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David Icke is full of horse poo.

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posted on Jul, 16 2009 @ 06:55 PM

Originally posted by watchZEITGEISTnow
Icke has balls of steal.

I saw Icke in Melbourne in April - the contrast compared to the 'footy' crowd that floundered by us on a break while we were outside was a stark contrast.

Robotic, sheep in their team colors - oblivious to anything around them - where as 'our' crowd looked cool, calm, collective, thinking, switched on stylish mofos!
The chicks at the Icke event were MAGNIFICENT - some hot babes there!

I know which group I'd rather be in the presence of

[edit on 16-7-2009 by watchZEITGEISTnow]

Had to respond to this one too.

A stylish, calm, cool looking man indeed.
Suave, with his MacGyver styled mullet- featuring the ever popular for forty and above, golf polo.

Not to mention that glare like, drunken-step father squint he's constantly wearing.

How I'd pride myself to be apart of this mans "Crowd".

[edit on 16-7-2009 by Dewm0nster]

posted on Jul, 16 2009 @ 07:37 PM
This guy is following in the footsteps of Barnum.

"Nobody ever lost a dime underestimating the intelligence of the American Public."

The Icke Cocktail:

Mix a little truth with a lot of lies.

Make the consumer of it think they possess information only a select few have.

Hook them by making them feel special.

Ride on the backs of those who are honestly pursuing knowledge.

Stir lightly and serve.

My humble opinion of course.

posted on Jul, 16 2009 @ 07:42 PM

Originally posted by Dewm0nster
Not to mention that glare like, drunken-step father squint he's constantly wearing.

Ok, that is an absolutely perfect description. I don't know why I went so long never finding the right words for that look.

Normally I wouldn't even make a post about that sort of comment but that's a bullseye.

posted on Jul, 16 2009 @ 07:45 PM
Yeah i can't stand this guy. But of course I don't like most these types of people in ufology, and I can't stand Alex Jones types at all. Fear mongers is all they are, imo.

[edit on 16-7-2009 by jeasahtheseer]

posted on Jul, 16 2009 @ 11:17 PM
The fact that some of Mr. Icke's evidence is true, does not confirm that his conclusions are justified. Every effective demagogue mixes fact and fiction to make their claims more credible. If all their claims are clearly untrue, then people quickly lose interest. The claimant becomes known as a crackpot.

At best, calling politicians "reptilian" is a metaphor, not a literal fact. It is true that many politicians are so addicted to power and its trappings that they abandon all human virtues in order to obtain or maintain power. It is said that we have a "reptilian" brain, a part of us that has no conscience and few, if any emotions. Many politicians appear to be functioning at this reptilian level, but it has nothing to do with being reptilian aliens. It's just that these politicians are cold-blooded and operate without regard to humanity, compassion, or morality.

Humans are entirely capable of acting like reptiles. I see no good reason to invoke an alien race of reptilian creatures to explain this human trait.

posted on Jul, 17 2009 @ 12:00 AM

Originally posted by chiron613
It's just that these politicians are cold-blooded and operate without regard to humanity, compassion, or morality.

Not in Ickes eyes

He truly believes they are a Reptilian race. Also just wondering why people havent challenged the fact that he took a fictional literature as fact? Its obviously not real, and it has been proven, the link shows that.

And Im still confused as to why people call this a hate thread? I dont like the guy because he's an extortionistand does this all for money...yet apparently Im the bad guy

posted on Jul, 17 2009 @ 01:49 AM
David Icke put things together in a concise manner back in the 90s with the book- And the Truth Shall Set You Free. I still recommend this book to people to this day. In it he lays out the power structures in flow charts that are verifiable.

In- The Biggest Secret he delves into the symbology of the Elite and yes, tips his hat on the Reptilian aspect. It is true that he is passing on what other alleged eye witnesses have told him but he does go to the trouble of bringing up many historical and physical references as well, such as strange dragon statues surrounding the Crown district of London and the Gargoyles on many gothic cathedrals just to name a couple of his many examples.

I don't lose confidence in Mr. Icke when he goes out on the Reptilian limb. I don't swallow it hook line and sinker either. I put it in the grey basket like Stanton Friedman does with many things that can not be proven either way. I do appreciate the fact that he has taken the time to bring it amongst a slew of other things to my attention however.

For example: It is very easy for me or anyone to spot an illuminati front organization thanks to Mr. Icke. All you have to do is look at their company motto. If it has the color blue prominent over the color red (as in blue over and above the red) or an all seeing eye thrown in than you have a very safe bet that company is backed by elitists. He goes into detail about how he arrived to this conclusion and I must admit that it is quite sound.

When picking up a David Icke book my advice is to have time set aside. This is for your daily life's sake, because you wont be able to put the book down once you start reading. He takes the time to cite his sources as well and he does it thoroughly. He does this better than most conspiracy authors by the way. Must have been something that he learned the importance of when he was in the media.

He also was one of the first authors to publish an in depth account of the multitude of 911 inconsistencies that remain so to this day in his book Alice In Wonderland And The World Trade Center Disaster.

In addition I must add that rather than his theories becoming more far out as time has progressed, I have observed that they actually have become more consolidated and organized. As opposed to some authors who develop John Leer's coined term -UFOitis- which means that a author begins to make things up once his original material exhausts itself. Icke tends to stick to his research and intuition.

In the end he's basically telling the reader that we are all on this planet or dimension of experience to learn how to love in spite of the obstacles that this world puts in between you and that virtue. It is up to the reader to decide if he/she is going to love regardless of the Cheneys, Hitlers, Stalins, Reptilians, etc.

I'd like to remind everyone that he does tell the reader to go out and challenge his assertions because he knows that he is never going to be 100% right as none of us are ever going to be either. I find this to be very sobering advice.

In closing, David Icke in the end is braver than almost all of us I feel. His life story bears this out. Now that, I can truly respect. To call him a nut is to lazily cop out from the emotions that he has probably stirred inside you. If his opinions threaten some of us because of our race, status, or religious self conceptions than too bad. Go out and present the evidence that he's wrong rather than making baseless whining attacks against a man who has done the research that many of you as of this date have been too lazy to prove to the contrary. Then we can move this topic from a flame post to a proper debate.

[edit on 17-7-2009 by 3DPrisoner]

[edit on 17-7-2009 by 3DPrisoner]

posted on Jul, 17 2009 @ 02:18 AM

Originally posted by OzWeatherman

Originally posted by chiron613
It's just that these politicians are cold-blooded and operate without regard to humanity, compassion, or morality.

Not in Ickes eyes

He truly believes they are a Reptilian race. Also just wondering why people havent challenged the fact that he took a fictional literature as fact? Its obviously not real, and it has been proven, the link shows that.

Wrong you are.

On page 51-52 of his book- And The Truth Shall Set You Free, Icke said this about the Protocols of the Elders of Zion: "Some say they were a forgery made public only to discredit Jews, and I use the term 'Illuminati Protocols' to get away from the Jewish emphasis. If they were a forgery, something that is quite possible, what were they a forgery of, and by who?"

Then he goes on to cite others such as the authors of Holy Blood, Holy Grail, who came to the conclusion that they were authentic and copies of older edicts passed down by the Knights Templars (Who were not Jews!). Regardless of which way they actually are he makes the reader aware of the fact that the Protocols may indeed be false and not of Jewish construction to begin with!!!!

So his argument at the core is against the Illuminati not the Jews. And that's if the papers are authentic in the first place which he was up front about to begin with. This is written down in black/white, in public circulation and therefore easily verifiable. Don't believe me? Go buy his book and prove me wrong.

So, until you can do this for us.... You stand corrected on his claims to the nature of authenticity about those controversial essays.

Edited for a spelling error,= site changed to cite.

[edit on 17-7-2009 by 3DPrisoner]

posted on Jul, 17 2009 @ 02:42 AM
reply to post by 3DPrisoner

The Protocols has been proven to be a literary forgery and hoax as well as a clear case of plagiarism.

I guess you didnt read my first post correctly, where I stated where the idea came from

First of it was written by a guy against Napoleans regime, and it was rewritten by two Russians, replacing Napolean with the Jews. So it has been proven as a literary forgery and it is quite well known who rewrote it. Just read the opening, it clearly states their names and where they are from

posted on Jul, 17 2009 @ 03:07 AM
Whether or not an Elder of Zion actually gave these lectures described in the Protocols, which i believe they did, and no amount of disinfo. will sway me otherwise, it is clear that Zionist Jews are using them today...i mean, have you even read the protocols! tell me that's not whats going on today!

posted on Jul, 17 2009 @ 04:28 AM
Icke has this "new ager" apeal and says things people want to hear like "there is a shape shifting reptillian at the root of your failure" and that your on a "hiding to nothing" to beat them. Your only chance is to reach some kind of enlightenment that is untangible and imeasurable but he has achieved it.

I personally think he has some things right like the herd mentality of humanity and the fact that a small minority pull the strings of the majority but it doesn't take a genius to work this out. The fact is some people are not as intelligent as yourself and suffer the consequences and some are of a high intellect that do a damn sight better in this world than you do.

posted on Jul, 17 2009 @ 08:26 AM

Originally posted by OzWeatherman
reply to post by 3DPrisoner

The Protocols has been proven to be a literary forgery and hoax as well as a clear case of plagiarism.

I guess you didnt read my first post correctly, where I stated where the idea came from

First of it was written by a guy against Napoleans regime, and it was rewritten by two Russians, replacing Napolean with the Jews. So it has been proven as a literary forgery and it is quite well known who rewrote it. Just read the opening, it clearly states their names and where they are from

Oh I read and responded to your post correctly and I shall reproduce it here for you again where you said: "Also just wondering why people havent challenged the fact that he took a fictional literature as fact? Its obviously not real, and it has been proven, the link shows that. "

You stated that he took a fictional literature as fact when this is certainly not the case. He took a essay of literature as not proven either way. He clearly articulates that on page 51-52 in And The Truth Shall Set You Free.

It was you however who tried to misrepresent his statements as being firmly in camp with the Protocols of the Elders of Zion being fact. Don't try and squirm your way out of this now when everyone here can read this page of posts and see exaclty what you said in comparison to what Icke actually wrote.

If you are going to put words in somebody's mouth in an effort to smear their character than at least make sure that those words are true otherwise the facts will come back to haunt you.

Now, if Icke had began his premise on the platform that they were real beyond a doubt and stated this then I'd be on your side here but he did not.

You were wondering why nobody had challenged your assertion that Icke takes the Protocols of the Elders of Zion as being fact and now somebody like myself has come along to offer you that callenge.

Your baseless claim on this point is grounded in bunk as I have the evidence that states his true belief in their validity that does not give 100% credence either way. He is up front with the reader right at the very beginning of his premise so the reader can beware.

If you wish to open a debate on the authenticity of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion than that's fine. I just ask that you don't attempt deception in order to slander others is all.

posted on Jul, 17 2009 @ 12:27 PM
reply to post by Dewm0nster

So David Icke is a fraud, a con man, and those who read his books are somehow gullible, paranoid, and pathetic. Wow totally hypocritical coming from someone who reads and believes in the bible.

First off nobody is forcing anybody to buy his books or attend his shows. It just seems like some Christians get a bit hot under the collar when people such as David Icke criticize the bible, which he has every right to do considering how much nonsense it contains. There's probably more truth in David Icke's books and that's saying something.

posted on Jul, 17 2009 @ 12:43 PM
reply to post by kindred

So I guess you didn't quite get the just of my post.

I made a comparrison about literature being skewed.

I said that the bible's underlined meaning is to do well; which it is.
Almost all religions provide a good basis on how to live your life- But that doesn't make the other 90% of their teachings right.

I'll forgive you; as misreading a post like that is embarrassing enough.

posted on Jul, 17 2009 @ 12:46 PM
reply to post by OzWeatherman

While I also find the theories about Reptilians absurd. I also like to keep an open mind. My hypothesis is taken fron David Icke's books.

If these beings really do exist, then how does one go about proving the existence of an Alien race whose techology is supposedly a million years ahead of our own. They probably have cloaking & holographic technology and all other kinds of tech that would appear magical to any human. They are also telepathic and can read your mind, so they know what you're going to do even before you do it and that's not counting their strength which is x10 compared to our own. So how would you go about exposing such powerful beings, if they do happen to exist?

[edit on 17-7-2009 by kindred]

posted on Jul, 17 2009 @ 12:53 PM
David Icke has some theories that are right on. The only thing is that these are only the beginning of these theories. And nothing else is know past that. Take the reptilian alien conspiracy. He knows that there is something strange about those people in charge but is not sure what. You and I ask him what is so strange and he has to make up something. Then when people press him for more information he has to make up more. The beginning of the Truth is coming out but nobody knows what is past that. So conspiracies have to be invented to give people a reason as to what Happens Next. Understand?

posted on Jul, 17 2009 @ 12:53 PM
reply to post by kindred

Using that logic, how do you even uncover them in the first place.
If "their" technology is "millions of years" ahead of us, why is apparent "proof" of them so abundant on youtube?

These people can't smell the BS at their knees.

posted on Jul, 17 2009 @ 12:58 PM
David: Something is strange with these world leaders.
Person: What would that be.
David: They all act the same.
Person: Doesn't everyone act pretty much the same?
David: yeah but these people are different.
Person: How so?
David: I don't know - maybe they are aliens or something

Other Person: Hey everyone, David said the world leaders are aliens!

posted on Jul, 17 2009 @ 01:00 PM
reply to post by DocDoyle

Waste of a post.

Oh my, how strange, world leaders are (normally) intelligent, organized, and have, plans.

How horrifying that the people who lead us have agendas.

Well they'd God damn better, that's what we elected them for.

Thank God people like Icke can crawl out of their hole every now and then to drag a few more suckers in too.

posted on Jul, 17 2009 @ 01:16 PM
reply to post by Dewm0nster

You'll always get hoaxers posting videos on YouTube claiming they have proof of reptillians, but they also post videos of UFO's, Nessie, Gnomes, religious & government conspiracies, but that doesn't change the fact that nobody really knows what the the truth is and because they are conspiracies, we probably never will, until someday the s### really does hit the fan.

[edit on 17-7-2009 by kindred]

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