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April Gallop Court Case Begins to Roll

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posted on Jul, 23 2009 @ 05:42 AM

Originally posted by trebor451
Bumped one more time to point out nobody - repeat, NOBODY - from the CIT/PfT Team, even the original poster, Turbofan, could defend this hilarious piece of "legal" comedy.

I suppose if I were in their shoes, I wouldn't want to defend it either. You lie down with dogs, or in this case insanely idiotic lawsuits, what do you get up with?

The Stupid an all time low now. No worries here, though. I have faith it will go lower yet.

Since none of the PfT Cabal had the cojones to answer me here, I took this over to their PfT web page to ask.

Cap't Bob promptly banned me and deleted my post. AND never gave me an answer on why they were sucking up on the Gallop lawsuit.

The answer is so they can get some free publicity. PfT is in such dire straits that they need to piggyback on other people's vehicles, no matter how wild, crazy or outlandish, to get any sort of publicity.

Quite the combination - an "organization" (such as it is) without a shred of integrity or honesty leeching onto a lawsuit that hasn't a snowball's chance on the surface of the sun to survive in order to get attention. Now THERE'S a recipe for success if I ever saw one.

Re: The title of this post..."April Gallop Court Case Begins to Roll"...the loud "splat" you heard was the court case as it rolled over. The second "splat" you heard was PfT landing on top of it.

[edit on 23-7-2009 by trebor451]

posted on Jul, 23 2009 @ 02:34 PM

Quite the combination - an "organization" (such as it is) without a shred of integrity or honesty leeching onto a lawsuit that hasn't a snowball's chance on the surface of the sun to survive in order to get attention. Now THERE'S a recipe for success if I ever saw

Yes you are the poster child for integrity and honesty.

Oh wait, you're not and you have nothing but sarcasm to add to the thread. For a minute I thought you had evidence or facts in your pocket turns out its just you pilots license. Can't wait to see you testifying against pft @ the trial you expert witness you.

posted on Jul, 23 2009 @ 04:30 PM
reply to post by trebor451

Since none of the PfT Cabal had the cojones to answer me here

Re: The title of this post..."April Gallop Court Case Begins to Roll"...the loud "splat" you heard was the court case as it rolled over. The second "splat" you heard was PfT landing on top of it.

That's funny I didn't hear anything. I didn't hear about any 'splats'. What's to answer to; the wild ramblings from the likes of you and your partner Troy from West Virginia?

posted on Jul, 23 2009 @ 05:00 PM
As usual, more lies from Trebor. Here is his post:

The post wasn't deleted, it was moved to an appropriate forum. Your opinions
are noted, but not worth responding to. You were banned because of
the poor approach to reason and provide facts. If you "think" this case
is funny, you are entitled to that view. I will only speak for the FDR
research as that is something I'm familiar with. If you want answers
about anything else, try another member perhaps as I have not followed
much about the witness.

posted on Jul, 23 2009 @ 05:18 PM

Originally posted by Swampfox46_1999
reply to post by tezzajw

And you still just do not get it do you? ........ I did not think it was that hard a concept to understand.

You are forgetting who you are dealing with Swampi. The self proclaimed "truthers"
have consistently shown that comprehending simple concepts isn't one of their strong point's.

posted on Jul, 23 2009 @ 05:24 PM

posted by trebor451

Cap't Bob promptly banned me and deleted my post. AND never gave me an answer

Trebor trebor trebor; you weren't too observant were you as your post was never deleted? It was moved to the debate forum where it belonged.

You were banned because you once again violated the forum rules for the umpteenth time.

No forum needs to deal with a guest of your kind trebor including ATS, and if you attack ATS like you attacked P4T, they will ban you too. You would not recognize truth if it slapped you in the face.

[edit on 7/23/09 by SPreston]

posted on Jul, 23 2009 @ 06:06 PM

Originally posted by SPreston

Trebor trebor trebor; .....

You were banned because you once again violated the forum rules for the umpteenth time.

You would not recognize truth if it slapped you in the face.

[edit on 7/23/09 by SPreston]

As opposed to what Sarge? Someone when confronted with facts ignores them and summarily dismisses it as the work of a dis info agent or a prevaricator.

Personally I think that you have violated this rule a number of times:

1). Posting: You will not post any material that is knowingly false, misleading, or inaccurate.

posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 12:54 PM

Originally posted by turbofan
As usual, more lies from Trebor. Here is his post:

The post wasn't deleted, it was moved to an appropriate forum. Your opinions
are noted, but not worth responding to. You were banned because of
the poor approach to reason and provide facts. If you "think" this case
is funny, you are entitled to that view. I will only speak for the FDR
research as that is something I'm familiar with. If you want answers
about anything else, try another member perhaps as I have not followed
much about the witness.

I guess tough questions are just that to PfT - tough questions. It still hasn't been answered.

Can you answer this one - why is it, whenever someone makes a mistake of fact for whatever reason, you people glom onto the "lie" meme? Cap't Bob has, in the past, let a post saying such-and-such a comment is better served in a different area, so he would move it. No such notification with my "last" PfT post. Why is that? You would think Cap't Bob doesn't want any of his vast multitudes to read it. I didn't "lie". At worst I spoke my mind without knowing all of PfT's facts, which is pretty easy these days since you people don't know them yourself (i.e. can't answer my question).

...poor approach to reason and provide facts

It was a question. A valid question. A question nobody over there can answer, quite obviously. Why is PfT latching onto a fatally flawed lawsuit with so many errors contained therein? The fact that Cap't Bob, and you as his mouthpiece, can't answer that question simply provides solid evidence that he doesn't know why.

As far as the flight data recorder, I'll post a new thread here on ATS soon (since you people are so scared of what I have to say over at PfT) dealing with that and why intellectual dishonesty is why you people have not strayed off obscure Internet discussion boards - aside from leeching onto the OP lawsuit like a tick.

posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 06:38 PM
OK kids, be sure to watch an internet forum near you for the next [obsessive] "exciting" episode of "As The Trebor Turns."

I wonder if some have considered airing their "laundry" on a clothesline rather than internet forums.

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