We see whats hurting them, the real reasons, to not the insignificant stuff they are trying to fix.

Back peddling a bit, i didn't know what to call this empathy before this thread, but i did know people, and animals liked being around me, and talking to me, people always seem to just spill their guts to me, including what i never wanted to hear or know. And when i noticed this, i began to test it, experiment with how far i could go, what i could get out of them, and now i can pick someone apart within 3 minutes of talking to them.

My 3 closest friend, i would die for them, lets call them Bob, Sally, and Sue. Bob listens to all my crazy theories of people and the universe. Sally keeps me anchored, she stops me from doing stupid sh*t, shes the only person I've met that i can't read. Sue is now my main test subject
and the reason i'm getting better at reading people and getting them to open up, shes been so abused mentally and physically that she has built these walls and now she would give up any good in her life just to avoid the bad.

I have also noticed that the few people i call friends, are more of brothers and sisters to me, who help bring me down when the negative in life is to much for me. My 3 closest friend, i would die for them, lets call them Bob, Sally, and Sue. Bob listens to all my crazy theories of people and the universe. Sally keeps me anchored, she stops me from doing stupid sh*t, shes the only person I've met that i can't read. Sue is now my main test subject
and the reason i'm getting better at reading people and getting them to open up, shes been so abused mentally and physically that she has built these walls and now she would give up any good in her life just to avoid the bad.

Other than them there are a few people who just appear in my life, spill out their life story, i give them my input and they r gone as soon as they came. One example is this man, i have no clue what his name is, but while i was at work, about 4 am, chilling at the local quick stop, drinking a blue raspberry slushie and smoking, he came up to me and just started talking about everything, how he was abused as a child, tried suicide, refuses to have kids bc/ he doesn't wanna poison the world, and about what kind of women we like, for some reason lol. I told him what info i had about spirituality, and what i thought of him and other people, and then he left.

That was about 3 months ago, then 2 days ago, i saw him again, and he thanked me for what i told him, and said it changed his life, and how he saw the world, only person to ever come back and say Thank You.

I have also noticed that when, i get upset, or just overwhelmed i like to go for long rides through the country, either by car or motorcycle, and i like going excessively fast, 60-70 plus. it calms me somehow.

Sorry for making it an essay more than a post lol

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 02:59 AM
I am indeed a empath. I wouldnt be considered the person to be an empath. The way I figured out I was empathetic was because whenever there was a problem with someone I always seemed to know whether something was wrong with someone when nobody paid attention or was wandering what was wrong with that specific person. Another thing I would experience is a mental type of feeling would pop up in me from a person and I would come to complete recognition of that person and how they may feel. Not a thought, a feeling.

I am not really in control of this "ability" though. If I'm in a bad mood or I dont feel dull then I may not feel anything. Also, empathy can lead to having paranoia's. I always do manage to put my needs after others... I guess from this post I can clarify for sure I am must be an empath.

"Empaths experience empathy towards family, children, friends, close associates, complete strangers, pets, plants and inanimate objects."

True with all of them but inanimate objects? I assume something like a microwave, T.V., radio would have an effect not a pencil... something with frequencies, waves.

"They can become very proficient at reading another personís body language and/or study intently the eye movements. While this in itself is not empathy, it is a side-shoot that comes from being observant of others. In a sense, empaths have a complete communication package."

True, I can read people like a book, sometimes. Though I must say my social skills are horrible. I tend to slur and not think straight because I have very little human confrontations. Loner I would say.

Thanks for posting. Thats quite interesting.

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 05:58 PM
I think empaths are cool. Im a introverted empath. pretty dumb but i live in my head haha and i feel all the time. Anyone got any tips on how to block out feelings

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 02:11 PM
reply to post by Kadzait

"Empaths experience empathy towards family, children, friends, close associates, complete strangers, pets, plants and inanimate objects."

True with all of them but inanimate objects? I assume something like a microwave, T.V., radio would have an effect not a pencil... something with frequencies, waves.

lol regarding the inanimate objects comment! Seriously though, I interperted that aspect as more of an emotional attachment to certain items. That is a tricky one!

This is going to sound funny and strange but....
For me, if I'm out shopping I may be drawn to a particular object, especially if it seems 'lonesome'. This happens most often with plants but it does occur with inanimates as well. For example, someone on this thread was explaining a lamp he was thinking of purchasing, then decided against it (there were many emotional factors involved). In any case, after reading the post, I felt bad for the lamp that was not purchased and had been left alone to rot in the store. Yeah, I know it's weird but this is one of many such instances!

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 02:41 PM
reply to post by Jacqua

I loved your dog story... and share your love of dogs.. well all animals really

Its funny you know.,, but lately, I am starting to think that Im developing the ability to 'see' spirits. I swear there is a spirit/ghost hanging around in the health food section of the supermarket where I frequent. I have this annoying habit of standing in supermarkets or shops and staring at product... I have decided that it puts me in this weird kind of trance (I realise how strange this all sounds).... but I cant seem to help it,.. and some days I stand and stare longer than at others times...

So good to see you friend! It's been a while since we've been in the same place at the same time

You know, I find what you said fascinating. It's starting to seem that many of our 'gifts' are manifesting into a variety of abilities, off-shoots if you will! This "seeing" thing is a new experience for you and I think it's a fine example of what is going to start happening to many people with basic (core) psychic ability.

I think we are beginning to develop our individual 'specialties', so to speak! I've always had something of a knack for clairsentience and psychometry. Granted, it's always been random and not well controlled. Used basically as a parlor trick only (at parties and such), always great fun with a few cocktails
! I have noticed that these unusual skills seem to be becoming more fine-tuned (somewhat rapidly, considering I've done absolutely nothing to encourage their growth). Still not a big deal but definitely noticable and strange! This though cannot hold a candle to the enhancements I've been experiencing with intuition though. It's uncanny.

I'd love to hear from others who may be experiencing instances of specialized psychic clarity. I believe it's true that everyone has the inherent potential. Some more profoundly than others of course but each individual has something! Please share! This is the place!

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 02:43 PM
Since we're on the subject and it's related to this thread anyway, I figured I would post this for everyone to peruse

Types of Psychic Abilities

Animal Telepathy - The ability to communicate with (but not command or influence) various kinds of creatures. Think "pet psychic".

Astral Projection - The ability to leave one's body and travel in spirit to another location.

Aura Reading - The ability to see the energy fields that emanate from living beings. Psychic ability can often reveal itself throught the seeing of auras.

Automatic Writing - Writing through the subconscious mind without conscious thought, or through the guidance of an outside intelligence.

Channeling - Associated with mediums, this is the ability to act as a channel or vessel for an outside intelligence.

Clairaudience - Put simply, this type of ability is used to hear what is "inaudible". For example, someone with this ability could be a thousand miles way and "hear" a loved one's cry of distress.

Clairvoyance - Usually confused with Precognition, this ability actually has much more in common with "Remote Viewing", True clairvoyance is not the abilitly to see into the future, but the psychic ability to see visions of that which is hidden or far away.

Clairsentience - In this instance the psychic has an insight or "knowing" of and a hidden or forgotten fact.

Divination - A broad term that includes fortune telling, precognition, prophesy, and other methods used in an effort to predict the future.

Dowsing - Also known as "water witching", dowsing involves the use of a rod, sticks, or pendulum to locate water or lost objects.

Empathy - The talent to sense the needs, drives, and emotions of another. As with Aura Reading, psychic ability can often reveal itself through the development of empathy.

E.S.P. - Extra Sensory Perception is the awareness of information about events external to the psychic that are not gained through the senses and not deducible from previous experience. Often used to describe clairvoyance, precognition, telepathy, etc...

Intuition - Similar to clairsentience, this is the power or faculty of attaining direct knowledge or cognition without rational thought or inference.

Levitation - The ability to cause one's body to hover off the ground. One of the more well-documented cases of levitation involved St. Theresa of Avila during the 16th century.

Mind Over Body - Suppressing or mentally satisfying the need for water, food, or sleep. There is some debate over whether this is actually a psychic ability since many of those who are associated with this trait (monks, yogis, mystics, etc...) are not generally called "psychics".

Precognition - Quite simply, "knowing the future". However, since time is a dynamic construct, no one psychic can ever know every detail about the future. Usually this ability refers to knowing general outcomes of specific courses of action, with occasional flashes of detailed insight.

Psychometry - Also known as "object reading", psychometry enables a psychic to pick up on psychic impressions (vibrations) left on an object by someone connected with it. Someone with this ability could use an unfamiliar object to reveal much about its owner.

Pyrokinesis - The ability to start fires with one's mind.

Telekinesis - Also known as psychokinesis, the ability to move objects with one's mind.

Telepathy - The ability to communicate mind-to-mind with another.

Note: In assembling this list of types of psychic abilities I have tried to include only those abilities which are of a true psychic nature. Precognition for example, is on the list, but "scrying" is not, as this is simply a method of precognition. Astrology and palmistry, for example are not on the list as these are subjects that can be learned, and do not require psychic ability. Similiarly, areas of magical study are also not on the list because I feel they have very little to do with innate psychic ability. This includes things like necromancy, arithromancy, and pretty much every other "mancy" one can name. Besides, if I listed one, I would have to list them all, and when you think about it, how many people really want to know about tyromancy (divination through moldy cheese)?

source link:

I'd love to hear what your thoughts and experiences are in relationship to these abilities. Which would you want to develop, which would you find disturbing, etc. etc.

edit to add: formatting, etc.

[edit on 28-7-2009 by jackieps1975]

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 04:49 PM
reply to post by jackieps1975

Ahhh yes that does make sense. That was surely tricky. When you think inanimate you think of something that cant move, never looked into the sentimental aspect of it. Thanks.

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 05:41 PM
reply to post by jackieps1975

Re. from page 1, the beginning of this topic. You said that it seems that empaths are able to sense what is to come. Future events. I am severely empathic, and have experienced many precise precognitive events, which began in my late teens, when I was witnessing UFO sightings during a major flapwave, in my area of my State. (1978,'79,'80). I saw President Reagan get shot at by John Hinkley, in a dream, just like it showed on TV, later. Prior to 9-11-01, I saw, in a dream, a skyscraper engulfed in flames, falling down on to me, as I stood there frozen in fear, looking up at that. I was living in Chicago, and kept hearing a (psychic-feeling non audible message) over and over and repeatedly, "get away from the water, get away from the water". I left the city, and right after that, I saw news images on TV, of some really bad flooding which hit there, due to torrential rains. I feel creeped out STILL, about living near ANY large body of water, and I have this pervasive ongoing feeling, that if you can help it (and afford it), try to reside as far away as you can, from large bodies of water-----where'ever.
I had a --lucid and disturbing-- dream, 'bout a couple weeks ago. I was walking across a meadow, looking at a large 'mountain', in the distance, ahead. It was very 'A'-shaped, and the top half, was covered in snow, but then I noticed it's unusual top. It was belching out smoke and ash, and I said, "OMG, that is an active VOLCANO, and it's activat'n!" Soon, it looked like those images I recall long ago, of Mount Krakatoa< or however that spelled) erupting. In short order, I was surrounded by ash until I could not see my own hand. Then I awoke. Thank God.
I recently had a lucid dream, that a demon was standing over me, looking down at me. PURE MALEVOLENCE. It had grayish tannish colored skin, little black eyes, no nose, and a line for a frowning mouth, and long hair that looked like straw.
I DON'T KNOW if the volcano dream means anything precognitive, or was JUST a dream.

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 07:57 PM
reply to post by simonecharisse

Well the whole dream thing is a huge debate but I personally believe that certain types of dreams represent different things.

For example, I'm a firm believer in that re-occuring dreams are linked to past lives. Lucid dreams, as far as I'm concerned, are delivering a message. Then there are those crazy ones that don't fit into any category but they are simply beyond disturbing and seem to have precognitive value. I've had this happen, but only with personal things. Usually deaths unfortunately. It's happened twice in my life, once in early childhood and once recently. Very, very upsetting. There are no words for that type of thing.

I also have the natural disaster/end of the world type dreams but they haven't come to fruition ( They started in very early childhood, the same dreams over and over again. I do believe at one point it will happen but I don't know when. It's just a vision, no information or anything like that. In this particular one, I'm with my immediate family and we're all holding hands and we're waiting for it to come ("it" changes forms but all of the other aspects remain the same). I'd be able to disregard it as paranoia or overactive imagination if it hadn't been going on since I was a toddler. I always had the distinct feeling I was going to see the end of life as we know it. Always. Not a great feeling but one I've come to accept and deal with I suppose. I hope I'm wrong.

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 11:05 PM

Originally posted by jackieps1975
reply to post by simonecharisse

I'm a firm believer in that re-occuring dreams are linked to past lives.

Where did that belief originate from?

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 05:14 AM
Too cool. I feel like (ha. get it?) I know everyone on this thread. Its incredible how many traits are shared. Solitude is essensial for me to be calm. Crowds make me freak and a pressure in my chest makes my breathing tight. I have to focus and breath deeply. One afternoon I experienced what can be described as the pain of the world. It was devastating. I wept so hard I nearly lost control of my senses. However, years ago I felt the vibration of the planet go up a notch. It was subtle and quite beautiful! I have had my arrogant moments, strangers confiding in me, and the immediate impressions of others. There is minimal tolorance for hostility and feel utterly drained by those expressing it. Loud noise is straining and I am a very light sleeper. The water trait suprised me! I never put that together before! Makes a bit more sense now. I have always struggled with what to do for a living because of these sensitivitites. Anyone relate on that one? I can get too intense for people and have learned to monitor myself when I interact with them. Its a new sensation to have so much in common with so many people! So THANK YOU for posting and THANK YOU for sharing! What a treat!

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 05:22 AM

Originally posted by jackieps1975

Well the whole dream thing is a huge debate but I personally believe that certain types of dreams represent different things.

For example, I'm a firm believer in that re-occuring dreams are linked to past lives. Lucid dreams, as far as I'm concerned, are delivering a message. Then there are those crazy ones that don't fit into any category but they are simply beyond disturbing and seem to have precognitive value.

Funny that you mentioned the 'disturbing' dreams. I have been having a few serial killer dreams ... They entail me being pursued by a serial killer,.. but never caught.

but last night I was caught. This one was a serial 'beater'. During the 'beating', I asked for a cigarette break and managed to escape this way. Even so,. him and his co-horts were always a heartbeat away...

I cannot seem to understand what these dreams mean to me... but I am going to get to the bottom of this one way or another..

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 05:27 AM

Originally posted by jackieps1975

Clairaudience - Put simply, this type of ability is used to hear what is "inaudible".

Ive experienced many on that list you posted. This Clairaudience one in particular, where I hear the most beautiful music, sometimes accompanied by vocals. It has lead me to pursue the art of reading music, and piano playing as I would love to reproduce this stuff...

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 09:40 AM
reply to post by Kadzait

Originally posted by jackieps1975
reply to post by simonecharisse


I'm a firm believer in that re-occuring dreams are linked to past lives.

Where did that belief originate from?

Well, personal experiences really. It was confirmed later in my life when I had a regression performed. It's pretty freaky. Let's just say, I haven't done it since! It gave me all the confirmation I needed so I chose not to dig deeper. Maybe someday though~~

[edit on 29-7-2009 by jackieps1975]

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